most hood city in the US(what are your picks)


ill o.g.
Naw But T.O may as well be in America if u ever come here u wud no wat I mean its Basically Clone Central

dj ShorTbuS

Cold Get Retarded
ill o.g.
I just moved to the south side of chicago(S. State & 33rd) to go to school and what ive heard its not the area to go wandering around in. but that's just what iv'e heard around campus. I've got around a little bit and had no problems but that don't really mean shit. I can say it's the grimiest place i've ever lived, but as far the entire U.S. I don't know.


ill o.g.
classic said:
I liked tornto, to me it was like the US without the violence and bullshit. Plus tthey love Black americans(espically during carabanna)


Haha ya its the Accent Only I tell you Thats the only Reason my Cousin be Pullin all these Ho's when he come up from NY

The Bastard

id have to say .... green wich connecticut, home of the mean street posse
<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">


ill o.g.
South Side Chicago is fucking bad. I've been to every major hood in the states and that was the only place I've ever been scared for my life, and I lived there. The gangs run shit.

In some places it's complete anarchy. Bodies get torched in trash cans because police and ambulances don't go out there. It ain't a joke. If you get off the wrong exit from the highway you'll be caught up by an army of niggaz chilling in front of a liqour store ready to unload.

Lee Suggs of the Baltimore Ravens grew up there too. He was terrified about the NFL draft because it was speculated Chicago might take him, after getting out he never wanted to go back. Even though he'd be a millionaire and never have to set foot in that part of town.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
detroit is gully ... i know that i used to stay there during summers

i live in bedstuy brookln but its not all that bad... bedtsuy is gully only in certain places.. brownsville is fairly gully... but again anyplace can be dangerous at times ..... certain areas upstate in albany, syracuse, and buffalo are not safe at all..

never been to baltimore recently... watchin the wire has got me spooked lol

never been to the west coast recently either but thats gotta be strange with all the colors and gangs and shit... i mean theres gangs in the east coast but it aint like i gotta make sure im wearing a neutral color an shit..... i do see alot of bloods in new york though.. even upstate ...., lotta latin kings in washington heights and bushwick, brooklyn.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
this is a interesting thread, keep it comin. i aint gonna say anythin coz iv never been to the states, but:

iv noticed no one has mentioned Compton, LA. educate me.



I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
good stuff but...

Some of Yall are only naming specific areas of cities(southside chi, S.E dc etc..) I wanted entire cities. We all know every US city has its rough spots, espically since the crack epademic of the 80's.
im from jordan park , that dont mean nothing to yall ,but anybody from tampa bay area knows that gets stripes. But still thats only one area of tampa. Same wit miami, chi town and NY. I want entire cities

I choose baltimore becasue the ENTIRE city is gully, from end to end. Crack left such a vaccume in this city that its still recovering.


Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
Lex said:
Fuck that mate, that just gets you involved with a whole different lifestyle, a completely different way of thinking. One which I really would like to keep well away from.
yeah thats true its some crazy shit goin on over there though just dont get caught slippin i guess


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Classic you are absolutely correct, I read a statistic about the city of Bmore and it says that 10% the population is addicted to drugs....and i also know from personal experience I have relatives in Bmore too, that are on the far end of the pun...its gully I agree though...but the number one was New Orleans, their murder rate was like 52 or 53 before other city was even close....its hard to name one though because you have to be traveled to most of the major areas to compare....and not only traveled but possbly lived there for enuff of a period to say its really gully...a few days in a city isnt enuff to make up my mind on how hard it might be though....not like I really like to find out though..


ill o.g.
B-More is Crazy. I read a book "Homocide" by David Simon, the guy who does The Wire on HBO. He followed the homocide unit of B-More around for a year. Crazy.

One detective was investigating a murder but couldn't get any dirt on his main suspect. He moved on to a new case and needed to exhume a body. He went to the graveyard and the dude that ran that was shady and doing mass burials (just dumping bodies in a pit). Anyways, the body they pulled up was the wrong body, but it turned out to be the father's corpse of the main suspect from the other case! Crazy!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Shitz real around hurr

oh...US? hmm, haven't been there so I don't know :p


ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
iv noticed no one has mentioned Compton, LA. educate me.

Yeah, most people on here are from the east coast, Compton without a doubt makes the list, I don't think that even needs to be said.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Haven't been to other cities that much but I gotta say New Orleans and Baltimore are top cuz I heard New Orleans has the highest poverty rate and with what they're goin through right now prolly raised it even more. And yeah Bmore is def. crazy, just last week one of my church member's uncle got shot in CherryHills because the customer was high at the time and they had an arguement. He left, came back with a gun and shot him. Stuff is crazy.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
o-a-ksavage said:
Yeah, most people on here are from the east coast, Compton without a doubt makes the list, I don't think that even needs to be said.

yeh i noticed this too, not many members are from the west here. the only ones that jump to mind are yourself, cold truth and 50 cal. wonder why that is.


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
Yeah, Bmore is rugged but I don't think its worse than LA and I know its not worse
than the N.O. pre-Katrina.

In L.A., if you DON'T wish to be gang-affiliated, you can't even go to certain schools.
Most cats I know had to catch like 3 buses everyday just to avoid the gang bang lifestyle.

The ONLY safe place in New Orleans is the French Quarter, and that's cuz its police around there crazy.

Louie Lou

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
F@ckin The boroughs of NY has this hands down for the last 200 yrs or so.... I've been to alot of cities and ny is just grimey.

Even the rich sections of manhattan are grimey....(rats, roaches, dirty streets, weird residents, crime...the whole nine. Brooklyn is crime ridden and the bronx is totally gutter.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
^^^^^ny is grimy but not nesscearily dangerous ... its def grimey tho in terms of archiecture, roaches, rats, and defitnely has the craziest citizens worldwide... its grimey and niggaz iz wildin no doubt but theres also cops like on every corner and if you keep a level head and dont act the fuc up like a loser you should have no problem .. the city has cleaned up alot since the mid ninties when it was really bad... and sincce 9/11 theve increased the police so much that you cant go 3 blocks anywhere without seein at least 1 cop car... in manhattan you will see some type of law enforcement on damn near every single block..