DJ Khaled...


ill o.g.
I know one of the rules is no racially-related talk and that this thread or my username could be banned for starting this thread but seriously, how can DJ Khaled get away with using the "n-word?" I'm not the race police and I don't want to stir up anything to offend anyone, but I personally think that it's very wrong that he can get away with saying a word that he has no business using, as a Palestinian American. I'm not trying to start a massive thread on this but does anyone else feel a little uncomfortable when they hear DJ Khaled say things like this?

feedback please.



Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
Well, I'd like to point out that DJ Khaled has nothing to do with any of the music on any of his albums/mixtapes/whatever, he's not a producer, I'm pretty sure he basically just does the voiceovers and puts his name on shit.

But I'm pretty sure that most "minorities" can use the "n-word". At least they think they can- peep cuban link, joey crack, big pun... all hispanic. all of them use the ol' "n-word". Funny, there are alot of Iraqi and Afghan immigrants around my hood and they all go around "nigga this, nigga that". It's pretty played out.


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
I know one of the rules is no racially-related talk and that this thread or my username could be banned for starting this thread but seriously, how can DJ Khaled get away with using the "n-word?" I'm not the race police and I don't want to stir up anything to offend anyone, but I personally think that it's very wrong that he can get away with saying a word that he has no business using, as a Palestinian American. I'm not trying to start a massive thread on this but does anyone else feel a little uncomfortable when they hear DJ Khaled say things like this?

feedback please.


i honestly dont know how khaled got his "pass" for using the word.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Probably because all the people he uses the word around, get paid a lot of money because of what he does for them.


That word is offcially "out". Says so in People mags 2009 styles and fads section.
Now you have to refer to your AA friend as "Prez"..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
In Case U Didn't Know

You can be considered a " RECORD PRODUCER" even if you never program a beat or play one single instrument on a record!

Quincy Jones has made an entire living doing so, so have many many others!

Here's some more food for thought. If all you do is bang out beats....guess what.....YOU'RE NOT A PRODUCER AT ALL....lmao...YOU'RE A BEAT MAKER. Nothing wrong with just being a beat maker but don't clown Khaled. He has in fact PRODUCED every record he's put out so has the infamous "PUFFY".

A record producer has many roles, among them controlling the recording sessions, coaching and guiding the musicians, organizing and scheduling production budget and resources, and supervising the recording, mixing and mastering processes. This has been a major function of producers since the inception of sound recording, but in the later half of the 20th century producers also took on a wider entrepreneurial role (meaning they actually started "MAKING" the music and producing the artist and song as well. Soooooooooooooooo, not having a damn thing to do with actually making the music and doing everything else listed above is what for decades a producer actually did!!!!!!!!!!

Only these fledgelings actually think because they drop'd a hot beat that a major artist or label "BOUGHT" that they've produced a song. The word "PRODUCER" has really been blurred as of late. Most of your favorite beat makers are know where close to being actual producers in the true essence of the term, they just "make" music.

There is reason Brian Michael Cox has won "PRODUCER" of the year 4 years running. Today he is one of the only RnB Producers who actually gets called in to make the music, write the melody, write the song, tell the artist or guide the artist in how it should be performed, arrange it all, sit in with the mixing engineer and have some input, fly out to LA with the mixed song to sit in with the mastering engineer and have input there to, then hand carry the entire project to the record label.

Dr. Dre he does that, Timbo he does that, The Neptunes they do it and in the south the only producer credited for doing so that I know of is DJ Toomp. DJ Toomp will tell you quick "oh, you can buy a hot beat from me and you may or may not get a hit with it, but if you want a guaranteed hit song you have to let me "produce" you as well"!

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
You can be considered a " RECORD PRODUCER" even if you never program a beat or play one single instrument on a record!

Quincy Jones has made an entire living doing so, so have many many others!

Here's some more food for thought. If all you do is bang out beats....guess what.....YOU'RE NOT A PRODUCER AT ALL....lmao...YOU'RE A BEAT MAKER. Nothing wrong with just being a beat maker but don't clown Khaled. He has in fact PRODUCED every record he's put out so has the infamous "PUFFY".

A record producer has many roles, among them controlling the recording sessions, coaching and guiding the musicians, organizing and scheduling production budget and resources, and supervising the recording, mixing and mastering processes. This has been a major function of producers since the inception of sound recording, but in the later half of the 20th century producers also took on a wider entrepreneurial role (meaning they actually started "MAKING" the music and producing the artist and song as well. Soooooooooooooooo, not having a damn thing to do with actually making the music and doing everything else listed above is what for decades a producer actually did!!!!!!!!!!

Only these fledgelings actually think because they drop'd a hot beat that a major artist or label "BOUGHT" that they've produced a song. The word "PRODUCER" has really been blurred as of late. Most of your favorite beat makers are know where close to being actual producers in the true essence of the term, they just "make" music.

