How do you guys feel about the whole 9/11 thing?


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
So at the 10th anniversary of 9/11 I posted a video on facebook about how the science doesn't make sense (among other videos) specifically in regards to the third building that fell that day. You know, the one that was NOT hit by a plane.

I am a very logical person so I don't think we can even say it was the government. All I am willing to say for sure is that the science of the official story does not work one bit. And that is all I claimed on facebook.

I think most of you are friends with me on facebook as well. But I was blown away by the response. I assumed that most Americans are equally skeptical, but at least among most of my facebook friends (not the illmuzik ones) They are not, in fact they called me crazy for saying "Hey, maybe a small fire would not take down and entire skyscraper"

The reaction was violent opposition to anything other than the official story. I never once claimed who did it, I just discussed the science.

So anyway, what do you guys think? Do you buy it?

Ok Stress and 2good I already know what you think :)

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
If you type "NYC" with Wingdings fonts you get this:


Coincidence or conspiracy?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
1) You prob picked the wrong day to bring that convo up

and 2) I would ventrue out to say, most people that are defensive about it, have very good experiences and emotions about our country, our gov't, and have faith in the system for what ever reason.

To answer your question, I dont believe we have all the facts. There couldve been some chemicals in the luggage that increased heat, (why we start being strict on liquids after 9-11), or a multitude of things, all I know is, we DONT know. And may never know in our lifetimes. In fact, if there is a cover up, no one will know (definitively) until america as a land is taken over and all secret documents are released. Anything less would leave doubt in most peoples mind (On both sides, believers and conspiracists).

Info is missing, I cant call it.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
If you type "NYC" with Wingdings fonts you get this:


Coincidence or conspiracy?

There was supposed to be another one with: (Something) - (A building) - then a (plane)

edit: "Q33NY" =


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I agree, but how can you explain the third building in NYC that fell that day?

Im not informed in the details of steel melting points or any other part, but I cant call that. I dont know if the buildings hit each other or if it was a hidden demolition blast or what.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Watching now, but why target that one building so far away?

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Just the whole concept of us being caught off guard... Without jumping far into stock investing records it was always funny to me how a few (only a few) companies started and dove right in construction... Bushes family even dove into it a few weeks before 9/11


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
If you want to find an actual conspiracy, one that kills VASTLY MORE people than the 911 thing ,( which I do believe is what happened in the official story more or less,) then one has to look NO further than the war in Iraq , which the official story has PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt to have been a complete lie based on intentially flawed and ignored intelligence all for the sake of hetting the executive branch and thier friends even MORE rich than they were to begin with.
THAT is where you ought to be looking.
As a govt worker I can assure you that the way things work is FAR less efficient than what you see in the movies and for those guys to be able to get on the planes past security that was paid shit and had NO prior alert or training to look for terrorists Im not surprised, I see shit all the time that makes me wonder places I am at havent been hit because the security is a joke.
If you want to find a conspiracy on 911 Chris , instead of falling down the slippery slope that the govt did it, you dont have to look any further than the Pres was a dumbass as the CIA report labeled "BIN LADEN DETERMINED TO ATTACK TARGETS INSIDE THE UNITED STATES" while Bush stayed on vacation most of his first year, and prolly WHILE the attacks were going on.
You guys give FAR to much credit to the govt . . .
The SHER NUMBERS of all the people that would have had to be in on it would have had agents killing prolly 100,000 Americans alone to tie all the loose ends or else someone would have come out by now.

Go try the ex pres on war crimes for war crimes , thats the actual tragedy conspiracy.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
My only problem with the whole conspiracy thing is what did/would we gain from it? It couldn't be the "war creates jobs" or "boosts the economy" in our country theory...right?!?!?!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
My only problem with the whole conspiracy thing is what did/would we gain from it? It couldn't be the "war creates jobs" or "boosts the economy" in our country theory...right?!?!?!

That, Iraq fuels drug and oil industrys.

You gotta look at who own the govt weapons manufacturing companys, Who owns the fuel companys?

If there is a war, the gov't can take control under the guise of "its for your safety", Theres many little industrys and reasons if you think of it. But also, the glory. Everyone wants to be the hero. Cant be a hero without conflict.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Well #1 the twin towers needed millions of dollars in repair, to the point that it was not cost effective. So at minimum someone got new buildings for free.

But lets stick with the science and what we can know.

What brought down the third building?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Evenso, Im still failing to see how we benefited from this.

Oh, my fault. We arent supposed to. Its not about us. Thats my point.


ill o.g.
the official story is trash...both of the towers fell DIRECTLY into their own foot identical fassion...then put building 7 into the mix...then put the hole in the pentagon that was not big enough to put a plane through, the. add that there was a nation wide drill that day for the exact same attack that was happening, couple THAT with the fact that the 7/7 attacks had police running a train bombing drill and then trains blew up, sprinkle obamas fake situation room shot, add no body for osama...and then top it off with Seal Team 6 ( the guys who went in to " get bin laden" ) dying in a NON COMBAT helicopter crash!