I found the slavemasters that owned my ancestors

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
im not so sure it helps you to be who you are but its certainly a nice thing to know i mean you were probably around to see your grandparents ? maybe not ? i woz for a few years tho all have now passed on, the time i had with them was great and im really glad that i did have sumtime with them as not everyone is that lucky ! i learnt a lot from them and had a lot of respect for them its interesting to see family trees and how they go back through the years everything on them has had some part to play in determining where/who you are today ! admittadley you can change for the better or worse but that tree still lead to the start of your life at least !


ill o.g.
bigdmakintrax said:
you might rethink your comments, you are only an individual dawg or at least partially by laws and civil rights acts that keep you an individual, without the written laws and constitutional ammendments we would all still be property....your reality of now and all of this crazy utopian thoughts you have about your individualism is due much respect, but it is much disrespect to those that helped you get most of what you are recognizing as reality....

man, like classic's quote you also have me twisted. I have so much respect for the history of the development of the concept of rights and individualism that it's crazy to hear this. I often feel the same way about other people that you are ascribing to me, like how capitalism has benefited us so much, yet people sit on the internet and denounce it despite the fact that if not for those capitalists and the industrial revolution most of us would not exist and those who do would still be dying on average at 30. I appreciate the thinking of people like Aristotle, John Locke and Isaac Newton that benefits me more than can even be said. Basically you're tripping, you misunderstood me.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
o-a-ksavage said:
But what does learning about my ancestors have anything to do with who I am?

Chrono said:
To know your roots is to appreciate the struggle that your ancestors made, to appreciate it is to recogonize the pain they went through so it is never forgotten. It's important because it could give you a new perspective in your own life

i said that because a lot of the time we take short cuts in life that simpily aren't right. we justify our actions based on excuses that deep down we know it's wrong. examples: gettin pussy, gettin money, gettin more pussy. To understand what your specific ansestors went through could help your appreciate and respect yourself and your race. But serious Savage, I have no idea who you are so if this doesn't pertain to you as in you already appreciate yourself/race to great standards then this obviously isn't for you.. but instead the many readers here at illmuzik


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
sYgMa said:
Wow! And do you intend to search deeper... for instance, to see if there are still a lineage of the masters of your ancestor...

If I was you, I would'nt, but I'm just wondering...

nahh i probolly wont, it probolly would be real easy to track em But all that would do is make me fustrated

ill end up driveing to NC and roll up on one of them Malloy cats and punch em right in the grilll.....
But nahh now im gonna reasearch the other side of my family, interestingly my grandfather was an orphan from the bahama's so im gonna see how far i can get wit that.

Personally ive learned ALOT about my self by doing this reasearch, ALMOST every single one of my ancestors was a musican, from a music teacher to a choir director , to a chuch pianist....I found out all this stuff from talking to differnt realtives. YOu will be suprised how much of the stuff you do is inherited from your fam


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
classic said:
Personally ive learned ALOT about my self by doing this reasearch, ALMOST every single one of my ancestors was a musican, from a music teacher to a choir director , to a chuch pianist....I found out all this stuff from talking to differnt realtives. YOu will be suprised how much of the stuff you do is inherited from your fam

now that's a nice finding... for real...!!!! Hope you gonna give music lessons to your kids.


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
I commend anyone who tries to learn more about their lineage. I know that for me personally, I was taught a STRONG sense of family, I knew my family's history, what my name meant, especially in terms of how we related to certain people within the Bible etc.
from as early as I could remember.

Just the IDEA that I come from a family that included a Black mathematician, businessmen, etc. has given me tremendous pride and I carried myself a lil bit more upright because I knew that I was SOMEBODY and I've always felt that way.

Even when I went thru my knucklehead phase I still knew that "We don't get down like this" I need to do better, because I always had a reference point to go back to.

The majority of my family is the same way, and we don't allow disrespect from no outsiders, you're not just fuckin with some dude or chick, you're messin with the NAME as well.

Equality 7-2521

im with o-a-ksavage on this one. thanks for saving me having to write all that.

The Bastard

yo class i could use yur help wit this shit, ive always wanted to know more about my ancestors, and i know my mom was married at somepoint, i know the person she married wasnt my father but itd be cool to know, no1 in my fam will gimmie any onfo, any type of links to good sites to find out would be cool


Posted Up
ill o.g.

