Mix Battles ?

  • beat this! voting starts in...
you know, all of those ideas from you guys sounds great...but we can't even get members to sign up for themed contests...so you really think there will be a lot of members interested in the ideas of mixing competitions....i'm not by no means hating on anyone but we've had the last theme of just making a beat at 120bpms and a few people had problems with that...there were some who didn't even have 120bpms and still submitted their beats anyway....so it might can work with mixing contest...but i definitely think that the idea JodiKurtis had about team battles would be dope...because you still will have to improve your editing and mixing skills...and to @ArvanArmani, yes you do need mixing skills to be hired as a producer for a major label or just making beats independantly you have to know how to use a mixing board, because track seperation is the key to better sounding tracks..but keep brainstorming guys..i like it


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 151
It's kinda hard to make a mix contest allot of files are needed to make a good judgement i think if the beat is really well mixed. Depends how you mix a beat btw.. Hmm see like mix contest i would like to hear the unmixed version of the beat and the mixed version of the beat to check if the beat is really good mixed.. Ofcourse you can just mix it straight away and bam you say this is mixed version of the beat but to hear what you mixed you need the clean version to check.. Or maybe im just thinking to hard haha.. anyway good idea like it.
I'm really looking for ideas to fix the problems , i don't think A Lot of Files would be a Problem , and even if it is It's better than Nothing , I'm trying to fix it anyways . mixers don't have anything for themselves .

This is necessary for ILLmuzik , because :

1 : with the new Beat It Up thing , a lot of people are coming to ILLmuzik , so if they see Mix battles And Beat battles here , they will all love it .

2 : you may find forums with Beat Battles , but you can never find forums with Mix Battles , Many mixers and beatmakers who wanna gain mixing skills will come to ILLmuzik for it .

3 : If we don't make Mix Battles , Mixers will never find out how good they are .