most hood city in the US(what are your picks)


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
WHats ur pick for the grimeist city in the US. Notice i entire say city, not just area or hood(every city gots its rough spots)

My pick is Baltimore, Maryland hands down,

this has been the murder captioal (or atleast in the top 3 ) for the past 10 years. At one point 5 bodies were being dropped a day(this aint nothing to be proud about). Ive been all over the US and the world and i come from a rough area myself(jordan park projects, Tampa FL)
but this ENITRE city has a fasincaiton with death and violience, its part of the culture. U can even hear it in the music(people from this area know about B-more club and gunshots)



I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
StressWon said:
Yo, I was in B-More in 01,,,that shit was hood man! I was stayin at the Holiday Inn for a weddin and then we bounce from the reception and shit was like walkin down Newark streets. But I think DC gets that,,,Murder Capitol right?

Nahh i dotn think DC gets it(im not from there but my family is so i know it well)
THing about DC it has its rough spots but it has its rich areas too. IT just depends on where u go. NW is straight yuppies. And alot of white people are buying up property in DC so the value in the city is actually going up. Places like georgetown etc.. are expensive as hell, congressmen live their

Baltimore on the other hand is differnt. i can say for a fact the ENTIRE city is gully man, from end to end. The only way to get in nice areas is to go to baltimore county(outside city limits).
Thing is Baltimore aint big at all, but it has a higher crime rate the NYC man. Shit is crazy...


Here is my top 5 list

New Orlenes


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Shit Milwaukee is rough! But Chicago is rough as fuck! Them cat's over there don't play! I remember me and my boy went to K-Town (that's the westside). and this cat threw a bottle at my boys car cause he looked at him, lol. The Southside is bad too though.. I don't know, I been there alot of times and I'd have to say that shit is GRIMEY as FUCK!!!

Top 5 (without being to alot of these places. Just hearing stories from people I know and seeing and hearing what goes on.)

Miami (them hatian dudes don't play)
New Orleans (Serioulsy, The N.O. is probably the most poor city out of all of these and them cat's kill to eat.)

The Bastard

the most hood hood city around me is prolly dorchester,ma aka ''deadchester'' the most hood city i ever been to prolly has to be nyc queens


ill o.g.
London actually has a crime/murder rate than NYC [I can't actually remember which for sure, but I remember reading it from a very legitamte source], as does Leicester if I'm not mistaken.

I know this is slightly irrelevant because the topic was 'the most hood city in the US', but I just thought I'd raise a point. Where I live people also get the crap beaten out of them for no reason whatsoever, and in fact one of my close friends was actually stabbed [for literally no reason] in an areas covered by CCTV whith absolutely no consequences whatsoever. I'm by no means trying to claim that I live 'in the ghetto' or in a really rough area, but I've personally noticed in the last couple of years that serious altercations/violence/vandalism around my area [and the UK in general] have been getting a lot more frequent and a lot more intense. [see the obnoxious phenonenom labelled 'happy slapping']


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90

True but to be honest london and the UK in general aint nothing compared to the states. I mean im not an expert and like i said there are rough spots everywhere. BUt i noticed in london espically its all about hype. FOr example I go back and forth between brixition stonebrige when i go to london(Thats where my boys stay) these are suppose to be the roughist areas in the UK. They aint shit man. Most of the times cats watch the new 50 cent video and try to emulate what they see. Again im not saying the UK dont have its share of spots, but alot of that ish over their is hype. And i have alot of experince over there



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
Lex said:
London actually has a crime/murder rate than NYC [I can't actually remember which for sure, but I remember reading it from a very legitamte source], as does Leicester if I'm not mistaken.

I know this is slightly irrelevant because the topic was 'the most hood city in the US', but I just thought I'd raise a point. Where I live people also get the crap beaten out of them for no reason whatsoever, and in fact one of my close friends was actually stabbed [for literally no reason] in an areas covered by CCTV whith absolutely no consequences whatsoever. I'm by no means trying to claim that I live 'in the ghetto' or in a really rough area, but I've personally noticed in the last couple of years that serious altercations/violence/vandalism around my area [and the UK in general] have been getting a lot more frequent and a lot more intense. [see the obnoxious phenonenom labelled 'happy slapping']

Yeh that happy slappin thing was crazy, lil kids walkin up to grown men and women n slappin them while recording it on their phones. There were some really bad incidents that grew from that as well like the dude who was sleepin at a bus stop n some kids set fire to him while recordin it on their phones.

classic said:

True but to be honest london and the UK in general aint nothing compared to the states. I mean im not an expert and like i said there are rough spots everywhere. BUt i noticed in london espically its all about hype. FOr example I go back and forth between brixition stonebrige when i go to london(Thats where my boys stay) these are suppose to be the roughist areas in the UK. They aint shit man. Most of the times cats watch the new 50 cent video and try to emulate what they see. Again im not saying the UK dont have its share of spots, but alot of that ish over their is hype. And i have alot of experince over there


Some of it is hype but there are also some terrible incidents. Like the kid who was killed with an axe to teh head cos he had a white girlfriend. Or the lil girl who was shot cos she lived in the wrong neighbourhood. these are the ones that we hear about there are a lot of incidents that we dont hear about.