I admire your determination and I'm happy you were able to get as far as you have. You're future children will definitely be happy with the link that you have made. I wish you luck in tracing further back.

o-a-ksavage said:
Man, this is something I just do not agree with. Who you are is determined by your convictions, your character and what you do, not who your great grandparents were. We as humans have free will and are born tabula rasa, from there we become who we are by our surrounding influences and primarily the thoughts we have. I don't see how learning about my ancestors could give me a sense of self, other than a sense of their selfs, which to me is the same as learning about a person in history class, other than the added interest of knowing that if not for them I would not be here.

Well said. Our families do shape who we become, but essentially we are our own person and sometimes we forget that. I always trip out when people talk about their anger stemming from events that they never experienced and hold it against people in today's society.

I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea about this comment because I think we can learn from History. Some people don't learn, though! They just harbor hatred and irrationality.



polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
M!nd_Ctrl said:
Some people don't learn, though! They just harbor hatred and irrationality.Ctrl
no doubt, a lot of peple harbor shit outta fear an iggnorance.. straightup afraid to better themselves because they fear the change will only complicate things. but that's getting offtopic

The Bastard

knowing your families history is one of the msot important things. im gunna steal a quote from another great wu album
''If you forget where you come from,You're never gonna make it where you're goin''


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90

we will have to agree to disagree on this one i respect your views but i gues its just the way you were raised. Knowing your roots and family history was instilled in me from a very young age. I document everything (video). I have 6 hour video interviews of each of my grandparents who both lived to their mid 90's

WHen i hear my grandfather talk about watching his brother get lynched when he was 7 years old, Or when i listen to my mother talk about being a black panther...
i think thats something that should be documented and passed down, not to stay angry, but for respect and acknowegement or what people have done before you. Again i have hours of video footage from every famiy memeber i have met talking about their experinces. The more you learn about your hisotry the more you will realise the scrafices that people made so that you can have the views and previlages that you have today...



ill o.g.
classic said:
we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

Aright, I'm for that.

I document everything (video). I have 6 hour video interviews of each of my grandparents who both lived to their mid 90's WHen i hear my grandfather talk about watching his brother get lynched when he was 7 years old, Or when i listen to my mother talk about being a black panther...

See that's tight, I would even be interested in doing something like that, but more for the personal reason of having that as something to watch and remember my grandparents by, and secondly just that historically, aside from family ties, it's tight to hear individual stories and perspectives of what was going on in their times. Like, I'd be down to watch YOUR grandparents' video out of curiousity.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
i tell you this can also be a dangerous activity.

imagine you find out one of your ancestors was a mass murderer, or a rapist or somethin. its gonna make you hate yourself. (though this would be rare and extremely unlucky)



polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Rhythmikal said:
i tell you this can also be a dangerous activity.

imagine you find out one of your ancestors was a mass murderer, or a rapist or somethin. its gonna make you hate yourself. (though this would be rare and extremely unlucky)


like someone said earlier we are in control of our own actions though.. even if one of us had psychotic thoughts passed down the line it would actually make the individual stronger if the conquered it through inner peace. I know it sounds transcendental but seriously some of the most brilliant minds balanced on insanity through sheer willpower. Those were great men,, whoever they were but i know they exsist


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
1851? Jesus... I don't know slavery was still going on that near to now... Shows how ignorant I am...


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
it's amazing how some white families, like mine, never have talked with their children about this. I never even knew what racism was until(13) my best friend(who i knew from the neighborhood) moved to my school, at that point I realized the people i knew were 30% racist, the other 70% didn't know what to think till they found peer pressure. I know it happened a long time ago but hopefully more white parents will educate their children about American history so that our American society can begin to heal.

Yall know when someone avoids knowledge they become iggnorant to truth right? Well I think a portion of white America tries to ignore the things that they don't like to hear and they become defensive because "they didn't have anything to do with it". But that's the wrong idea, i think even beyond race nowadays Parents are the main problem in our society.

berserk said:
1851? Jesus... I don't know slavery was still going on that near to now... Shows how ignorant I am...


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
berserk said:
1851? Jesus... I don't know slavery was still going on that near to now... Shows how ignorant I am...

Slavery in brazil wasent outlawed untill 1892
and they have the largist black population in the world outside of africa

In the states it was outlawed during the civial war, but share cropping and plantation life in the south lasted well into the 1950's