Looking for the wav


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
First scratch record I ever bought was called "the ultimate scratch record", bought it at Grammaphone in Chicago for eight bucks, way way back in the day (that's also where I bought the 12" of T.R.O.Y. before the Mecca and the Soul Brother LP dropped). One side had all of the classic scratching sounds, the other side had four instrumentals. The instrumentals kind of sucked.
All of the Qbert Records are dope, I got the toasted marshmallow, battle and shampoo breaks...my favorite is the shampoo breaks, it's got instrumentals of "punks jump up to get beat down" and "t'cha t'cha"...


Ya I got to get myself more of QBerts stuff, I only have the superseal record. Trying to build a collection like it seems you have, y'know. I haven't found many people who do much scratching on this site- or rather I prolly havent looked hard enough. I'm trying to do some primo type chorus scratches for some of my beats- that shit is dope. Its amazing how he can link classic hip hop lines together to make something new all through the tables.


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Primo is one of the best ever, definitely agreed. I also like the Terminator X/PrincePaul/DJ Too Tuff cuts, back when the DJ would get one song on an album to focus on his skills.
I think probably half the people on illmuzik can scratch, it's just not that common on a producers site. Scratching is kind of like lyrics or instruments, most people add those in after they got the beat down, and most of what people post are beats they made before they add live music on top...
The other half probably have no interest in hearing scratching on a track, it seems like turntablism was big in the late 90's then people lost interest. Can't remember the last time I heard someone cutting on a radio song....
In the event you lay down some cuts, use the primo influence, but come with something new. Already too many people out there biting primo's style, use that influence along with your other influences and come original.
Scratching or no scratching, there's a lot of talented people on this site with a lot of valuable wisdom to get you goin...

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
Big Tone - LOL! Man I'm dating myself, but I was really into UTFO when I was a youngin. Remember the Mix Master ICE in the ninja gear back in the day? I thought that was tight. hahaha!

that was and still is my shit. my old school collection is crazy. i still have about a crat and a half of my old records from when i was a dj. im talkin white lines planet rock shit like that.


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Hey y'all,
Just talked to Martin (the guy who recorded the "fresh" sound effect), here's his reply:

"I think it was 'This stuff is really fresh' ..it was a common vocoder ..so
the sound mainly came from the synth which might have been a Prophet 5

So there you have it, it's a mic going through a synth, cool shit.



Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Hey Relic,
I googled the track, found the engineer (Martin Bisi), just sent him an email to see what he used. FYI, they recorded this track in Brooklyn back in 82. Homeboy still has a studio in BK, but records mostly alternative (Sonic Youth, etc)...

Well its been a year...What did he use??

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