Do you guys ever feel burnt out?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Its really hard for me to even ask a question like this because I don't think a lot of people know how they really feel anymore. We all have a passion for what we do but I've noticed a greater sense of pressure even when making beats for a genre that is by all indications sub par, (from my perspective anyway). It's like it drains the life out of you to have a passion for something that you don't really see any gains, and I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about general interest, communication, sharing thoughts and ideas.

Sometimes, I wonder how the people who really grind hard and try to make things happen feel at the end of the day. Some do it on a regular basis only to be met by very minimal progress. They provide all the tools that they can think of but seldom see any response for their effort. That has gotta be tough... I understand that we all have distractions, other interests and life in general that consume our time and energy leaving us pretty dry when it's time to show some support, or express our thanks.

There are a lot of things that I can be content with, some I can't, some I don't understand how anyone can deal with. The "Serenity Prayer" comes in mind... When your efforts seem to be in vain, doesn't it burn you out?


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
The more success I have the more manic I become about it, I have some really down days and I literally have to listen through my entire discography (4 albums from my old band, bands I have produced and then Ivory Hill and Drunk Pedestrians) just to get out of the funk and move forward. But the key is to keep moving forward and have a plan.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yeah, I agree with you and thats really how I stay on top of it. I very rarely go back and listen to my old stuff though. I try to focus only ahead. Everybody is different and use different techniques for motivation, that kinda boils down to what works for you personally (imo) but its always important to keep an open mind for new ideas.

My thing is, I don't really have a 9 to 5 so I don't have to deal with those pressures. I'm in a position where I can work whenever and however hard I choose and at anytime I want to. That opens up a lot of play time for me. To be financially stable is great but at the same time, it sucks! The best way to describe it is like going to the playground but everybody else is at work. Thats not too much fun. So then you have to wait for everybody to get off work. Half of your day is gone. Then you have to wait for them to eat dinner, and spend a little quality time with their families. By that time, most of the gang no longer has the drive, energy or motivation to come out and play. Then the few that do come out, only have a few minutes before they have to go back and get ready for work tomorrow. So then you look at your day and realize how much it One day I'm gonna do a video called "A Day With Dac" and share with you guys how good it is being me. I promise it will be a short vid.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
what im learning to do is change my focus when i get to that point if its dealing with music or personal stuff. What i mean is if i'm doing something that i feel like i'm not getting any results and im going into a messed up mood than i focus on something else that makes me feel good about what i'm doing and what am i doing it for. I think we as human beings focus so much on whats not happening on a bigger scale for us individually that we miss the point in why we do what we do. Some of us grind for the sake of someone noticing what we do and hopefully gaining some type of notoriety, some grind just to get money. people do what they do for different reasons.
Welcome to the world of the ARTIST, the one that makes art for their own passion to express themselves for no real financial gain or anything but to unleash their own creativity.
Many great artists died poor and were never appreciated while they were alive, its only after time that their true genius and greatness came to be accepted. I have come to accept that.
Now for the original question about burning out, yes very much so. I was making beats in MOST of my spare time for years and years, while this made me better and better at making music it also took all of my time, I eventually burned out and got fed up with making music, I took a long rest and I still to this day dont have the passion I once had, but from time to time I get a desire to make music. And when that desire comes I do, sometimes I make something good, most of the time I get bored quickly and do other things instead. But thats where I am at right now.

I think I may buy something, I just ordered THIS (I got the last one at SweetWater...) and next month I'm shooting for THIS. That should do it for a while.

Not the best idea I think, consuming doesnt fill the hole. It just adds another tool that is unlikely to be used. Just look at your maschine, still in the box, instead of buying something new, why not just open up that beast and start learning how to use that, the sooner you open it the sooner you get to grips with it and it becomes a weapon in your arsenal.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
There's a method to my madness, the mixer is more of a need - than a pacifier for my I need the mixer so I can effectively balance all of my analog inputs from one central spot (it's a must have). I actually chose to get it first just so I wouldn't feel like I was trying to "fill a void".

