DEEP South Trends

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
classic said:
Naw man, first off let u know there is a big difference between being southern and country. Im very southern but im not country at all. I grew up in the city, I don’t know anything about no chickens or farms and shit. There aint nothing slow about my city, im not tryin to turn this into a “who’s harder” thread but tampa is on some REAL shit Growin up in any city in flordia, tampa,Miami,Jacksonville. You have to grow up fast man, shit is crazy. Tampa has a very high murder rate do to the gang wars(its a lot like Baltimore) so u have to grow up fast. I would love to take you up north cats to where I grew up(jordern park) and have one of yall say we are slow….

It's all a matter of opinion .... that's yours and that's fine ... I respect that but I have friends that live in Cali now that are from the south. They even say their slow and country compared to us out here in Cali. Every state has some country parts in it. Even Cali. It's not all city life out here. When I say the south I'm not referring to Florida. I'm referring to louisiana, georgia, texas and places like that. But like I said in one of my post earlier "Every state is also different in the south but I'm just making a general statement." maybe you skipped over that?

classic said:
WTF?!?! That’s some crazy ish to say scientist. Like I said many times before we have our own culture down here. Which is more than I can say for most of the hip hop world.
Besides the westcoast and the south, everyone else rides NY’s dick. Dudes from everywhere else try to dress, talk, and act like they are from NY. Don’t get me wrong, I got love for NY dudes but when I was coming up I couldent give a fuck about some tim’s or jayz or nas. I could care less about dre or snoop and any of their styles. We had our own shit!!! Just because we don’t jump on the hip hop bangwangon dosent make us slow. That shit is for the birds!!!!!!

Every region in the country has there own sort of "culture" .... like west coast, east coast, etc ..... but that's like when it comes to fashion in general. Usually NY get's things first then moves over to LA .... that's just the way it goes, so in that sense we are slower out here on the west. You may not agree but it's true. Whether or not it's your fashion that's not the point. Everyone has there own taste. The way of life down there in the south is slower. There is no argument there. It has nothing to do with Hip Hop bandwagons.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
MadScientist said:
It's all a matter of opinion .... that's yours and that's fine ... I respect that but I have friends that live in Cali now that are from the south. They even say their slow and country compared to us out here in Cali. Every state has some country parts in it. Even Cali. It's not all city life out here.
you proved my point Exaclty, u say u have friends from the south, but those few friends do not represent the entire south. SO u cant sit there ant tell me that im country or that my cullture is slower because you have a friend that is. Like you already stated the south is an entire region so there will be fast parts and slow parts. I happen to be from a very rough city. But your friends could be from a small town. Basically you cant put general sterotypes on us. That’s like me saying everyone one from cali looks,dresses and talks like they are from Compton.
MadScientist said:
The way of life down there in the south is slower. There is no argument there. It has nothing to do with Hip Hop bandwagons.
Your wrong their man, its not like that in the cities, That’s what im trying to get u to see. Are u trying to tell me that cities Miami,atlanda, or new orlenes is slow??, come on….
MadScientist said:
When I say the south I'm not referring to Florida. I'm referring to Louisiana, georgia, texas and places like that. But like I said in one of my post earlier "Every state is also different in the south but I'm just making a general statement." maybe you skipped over that?
Shit lousina Georgia and Texas are no different from Florida or anywhere else for that matter. Cities like Houston, ATLANTA and st Louis are crazy. (Especially in new orlenes, you cant tell that their culture is slower, there is nothing slow about the N.O).
All im trying to get u to see is you cant base you opionion about an entire region off a couple of friends that you know.
MadScientist said:
but that's like when it comes to fashion in general. Usually NY get's things first then moves over to LA .... that's just the way it goes
This is wrong also, down here most people get their fashion ques from Atlanta or Miami, not new york or LA. Trust me Dudes do not dress like yall or NY cats in the south. Why do u think we used to get clowened so much back in the day. Casue we would look totally different then from what people were used to seeing


FYI im not tryin to beef or anything just having a friendly disccussion


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
classic said:
you proved my point Exaclty, u say u have friends from the south, but those few friends do not represent the entire south. SO u cant sit there ant tell me that im country or that my cullture is slower because you have a friend that is. Like you already stated the south is an entire region so there will be fast parts and slow parts. I happen to be from a very rough city. But your friends could be from a small town. Basically you cant put general sterotypes on us. That’s like me saying everyone one from cali looks,dresses and talks like they are from Compton.

Your wrong their man, its not like that in the cities, That’s what im trying to get u to see. Are u trying to tell me that cities Miami,atlanda, or new orlenes is slow??, come on

Shit lousina Georgia and Texas are no different from Florida or anywhere else for that matter. Cities like Houston, ATLANTA and st Louis are crazy. (Especially in new orlenes, you cant tell that their culture is slower, there is nothing slow about the N.O).
All im trying to get u to see is you cant base you opionion about an entire region off a couple of friends that you know.

