Music and Production


ill o.g.
I hate to say it but at the moment I feel like the vast majority of hip hop is bland, uninspired and unimaginative drivel. Rap music for me has always been the most expressive form of music and its potential is so rarely realised. A form of music in which messages can be put across poignantly and directly and yet most acts seem only to be interested in expressing how many bitches/diamonds/cars they’ve got.

Sure there are a few acts around at the moment like Kanye, Ghostface, Immortal Technique etc that are intent on pushing the music forward and breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes but these acts sadly seem to be the minority.

Therefore my goal with music is to make the kind of shit I would wanna hear. My MC talks about the kinda shit I wanna hear about and expresses the kind of views I agree with. Ideally I would like to remain independent and have complete control over the kind of music we do - which seems to be getting more and more common in the UK.

The way I see it – if I continue to make music that I wanna hear and my MC continues to express himself truthfully then hopefully someone else will like it too.



Akai Till I Die...
ill o.g.
i guess i do it to put my brand of hip hop out to the masses. the way premo, pete rock, nottz, and a whole lot of dudes that did it. it's something i love. money is not my motivation. although, i wouldn't mind getting paid for it...


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
I got into production because when I started off, I was on the artist side, and eventually got behind-the-boards becuz I'm one of those types that need to have an understanding of all parts of the process and producing is part of that evolution to be complete musically.

I prefer engineering sessions because when you find those artists that you work well with, you can make magic in the studio and you're "responsible" for shaping the overall sound of the record.


Roving Beat Maker
ill o.g.
I been a fan of music all my life, I feel its the best way for me to express myself. I played the violin for 5 years, and didn't get into beat makin until a friend gave me a copy of FL 3. From then on I realized that this was somthin I really wanted to persue, but the lack of money and being the oldest child in a family that was at the time goin thru financial problems, and college lookin like it was pretty much out the picture kinda drove me into the navy, where i currently attend nuclear power school, and have a purchased version of FL, lol. I've never sold a beat, altho ive had offers - kinda dont trust too many people - i pretty much just do this for fun, and the love of music.

Erica Johnson

ill o.g.
diskrete said:
I been a fan of music all my life, I feel its the best way for me to express myself. I played the violin for 5 years, and didn't get into beat makin until a friend gave me a copy of FL 3. From then on I realized that this was somthin I really wanted to persue, but the lack of money and being the oldest child in a family that was at the time goin thru financial problems, and college lookin like it was pretty much out the picture kinda drove me into the navy, where i currently attend nuclear power school, and have a purchased version of FL, lol. I've never sold a beat, altho ive had offers - kinda dont trust too many people - i pretty much just do this for fun, and the love of music.
Basically, you blow shit up? Including speakers? LOL

Wait, wait, my bad, you said nuclear POWER, meaning energy sources, not the offensive bombs. LOL


Roving Beat Maker
ill o.g.
Erica Johnson said:
Basically, you blow shit up? Including speakers? LOL

Wait, wait, my bad, you said nuclear POWER, meaning energy sources, not the offensive bombs. LOL

lol, yea imma be operatin a power plant