is this true



StressWon said:
Shit, if the governemnt wants my DNA, I'll go jack off on a Senator or sumthin,,,1

AH FUCKIN MEN!!! see thats tha kind of attitude i like to see! LOLOL..

The Bastard

Fade said:
I'm just checking 'cause you 2 were about to bitch slap each other in that other thread lol.
nah its al lgood me and ryth are buddy buddy like bill and ted,startsky and hutch, and all them other cats


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Haze47 said:
that shit is going down i the UK now, cept the bill didnt get thro parliament because of the 7/7 london bombings...they agreed that ID cards wouldnt have stopped the attact.

In england it is called BIOMETRICS, they take your DNA, fingerprints, and retina scan, then chip the card. Government then sets up an "electronic boarder" so that it can track everyones movements especially who is coming in and out of the country.

I thought the amendment to the Patriot Act didnt get through, i thought Bush wanted an extension but it failed?

if you do flush it YOU WILL GO doubt

i wrote a rant on this before....

Hol up are u serious? Thats some end of dayz shit.
I didnt get past this in the thread yet but uh... thats crucial.
Its gonna be hard to organize against this shit.
I saw that Google is taking heat for refusing to give over to the US gov where its users go.
Good for Google.
For the Non US residents I'm sorry. Here Its like being on a very dangerous broken rollercoaster that you cant get off of.
More serious though Bill Cosby's wife is leading the movement to sign the civil rights"act"
into law.
This means that the right to vote for blacks in the US ends in 2007 or 08 I heard.
When it was first put into place it had an expiriation date somthing they dont tell you in schools.
I hope Im wrong. I hope Fade doesnt think Im going too political.
Research it yourselves, correct me.
Folks I could give a state of the union but Fade says no and ...
Just be a cop youll get inside lol.
Changed 06-07 to 07-08