The Control Surface is more of a want, which is why I'm waiting to get it but, I did open a thread a week or two ago asking for opinions on which one to buy so even that was planned. I've done the research on CS's and there's not really any middle ground on them, they're either extremely cheap or extremely expensive.

But no, I'm not the kind of person that would try to fill my issues with toys. Never that!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Its really hard for me to even ask a question like this because I don't think a lot of people know how they really feel anymore. We all have a passion for what we do but I've noticed a greater sense of pressure even when making beats for a genre that is by all indications sub par, (from my perspective anyway). It's like it drains the life out of you to have a passion for something that you don't really see any gains, and I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about general interest, communication, sharing thoughts and ideas.

Sometimes, I wonder how the people who really grind hard and try to make things happen feel at the end of the day. Some do it on a regular basis only to be met by very minimal progress. They provide all the tools that they can think of but seldom see any response for their effort. That has gotta be tough... I understand that we all have distractions, other interests and life in general that consume our time and energy leaving us pretty dry when it's time to show some support, or express our thanks.

There are a lot of things that I can be content with, some I can't, some I don't understand how anyone can deal with. The "Serenity Prayer" comes in mind... When your efforts seem to be in vain, doesn't it burn you out?

Everything I do, I do for my own sanity. It just so happens that other humans like it hahaha. I feel you on the community thing, peoples lives are "in the way". I expereince this from social lives to the music, to everything else, but I also know things wont get much better (Especially in music). The money in music wont support as many artists in the near future, and not too many people will make music with no financial return for too long. Meaning? You gotta do it for you and only you. Then share with others. Build more communities, make more friends and share with them.

Yes I personally become burnt out, thats natural though. We are social creatures and fighting a CONSTANTLY uphill battle like music (Which leads to music business) will do that to you. It helps me that Im actually not much of a social person at all. So my situation is a bit different lol.

Side Note:
But no, I'm not the kind of person that would try to fill my issues with toys. Never that!

In reference to the drug thread: Filling you issues with material toys are better than filling them with drugs lol


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Very good and valid points DOX and I agree that buying gear is better than buying drugs oops! oh ish, here come the weed heads! hahahaha!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Very good and valid points DOX and I agree that buying gear is better than buying drugs oops! oh ish, here come the weed heads! hahahaha!

Hey Im not gonna lie, I might have given up weed but its benefits with regard to music, I will never talk it down. Its a natural plant, its dried and smoked, its not exactly a pharmaceutical, its not addictive, its never killed anybody ever in the history of mankind, regardless of what the propaganda says. So while drugs generally are bad, weed has its benefits. Before the synthetic fibre industry destroyed hemp production, and demonised the plant for INDUSTRIAL REASONS, it was one of the most productive and helpful plants to mankind. Its benefits vastly outweigh its negatives, and if god ever put a plant on earth for us to use and enjoy, then that was it.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
This is a good thread

I use to get burnt out in the beginning but that's because I was only pushing 1 thing (The music). I was too open minded to change and I would my artist view in front of the needs of the people that were writing the checks.

These days I the following

Sound Design
Video edit

These all supplement my income so I can focus on creating the music I like. There was a lot of self discipline involved a lot of conflict of interests etc.

I don't get burnt out these days because I know at any given time I can just chill with my family for as long as I need to and not have to worry about my bills or if the next 3 tracks I make are going to be good enough for so and so.

What I changed was my mentality.. and that went from going against the grain marketing original music which is great (there is a market for everything) or going for the sure thing that would free up my time to allow me to do what I love to do which is spend time with my family,vacation and make music


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I can't post about being burnt out music-wise because I always treated it as a hobby, but burnt out from website stuff, hell yes.

After doing IllMuzik and many other online things in the past 10 years, I've come to realize my limits and I'm ready to move on to something else. Sure, IllMuzik has turned into a great thing, but not nearly what I was hoping for it to be (really big and popular) but I think it has to do mainly with the fact that hip hop production is a small area in music. If this was a site like Allhiphop or Hiphopdx where all we do is report about hip hop shit, then it would be different, but just production? It's like I've accidentally cornered myself and can't get out.

