every sound having a purpose


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Am I right abouth this even thoses crappy fl studio simsynth sounds and the normal drums and snares

Where do u guys stand on this ?


ill o.g.
this question is very abstract !?! what do you mean exactly? are you talking about individual sounds or instruments in a track or a specific program?

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 152
i think i know wot u mean, cos i've been thinking the same lately..

the question is kinda abstract but... as far as purpose... even the crappiest sounds can have purpose when used in the right place at the right time. Obviously it's no excuse juz to choose the worst vst insturments and the dodgiest fl studio synths u can find but sometimes the weakness of those sounds adds character in certain situations when u need it... um yea


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Ok what I mean is do u ever consider the worst sounds in your beats u know those really cheesy sounds


ill o.g.
I use crappy FL ... and i do think every sound has its own place...its own style of music...its own characteristic and presence.

Thats why its hard for me to goto reason or cubase, becuase the aura i wanna make...i can only seem to get out of FL....

so it is what it is

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Yaa... no.

If you play with crappy sounds you make a crappy beat.
if u watch my vid "3 beats, 1sample" u'll see that i state "any sound can be used, dont ignore any sounds" if u dont believe that, then ur foolin urself... one thing u must realize is a "crappy" sound doesnt hafta be heard throughout the whole song... just needs to be a "special" sound thats heard sometimes... look at the baby cryin sample in the Aaliyah song, i also heard one of those dirty south songs with the bed squeakin to the rhythm... if it doesnt work for your particular song doesnt mean it sux... it just means its not right for ur song/beat... everyone has different tastes... a classic example is the beat that was presented to Big Daddy Kane, which he turned down, and Biggie used it to create the song "Warning"... everyone has different ideas, just like when we "flip" the same sample every month.

da relic


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
if u watch my vid "3 beats, 1sample" u'll see that i state "any sound can be used, dont ignore any sounds" if u dont believe that, then ur foolin urself... one thing u must realize is a "crappy" sound doesnt hafta be heard throughout the whole song... just needs to be a "special" sound thats heard sometimes... look at the baby cryin sample in the Aaliyah song, i also heard one of those dirty south songs with the bed squeakin to the rhythm... if it doesnt work for your particular song doesnt mean it sux... it just means its not right for ur song/beat... everyone has different tastes... a classic example is the beat that was presented to Big Daddy Kane, which he turned down, and Biggie used it to create the song "Warning"... everyone has different ideas, just like when we "flip" the same sample every month.

da relic

Maybe for a slight stab or somthing barely noticable. You have a cheesy sound for a lead and you have a cheesy beat.

Yea, I know you can use a sound regardless if its cheesey, but it cant be the body of the beat.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
evry sound comes in handy sooner or later ... its all about context .... i use a ton of stock sounds on all my keyboards that sound cheesy soloed but in a well arranged mix they can sound sinitster..... ... the neptunes made there career off of cheesy sounding presets ... its all in the arrangment, and the song structure.... theres lots of beats out there with cheesy sounds that still work.... as a producer i dont think u should think sounds are worthless .... i mean if thats the case "planet rock" should be a wack .. or "friends" by whodini/if i ruled the world nas .... cheesy individual sounds but them beats are bangin the way everything was put togther


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Thats why its hard for me to goto reason or cubase, becuase the aura i wanna make...i can only seem to get out of FL....

so it is what it is


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
this question can be answered by anyone and any number of ways and not be wrong..

Any sound can be usable, if and only if the user knows how to use said sound..

Sorry if i couldn't be any clearer than that.


ill o.g.
this question can be answered by anyone and any number of ways and not be wrong..

Any sound can be usable, if and only if the user knows how to use said sound..

Sorry if i couldn't be any clearer than that.
Exactly. And naturally you cannot use ANY sound on ANY beat, no matter how much you try to tweak it etc, it just my not be good for that paticular beat.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
this question can be answered by anyone and any number of ways and not be wrong..

Any sound can be usable, if and only if the user knows how to use said sound..

Sorry if i couldn't be any clearer than that.

That about sums it up, think of those crappy sounds as half done projects. Plug-ins and even basic effects will do wonders for them if you tweak'em here and there. There is NO set rule for making a sound, sky is the limit. You can use any sounds that you want but you want them to sound good together.



ill o.g.
If it is crap then it is crap.
I only think a sound should be tweet in small matters.
It you have to tweet it a lot it will start to fall apart.

Now saying all that some may think something is crap and others may not.
Sometimes sounds can be used in other ways not though of.
A shitting hat can trigger a gate on a pad.(You will not hear the hat but the pad will sound like
a pad put thru a trancegate plugin)

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