There is reason Brian Michael Cox has won "PRODUCER" of the year 4 years running. Today he is one of the only RnB Producers who actually gets called in to make the music, write the melody, write the song, tell the artist or guide the artist in how it should be performed, arrange it all, sit in with the mixing engineer and have some input, fly out to LA with the mixed song to sit in with the mastering engineer and have input there to, then hand carry the entire project to the record label.

Dr. Dre he does that, Timbo he does that, The Neptunes they do it and in the south the only producer credited for doing so that I know of is DJ Toomp. DJ Toomp will tell you quick "oh, you can buy a hot beat from me and you may or may not get a hit with it, but if you want a guaranteed hit song you have to let me "produce" you as well"!

even if dude produced these joints,,,he put his stamp on dookie


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
May views have changed alot since ive been on illmuzik, i used to try and justify using the N-word etc.. But that all changed on my first trip to africa in 2005, i stepped off a plane, the first peson in my family to set foot on african soil since we were brought over as slaves, and a native ugandan hits me with
"whats up my nigga" now he was black as me, but he dosent have any more right to the word then DJ khalid, he dosent have context,his folks werent slaves(well not by white people, maybe arabs but thats a differnt story)

So i came to the conclusion that Nobody should be getting a "pass" to use the N-word period, its all or nothing in my book, either everyone stop using it or dont complain... I cant be saying it to my friend in public and then get mad when some dude half way around the world uses it casue they heard it on wax.

All or nothing..



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
even if dude produced these joints,,,he put his stamp on dookie

Some time "shit" pays.....I guarantee he's not worried about his mortgage or his next couple thousand light bills!



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I never use the word for various reasons:
1. Im a white boy, so yeah....
2. Through a span of history, the word was spawned and became one of the most derogatory words to describe and label a human being of African decent so I basically dont respect it because of that.
3. Even though strangely enough American society has justified it as an "ok" word now as long as your black and add a "a" at the end instead of a "er" its still a negative word which is enslaving in itself at least from my perspective so Ive never understood the justification for the use of it.
4. With all those things said, i just dont touch it, its pointless to me.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Seems to me even if you are black at one time in history someone ( ya moms or grandmother) would whoop your ass for saying it! lol

Welllllllllll.....I'm every family member I know has used it. People have diff't interpretations and feeling about it. Classic said he doesn't use it. He chooses not to do so for his reasons. I use it with my family and African American friends. It doesn't carry the same derogatory impact the way we use it. I would think most "uppidy" well educated black people would want to steer clear of it.

The reality of it is that most white people I know wouldn't dare use it around there black friends. We all have a little racism in us. You're lying to yourself if you say you don't! Like I said, a true friend would know that though we're cool, there are certain lines you just don't cross. I'd be telling a damn lie if I said I've never used any of the derogatory terms out there to describe other races. People say hurtful words when they're verbally trying to hurt someone else. White dude cuts me off in traffic and flips me the bird....U KNOW...I'm spittin' some hateful words in his direction. I'm human like everybody else.

It's like the word bitch! If you love your wife you wouldn't dare call her that, but if you just got a divorce and she took your kids away you'll call her every derogatory term under the sun. It's all out of anger! Though the world is changing somethings just remain the same. At the end of the day the "N" being used by another race just don't quite have the same meaning as if a black person used it. We can get into the "politically correct" aspect of it all from now to dooms day but the fact of the matter is that it's used in a diff't way by MOST African Americans!

I wouldn't expect the highly educated "Obama's" of the world to throw the term around but he's in the highly educated minority. But like O Jay....lmao you can think you're down with the white and rich but as soon as you cross the wrong line they'll let you know where you really reside. Not even Barack can change that. That dirt runs deeper than the Ocean and well be here til Jesus comes back....LOL


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Welllllllllll.....I'm every family member I know has used it. People have diff't interpretations and feeling about it. Classic said he doesn't use it. He chooses not to do so for his reasons. I use it with my family and African American friends. It doesn't carry the same derogatory impact the way we use it. I would think most "uppidy" well educated black people would want to steer clear of it.

The reality of it is that most white people I know wouldn't dare use it around there black friends. We all have a little racism in us. You're lying to yourself if you say you don't! Like I said, a true friend would know that though we're cool, there are certain lines you just don't cross. I'd be telling a damn lie if I said I've never used any of the derogatory terms out there to describe other races. People say hurtful words when they're verbally trying to hurt someone else. White dude cuts me off in traffic and flips me the bird....U KNOW...I'm spittin' some hateful words in his direction. I'm human like everybody else.

It's like the word bitch! If you love your wife you wouldn't dare call her that, but if you just got a divorce and she took your kids away you'll call her every derogatory term under the sun. It's all out of anger! Though the world is changing somethings just remain the same. At the end of the day the "N" being used by another race just don't quite have the same meaning as if a black person used it. We can get into the "politically correct" aspect of it all from now to dooms day but the fact of the matter is that it's used in a diff't way by MOST African Americans!