At this point I'm looking into stopping web developing and going into something completely different because I believe it's time for a change. A big change. Music will always be my hobby and running IllMuzik will always be my side project, but as far as spending my days in front of a computer screen coding away, I think I'm done.

As for you, if you feel like you're burnt out then I would say get something else going, like a hobby in something completely different from music. Take karate classes, join the Cobra Kai!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
As for you, if you feel like you're burnt out then I would say get something else going, like a hobby in something completely different from music. Take karate classes, join the Cobra Kai!

Haha YES! I agree with the post as a whole also lol

This is a good thread

I use to get burnt out in the beginning but that's because I was only pushing 1 thing (The music). I was too open minded to change and I would my artist view in front of the needs of the people that were writing the checks.

These days I the following

Sound Design
Video edit

These all supplement my income so I can focus on creating the music I like. There was a lot of self discipline involved a lot of conflict of interests etc.

I don't get burnt out these days because I know at any given time I can just chill with my family for as long as I need to and not have to worry about my bills or if the next 3 tracks I make are going to be good enough for so and so.

What I changed was my mentality.. and that went from going against the grain marketing original music which is great (there is a market for everything) or going for the sure thing that would free up my time to allow me to do what I love to do which is spend time with my family,vacation and make music


Its benefits vastly outweigh its negatives, and if god ever put a plant on earth for us to use and enjoy, then that was it.

This is not my life experience, EVERYONE I know that has smoked (Even through the internet) after smoking they were never as mentally sharp after. Never. They have become lazy, most zombiefied even. This is my typical experience with weed smokers. There arent any goods except people thinking they are smarter, when in actuallity, they believe the illusion of "being set free", or chilled out.

My best friend, he was like a only brother to me, died in a car crash a couple years ago. Speeding 120MPH on the high way, hit a tree. High. Weed has done no serious good for anyone I know, nor their families (Which is a WHOLE nother post/thread)
Haha YES! I agree with the post as a whole also lol


This is not my life experience, EVERYONE I know that has smoked (Even through the internet) after smoking they were never as mentally sharp after. Never. They have become lazy, most zombiefied even. This is my typical experience with weed smokers. There arent any goods except people thinking they are smarter, when in actuallity, they believe the illusion of "being set free", or chilled out.

My best friend, he was like a only brother to me, died in a car crash a couple years ago. Speeding 120MPH on the high way, hit a tree. High. Weed has done no serious good for anyone I know, nor their families (Which is a WHOLE nother post/thread)

sorry but i disagree, have you ever smoked weed?
If not then you are not really speaking from experience, just forming your opinion on what other people have told you. Weed has never ever made me or anyone I know drive like an idiot, driving at 120mph is just stupid, weed has nothing to do with it.
After giving it up my mind is sharper regardless of what you think, I have my games performance as evidence of this. Yes weed does chill you out, it does make you think more deeply about things, and yes it is an eye opener. All this I say from personal experience. As for lazyness, Im just fucking lazy anyway, with or without weed. Zombiefied, lmao, someones been watching reefer madness a bit too much, weed doent turn people into zombies. ive never been like a zombie ever and neither has anyone I know. No weed didnt melt my brain, it didnt make me schizo and it didnt make me paranoid, im not saying it doesnt do this to SOME people but its never happened to me, I was a very long term smoker from the age of 14 to 36, 22 years smoking a lot, daily. According to the propaganda I should be a paranoid delusionist hearing voices in my head with no mental aptitude, but yet I have an IQ of 132 and yes I was under the influence when taking the iq test, Im good at maths, im good at geometry, Im very creative and talented with computers. This is just what my friends tell me. Im open minded, have been since I was a child living in a haunted house, long before I smoked anything. So talking from personal experience thats my story. I dont know anyone who thought or claimed that weed made them smarter? If that was a common perception then loads of people would be on it, parents would be giving it to their kids, but it has an adverse effect on short term memory. But after giving up the short term memory problems go away, its just a side effect of it.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Sometimes I feel like "wtf am I doing"... I haven't felt burnt out, yet. I'm sure when it does happen, it would be time to step away for a little bit...

I just love creating music so much that it is still very fun to me, even though I have to deliver, nowadays. I guess you just have to ultimately feel good about what you're doing and not look at it as a job.

