is this true


The Bastard

On May 10, 2008. they are gonna give us a new national ID that has a chip in it so they can track anyone down at anytime. if so i will flush mine down the toilet


ill o.g.
that shit is going down i the UK now, cept the bill didnt get thro parliament because of the 7/7 london bombings...they agreed that ID cards wouldnt have stopped the attact.

In england it is called BIOMETRICS, they take your DNA, fingerprints, and retina scan, then chip the card. Government then sets up an "electronic boarder" so that it can track everyones movements especially who is coming in and out of the country.

I thought the amendment to the Patriot Act didnt get through, i thought Bush wanted an extension but it failed?

if you do flush it YOU WILL GO doubt

i wrote a rant on this before....



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
i dont get how those things are supposed to work. In the end your only going to be able to properly keep track of law abiding citizens, so how does it help?? Or am i missing something?


ill o.g.
that is the whole point that is why it is a farce, why the fuck should i, an innocent citizen have to give my DNA to the government so they can track my movements?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
As many of you may or may not know I worked at and for an undisclosed well known gov agency about 2 years ago, biometrics was one of my big projects to both program and deploy, I have a Degree in Info Systems and also an associates in Computer Electronics tech also....biometrics is real, they have something called a cac, this is not classified either but anyhow they have a way to take all of your information from a computer and encode it onto a chip....all of the id's civilian and military have one of these allows access to buildings, computers and everything, now there are some states that are going to be using these on ID's and also drivers licenses I have heard plans for other uses also.....even before 911 I had a farm I worked in...(thats where large numbers of servers are kept)...that I could enter by placing my finger and entire hand over to gain access....

The Bastard

Haze47 said:
that is the whole point that is why it is a farce, why the fuck should i, an innocent citizen have to give my DNA to the government so they can track my movements?
for real, they should make it mandatory for level 3 sex offenders, convicted murderers,peoples that arent citizens like temp imigrants wit green cards. not tryin to purposly group imigrants with sex offenders either, i got immigrants in my family. jus sayin if ANYONE should be made mandatory to carry them cards it should be them peoples


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
A B said:
i dont get how those things are supposed to work. In the end your only going to be able to properly keep track of law abiding citizens, so how does it help?? Or am i missing something?

lol. YEa that is true.

And that would also be the day i move to canada.


ill o.g.
The Bastard said:
if so i will flush mine down the toilet

Hell yeah, I'm with you, we'll all go to boston and flush ours down the toilet. The Boston ID Party.

I doubt this is real but if it is it's about time to start thinking about overthrowing the government and letting everyone know that our lives belong to us and not the state, "give me liberty or give me death!"

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
It's a good idea but as the Bastard said, they should assign these id's to people new to the country. Not me....shit when's the last time you heard of a Puerto Rican blowin something up....they don't even let us carry the fuck I'ma blow something up....


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Benny BuKu said:
It's a good idea but as the Bastard said, they should assign these id's to people new to the country. Not me....shit when's the last time you heard of a Puerto Rican blowin something up....they don't even let us carry the fuck I'ma blow something up....
Nigga, you know how we fire up grills. Lol. Maaaaaaaaaaad fluid. But thats about the closest we'd get to terroism. Ricans are too lazy to carry out a detailed plot.

The Bastard

this is def bad news. its just an invasion of privacy, and theres no reason for it and it just seems like a waste of time and money, i mean why would the goverment wanna monitor all the gay bars rythmical goes to


ill o.g.
The Bastard said:
this is def bad news. its just an invasion of privacy, and theres no reason for it and it just seems like a waste of time and money, i mean why would the goverment wanna monitor all the gay bars rythmical goes to

oh. i see. lowering the tone eh....

The Bastard

Haze47 said:
oh. i see. lowering the tone eh....
nah imma still flush the card if they ever get issued, norone can force me to cary a tracking device, im not a fuckin robot , just makin light of the situation


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
The Bastard said:
this is def bad news. its just an invasion of privacy, and theres no reason for it and it just seems like a waste of time and money, i mean why would the goverment wanna monitor all the gay bars rythmical goes to
What's the problem now?


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Fuck it. Just buy a cat, and tape that card shit to his collar. Then just tell everyone you work from home. I do that with my ankle tracker.