But the latest is a 14 year old girl gang raped by between 14 - 20 guys for shoplifting.

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
*sigh* New Orleans 13th ward.....when I stayed in New Orleans it was like 5 people gettin killed every 30 seconds thats no exaggeration they used to have people get on the news cryin about theyre sons and questioning the whole city on the reason for all the killins but the shit obvious. Dudes gotta eat, some of them be on that gorilla (heroin) and would kill a nigga for $500. Straight up you could put a hit on practically anybody in the boot for $500. 3 of my homeboys got killed 2 at clubs and one down the street fom my aunt's house (she stayed in St.Bernard). To my understanding they closed down Clara Court anyway so.....whatever


ill o.g.
classic said:

True but to be honest london and the UK in general aint nothing compared to the states. I mean im not an expert and like i said there are rough spots everywhere. BUt i noticed in london espically its all about hype. FOr example I go back and forth between brixition stonebrige when i go to london(Thats where my boys stay) these are suppose to be the roughist areas in the UK. They aint shit man. Most of the times cats watch the new 50 cent video and try to emulate what they see. Again im not saying the UK dont have its share of spots, but alot of that ish over their is hype. And i have alot of experince over there


I know you do, because of attentively reading other stuff you have said about the UK and to be honest I could't agree more about places like Brixton: they are somewhat over hyped and given a bad name. I'm not saying that they're not rough and that stuff like that doesn't go down....From my experience, mainly from where I live but other people elsewhere in the country, it's the small, lesser-known pockets of well, disadavantages areas both in large cities such as London but also small towns up and down the country. [not dissimalar to where I live].

I can't say by any means that I have a lot of experience with such places in the U.S. , although I have been to some rougher areas of NY when I stayed there. What I was trying to basically say is that recently I've been noticing stuff around me getting a lot more sporadic, more frequent and more violent and this is something wthat orryingly seems to be the case around the country [from what in hear in terms of people I actually know as well as news reports etc.]

Again, just the very concept of 'happy slappping' is a sign of what's going on.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
my pick is cincinnati them dudes up their are crazy as hell just shooting people because they from a diffrent part of town, riots becuase cops shooting black males 21 times, been named murder capital a couple times and shit,

now downsouth i would say mobile alabama, dem dudes is crazy as hell don't know what to say, mafia deep as hell down their you can find bodies like hell in the ocean,


ill o.g.
Well, groups of people normally aged anywhere from 12-18 [sometimes even older if they're sad enough] go out in groups and beat the crap out of someone or set them on fire, stab them, steal from them, hit them with random objects, run them over etc for no reason whatsoever and film the whole thing with camara phones - to show to their friends when they get back to their estate or in school or whatever.

The worst part is that is something that occurs extremely regularly and all around the country. You really don't have to live in a 'rough' areas to whitness or hear about this either. All for absolutely no reason at all of course.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I went to college in Richmond which had some ruff spots up over in Churchill and grew up here and got family all up in NY and Jersey....Jersey City kinda gritty though LOL....but DC always deceives people by what you see I really dont think any part of the city or surroundings are immune look back to the 80's when they had like 400 murders in a year thats crazy....shit this year PG county as of the 17 of October..had 140 yes 140 murders LOL and that really is so close to DC..thats about the same as baltimore at this point...for those of you who dont know its right beside it....DC had 158 murders alone....but it only has less than 600,00 people thats crazy so with these two areas beside each they are literally so close as in minutes apart you combine those numbers thats pretty ugly.......that still is high rate in comparison to population......but I got statistics on robberies that is completely off the meter...LOL....I heard Detroit is ruff I never been there...I been to Chicago a few times but I made it back safe....I live in Arlington Va but I got plenty of family in the the district and I grew up here and there....I could not find the exact number for Baltimore but I think its about the same at this point as far as numbers...but I like when people ask these kind of questions.....the statistics sometimes help out too....


ill o.g.
Craig Gantt said:
^^^carry a burner then you dont have to worry about stupid shit like that

Fuck that mate, that just gets you involved with a whole different lifestyle, a completely different way of thinking. One which I really would like to keep well away from.


ill o.g.
Well I can only say where I've been and Oakland and Richmond pretty much tie for the Bay Area's worst. Because Oakland is like 4 times the size of Richmond it has both worse parts and better parts, but I'd say they average out to about the same.


ill o.g.
TORONTO ! Shitz gettin worse an worse Cuz Immigrants keep comin 2 Canada and they all come to T.O cuz the Goverment is dumb and dont give people any other logical options

Not Tryna be Racist but I got a bit of a Sour Taste in my Mouth Since my Brother got Shot last Month


ill o.g.
Oh ya From what I seen in that Hood 2 Hood Video someone I no has It seems that Gary Indiana Looked Pretty Ruff , Detriot , And CHicago too.