I used to smoke weed......and the main reason why I stopped was because of what it did to me.....It did not benefit me in the least... The next day I felt completely useless and having everything slow down is not something that I would continue to enjoy. All it really did was mellow me out...but even that is counterproductive sometimes.

Personally....weed isn't all that great.......


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Sometimes I feel like "wtf am I doing"... I haven't felt burnt out, yet. I'm sure when it does happen, it would be time to step away for a little bit...

I just love creating music so much that it is still very fun to me, even though I have to deliver, nowadays. I guess you just have to ultimately feel good about what you're doing and not look at it as a job.

Exactly, the second it starts to feel like a job, take a break.

If it still feels like a job, I say get one, you'll either appreciate making music or you'll atleast be geting paid better haha

Have you ever smoked weed?

Yes I have smoked weed, with some of the biggest weed heads (Smoke all day everyday, big money type habits). Tried it 3 times. 1st time I was legit high, I was bored out of my mind, 2nd was alittle better, but still pretty boring, made me hungry. 3rd time, made me violent. I was actually a very violent person (Both parents have anger issues, moms is a black belt martial artist, I took martial arts for the 1st half of my life, street fights till about 15). It actually worse but I cant say on here. The 3rd time, weed broke down my barrier, my self control. One person I was with made a joke about my mustache, something like "haha Ace has a mustache".. that pissed me the fuck off (And I knew it was silly to get mad lol)

(I'll be 23 in a week or so, I have it pretty under control. Music soothes the savage beast, I'd be someone else if It wasnt here)

Zombiefied, lmao, someones been watching reefer madness a bit too much, weed doent turn people into zombies. ive never been like a zombie ever and neither has anyone I know. No weed didnt melt my brain,

hahaha, this is real life homie. I actually have 4 very specific before and after stories. 2 best friends (Different times in my life, I watched the change happen) 1 cousin, and a regular friend. But this isnt the thread for it.

According to the propaganda I should be a paranoid delusionist hearing voices in my head with no mental aptitude, but yet I have an IQ of 132 and yes I was under the influence when taking the iq test, Im good at maths, im good at geometry, Im very creative and talented with computers. This is just what my friends tell me. Im open minded, have been since I was a child living in a haunted house, long before I smoked anything. So talking from personal experience thats my story. I dont know anyone who thought or claimed that weed made them smarter? If that was a common perception then loads of people would be on it, parents would be giving it to their kids, but it has an adverse effect on short term memory. But after giving up the short term memory problems go away, its just a side effect of it.

"I should be a paranoid delusionist hearing voices in my head" Didnt you say you have that though? jk

"But after giving up the short term memory " the problem with that is, Short term memory is just the 1st to go. Not remembering breakfast is the beginning, weeks start to fade. My homies cant remember their RAPS!! after months of studying, we were young. That shouldnt be. If you are as good off as you are saying, you are the exception. Straight up. Zombiefied is the only real description, Dudes became fuckin fiends dude. Selling their bike WHILE RIDING THEM around the city, off a whim!!! Like i said, this convo is too much for this thread
The 3rd time, weed broke down my barrier, my self control. One person I was with made a joke about my mustache, something like "haha Ace has a mustache".. that pissed me the fuck off (And I knew it was silly to get mad lol)

Wow, you are the only person Ive heard of that weed made violent.
I have some serious anger management issues, its calming with age, but still, weed always calmed me down. Alcohol on the other hand, that has the opposite effect. Thats why I dont really drink much anymore, and when I do its very much in moderation.

But yeah maybe this discussion needs its own thread. I will stop hijacking this thread with the pros and cons of weed use.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Wow, you are the only person Ive heard of that weed made violent.
I have some serious anger management issues, its calming with age, but still, weed always calmed me down. Alcohol on the other hand, that has the opposite effect. Thats why I dont really drink much anymore, and when I do its very much in moderation.

But yeah maybe this discussion needs its own thread. I will stop hijacking this thread with the pros and cons of weed use.

Ok last note deviation from the thread, Though I barely drink, Alcohol actually makes me calm hahaha