does anyone ever feel like giving up?


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
Cold Truth said:
you should just quit. if you cant get it now, you never will. may as well hang it up.

i dont remember who, but someone told me that once in here...

its irritating, isnt it?

my only advice to you is that having patience with YOURSELF is the greatest asset you can have in this line of work.

amen, he suggested the best advice. Cause if you do stop beatmaking, who honestly cares? Its a harsh game, if you quit, you are letting those millions of other beatmakers taking your place. think about you. With time and dedication, you will be very far from where you are now musically. You'll see. Let your heart speak.
ill o.g.
erkl said:
if u dont enjoy it as a hobby then why do it

i dont care if i never make a cent off my music, itd be cool.. but its not a reality, yet im addicted to making beats cuz it just makes me feel good
On point.

Learn to love it as a hobby before you pursue it as a career. If you can't, then it's time to throw in the towel.


ill o.g.
deStructuralize said:
On point.

Learn to love it as a hobby before you pursue it as a career. If you can't, then it's time to throw in the towel.

yeah def, sometimes i take 1 day off because im too tired from work, even then i might listen to some beats carefully and study them


Hip Hop Super Villian
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Man when I feel like that, I pull out the portable DVD and watch something thats gonna push me while I'm in the lab. I aint even gotta watch it, just listening to it is even better. Tupac Resurrection, Brown Sugar (yes thats what I said dammit), 8 Mile, Hustle and Flow...... typical shit like that. Even though I done seen them damn movies a million times, when I cant get anybody to really understand the struggle and headaches that come with this shit sometimes, I look at movies like this....... somebody had to feel how I'm feeling to put this movie together. Plus I always got my Ill Muzik fam to help me hold my head!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
^^ This is good advise. BTW, what's the difference between KS and MO anyway?


Miss C.C.
ill o.g.
I feel this same way now. Im giving up cause this just aint workin for me. I aint gettin nowhere, my beats are crap, and im just not feelin it like i use to i guess iono. Im back doin my DJ thing so im not givin up music entirely just not gonna be into beats like that. Im thinkin about just gettin me an mpc1000 and callin it a day. Shit im fed up. I cant take this shit ne more.


ill o.g.
misscc803 said:
I feel this same way now. Im giving up cause this just aint workin for me. I aint gettin nowhere, my beats are crap, and im just not feelin it like i use to i guess iono. Im back doin my DJ thing so im not givin up music entirely just not gonna be into beats like that. Im thinkin about just gettin me an mpc1000 and callin it a day. Shit im fed up. I cant take this shit ne more.

i been thinkin bout gettin back into the dj thing too my turntables been collectin dust for a minute its just that thats an expensive hobby and i need some new needles ( anybody wanna donate some to me?) but yea im takin a break from the beats for a minute either way


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
lol Fade why dont you call Illmuzik "Illquitting" LOL everybody is going through some harsh phase musically... Im sorry to see that. But im positive that all of us will see the light and the dedication that we once had. I spending very less time on the computer, but Im working very hard learning instruments. Anyway, whatever you do to make yourself feel complete will never be a waist of time.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
I can't say as I am going through any depression right now or ever with my music. I make beatz cuz I love to. If I never make a cent with it, I will always make beatz. I consider myself an artist and if I want to express myself, I can always do it through music.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i been at this shit 50 fukkin yrs (at least it feels that way... 1979) i aint quittin JACK!!! i just love makin beats and writin rhymes... underground is too lucrative to give up right now... my friend is makin thousands on myspace and he aint even doin shows like that... like i said b4, get one piece of equipment u like, and learn that MF! get a voice recorder, sample... find what u do best at music... shit, get a partner thats BETTER than u are. all that helps... but find that piece that works for u... MPCs and Motifs aint for everyone. i have neither, and i love this shit! the love has to be there.

da relic

Lazy Eyes

The Beat Konduktah
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
I felt like quitting sometimes but it's always like everytime u down.. U think and u think, and then BOOOOMMM u make ur hottest joint ever!! U go up.. then u go down hard, but u come up even harder!! so that way.. u climb baby step by baby step! But i noticed this..

Whenever ur down, listen to a beat u did like when u started! and then compare that one, to one u did just a week ago.. u'll see the progress, even it's not musically but u'll see it mixing wise..

U'll see progress, and when u see progress u'll know ur on the right road.. it's rocky, but it's the right track!

Hope this helps


Hip Hop Super Villian
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Ruimixx said:
^^ This is good advise. BTW, what's the difference between KS and MO anyway?

Lets see how I can explain this Kansas City Missouri is a real city. Downtown, sidewalks, parades, high crime rate (lol), asphalt on streets, indoor plumbing.......things like that. Kansas City looks like somebody had an idea of making up city, gave up, tried to tear it down and gave up THEN threw gray paint and a Walmart up and left.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
SlickVikNewman said:
Lets see how I can explain this Kansas City Missouri is a real city. Downtown, sidewalks, parades, high crime rate (lol), asphalt on streets, indoor plumbing.......things like that. Kansas City looks like somebody had an idea of making up city, gave up, tried to tear it down and gave up THEN threw gray paint and a Walmart up and left.

LOL! Cool, I get ya now! Ha! I've heard something like that before! I used to really be into the royals (bo jackson, brett saberhagen, and all them fools) yeah!



Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
As someonw who currently works in the music business, all I can really say is stay dedicated, stay focused, and keep the passion alive. Some people get lucky and have family who work in the business, but for most, including myself, the thought of getting into this business is nearly impossible because we either have no connections, dont think we're good enough, or a combination of both. I had no hook ups, but just made something out of nothing and now I'm working with major artists every day. I still have a long way to go, but the key is to never stop. You will go through slumps, and you will have those days where you just don't wanna give it, either its taking up too much of your time, or you think its too hard. The only way to make it is keep moving forward. Stay dedicated, keep your drive, desire, and it will happen if you want it bad enough!

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
it def. comes down to who u know. but noone's gonna come knockin on ur door. to be in the mix, u gotta get in the mix. that means, even if u dont feel like goin to a club, open mic, or showcase, GO ANYWAY!!! rain, sleet or snow... become the mailman. thats part of the hard work u put in... i used to go to clubs on sunday nites, come home at 2-3am... and had to be at work at 5-6am... i dont regret none of that shit... i met alot of people that way.

da relic


Akai Till I Die...
ill o.g.
to all of those that feel giving up. you got to surround yourself with winners that are trying to accomplish the same goal. we know that this music stuff don't happen overnight, so you have to be around people that believe. i was thinking about quitting at some point. once i got rid of the dead weight i was dealing with and got with cats that were serious, (shout to my younger bro) i was off and running. not once since that time have i felt like giving up. my brother is my inspiration and he won't let me quit. (feel me?) there's going to be bumps in the road always. those bumps are there for a reason. learn from them. maybe the time you take off from tracks you could be getting the business side intact. it can't be just beats, beats, beats...(be easy)

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