I wouldn't expect the highly educated "Obama's" of the world to throw the term around but he's in the highly educated minority. But like O Jay....lmao you can think you're down with the white and rich but as soon as you cross the wrong line they'll let you know where you really reside. Not even Barack can change that. That dirt runs deeper than the Ocean and well be here til Jesus comes back....LOL

so your saying..under oath.. that your grama wouldnt smack the crap out of you if she heard you say it like when you were 7?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
so your saying..under oath.. that your grama wouldnt smack the crap out of you if she heard you say it like when you were 7?

Man grams was off the chain...toted a pistol and the hold nine. I remember her and my gran pops got shot was so gangsta that she didn't even know she was shot. My gran dad was shot in the hand and the doc in the ER just wanted to check her over in case. Found out a bullet had went into her side!

I guess it all depends on what side of the tracks your grand parents were raised. I know it's hard for some white people to grasp but the word just doesn't carry the same meaning when the average black person uses it. Some things just can't be explained! I will say this, the N word around my way was viewed as more of a curse word if used by black people. If I said it as a kid I'd be smacked for that reason. Certain words you just couldN'T say as a kid but as an adult my elders had no problems with it. I still didn't say it around them due to the respect your elders factor. Not because of the words white derogatory meaning. I know u probably still don't understand....lmao IT'S A BLACK THANG!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
To me its cultural more then anything else, if you come up in a certain area then someone else you may or may not use it. Its also family culture being passed on from generation to generation. I have a handful of black friends that use it, and I have a handful of black friends that dont. The ones that dont use it are far from uppidy, they just see it in a similar sense as I do - in regards to it being derogatory by nature and why it is in the first place so they just make an effort of not using it.
I think its just so ingrained in every day society now that its prob never gonna go away becuz its become a way to simply converse with one another amongst people who can use it.

I mean it doesn't bother me, but I would like to see the day where people dont try and justify words that are attached to negativity because its just the way they talk nowadays.

Like what LDB was saying about using the word Bitch...Thats one common context in which its used...Another thats sort of parallel to the N word now is when people say something like "I aint callin you a bitch" thats just what I call all woman. The problem with that is people that use the word that way have been groomed to justify its use as a positive term when by root its not. In the end, 99% of the time you try to use that word around a female theyre still gonna react negatively.
Why? Because its like any other derogatory word, its disrespectful when your being called that word.

I just dont like to put false justifications on words that more then a 100 years of history have clearly laid the groundwork for why the words are bad.

In the end their just words, but I believe once that words used towards you it feels a lot different.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
To me its cultural more then anything else, if you come up in a certain area then someone else you may or may not use it. Its also family culture being passed on from generation to generation. I have a handful of black friends that use it, and I have a handful of black friends that dont. The ones that dont use it are far from uppidy, they just see it in a similar sense as I do - in regards to it being derogatory by nature and why it is in the first place so they just make an effort of not using it.
I think its just so ingrained in every day society now that its prob never gonna go away becuz its become a way to simply converse with one another amongst people who can use it.

I mean it doesn't bother me, but I would like to see the day where people dont try and justify words that are attached to negativity because its just the way they talk nowadays.

Like what LDB was saying about using the word Bitch...Thats one common context in which its used...Another thats sort of parallel to the N word now is when people say something like "I aint callin you a bitch" thats just what I call all woman. The problem with that is people that use the word that way have been groomed to justify its use as a positive term when by root its not. In the end, 99% of the time you try to use that word around a female theyre still gonna react negatively.
Why? Because its like any other derogatory word, its disrespectful when your being called that word.

I just dont like to put false justifications on words that more then a 100 years has of history have clearly laid the groundwork for why the words are bad.

In the end their just words, but I believe once that words used towards you it feels a lot different.

I feel u. I don't expect ANY white person to understand. And I'm not trying to explain it away either. I honestly don't feel I have to. IT IS WHAT IT IS! If you live the life as a person of color you get it. If you don't there's no amount of explaining that will get you to understand. Some things you just know...they're unexplainable. It's what makes every race unique!

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Man grams was off the chain...toted a pistol and the hold nine. I remember her and my gran pops got shot was so gangsta that she didn't even know she was shot. My gran dad was shot in the hand and the doc in the ER just wanted to check her over in case. Found out a bullet had went into her side!

I guess it all depends on what side of the tracks your grand parents were raised. I know it's hard for some white people to grasp but the word just doesn't carry the same meaning when the average black person uses it. Some things just can't be explained! I will say this, the N word around my way was viewed as more of a curse word if used by black people. If I said it as a kid I'd be smacked for that reason. Certain words you just couldN'T say as a kid but as an adult my elders had no problems with it. I still didn't say it around them due to the respect your elders factor. Not because of the words white derogatory meaning. I know u probably still don't understand....lmao IT'S A BLACK THANG!

my homie that lives around the corner from me is from the south,,,we was just talkin about how his grandma had a nine in her dresser. lol,,,its like the italians wit the baseball bat under the bed or in the trunk.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
I knew this dude (blacker than night) once who let me call him "my nigga" all the time. He thought I was legit or something apparently. I absolutely avoid using the word in public at all costs, and only use it privately as a way to great a friend "whats up my nigga". Usually I only bust it out when I'm really faded anyways.