Class, I never said they represented the whole south. I never said you were country. I don't know you. I've been to ATL, N.O., Houston, and in my opinion it's slower in that part of the country then NY and Cali. This is my opinion from my expereinces. I'm not forcing you to agree I'm simply stating my opinion and my opinions can't be wrong because they're not facts and niether are yours. I see your views but niether of us are right or wrong we just have different opinions.

classic said:
This is wrong also, down here most people get their fashion ques from Atlanta or Miami, not new york or LA. Trust me Dudes do not dress like yall or NY cats in the south. Why do u think we used to get clowened so much back in the day. Casue we would look totally different then from what people were used to seeing

I'm not saying you dress like NY cats or cali cats your taking what I'm saying the wrong way. I know you have your own style out in the south. I don't have 2 hours to write a long explination so I won't bother here.

classic said:
FYI im not tryin to beef or anything just having a friendly disccussion
I don't beef with anyone. I'm to busy for all that.


ill o.g.
Your wrong their man, its not like that in the cities, That’s what im trying to get u to see. Are u trying to tell me that cities Miami,atlanda, or new orlenes is slow??, come on….


The way I dress I could get at any bitch in the south from VA on down for real, cause most southern dudes don't know how to rock they shit!!! Week before last, bitches was asking me where the fuck am I from!! ANd I'm not gonna front, Richmond was #2 on the murda list for a min. and Richmond is country as shit, so I'm from the south and yea I'm country but I don't dress like no Bama!
compared to D.C., Philly, NY yes the south is slow class!! ATL and MIAMI are much slower than D.C. or Philly!! Because your city does murda don't mean they aint country or slow, Hell Little Rock got Crips and shit that don't mean they up on the new shit or whatever, but to play devil's advocate, them cats in Houston been sipping that shit, now CAM and them in NY and Beans in Philly getting caught with Syrup and shit, so In a way some shit that niggas in NY do comes from down south and VISe VERSA, WE ALL IN THE SAME GAME I didn't make this thread to Argue who was country or slow, I was just trying to get an understanding on some of the things I've seen this summer in my travels, shout out to (rappers) PITBULL, PURE PAIN RECORDS, CRIME MOB, GHetto MAFIA, folks I've come acquainted with this summer, peace

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
The first thing I think about when I hear "Deep South",,,,I think of racist "White Trash" livin in a Mobile Home, where the women look like the men, and all the men wear overalls and no T-shirt watchin Nascar. As the Momma of the houshold serves Grilled Racoon Ass to Lil' Jeb after he fetches "Uncle Daddy" from the Garage workin on a pick up truck.

Ahhh yes. The "Deep South", where the movie "Deliverance" is a love story.

Class,,,,I'm jus fuckin wit ya!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
StressWon said:
The first thing I think about when I hear "Deep South",,,,I think of racist "White Trash" livin in a Mobile Home, where the women look like the men, and all the men wear overalls and no T-shirt watchin Nascar. As the Momma of the houshold serves Grilled Racoon Ass to Lil' Jeb after he fetches "Uncle Daddy" from the Garage workin on a pick up truck.

Ahhh yes. The "Deep South", where the movie "Deliverance" is a love story.

Class,,,,I'm jus fuckin wit ya!

lol ur a fuckin comedian. Ohh yea i fowarded that lil john link to my boys. They are lovin that shit I was makin lil j beats all day at work



ill o.g.
classic said:
Things are slower huh,
Its funny when people who arent from the south try to tell me how it is down here.

Jaydub, u have never even met me and ur saying i dress like a bama???

Im just gonna leave this topic alone. Its not even worth it. Think what u guys wanna think.



I neva said you dressed like a bama, 85% of folks from VA down dress like bamas!!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
jaydub23510 said:
I neva said you dressed like a bama, 85% of folks from VA down dress like bamas!!

WHATEVER nephew,

this is how we get down in FLA
(Im on the left)

we stay dressed to impressed u can get that bama ish out your thick head.

What do u claim anyway jaydub?? i mean damn one mintue your praiseing the south talkin bout VA this and VA that. then the next second your talkin bout "They do this in NY philly etc.".

Are u ashamed man??? do u wish you were from somewhere else???



Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
^^^Class I would quit tryna educate people on the south I figured out people jus refuse to believe that southern cities are fast paced, I grew up in New Orleans and its just as fast as LA (if not faster) its simple but people just dont get it so now Im like whateva I dont need to tell anybody what New Orleans or Houston is Ill just let them come down thinkin everything is sweet and find out for themselves caint nobody tell me theres a hood anywhere that makes upt 13th look "country" or "slow" so its jus whateva thats how I feel I just let them talk shit if they want to but I garuntee they wont say shit when they get here.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Craig Gantt said:
^^^Class I would quit tryna educate people on the south I figured out people jus refuse to believe that southern cities are fast paced, I grew up in New Orleans and its just as fast as LA (if not faster) its simple but people just dont get it so now Im like whateva I dont need to tell anybody what New Orleans or Houston is Ill just let them come down thinkin everything is sweet and find out for themselves caint nobody tell me theres a hood anywhere that makes upt 13th look "country" or "slow" so its jus whateva thats how I feel I just let them talk shit if they want to but I garuntee they wont say shit when they get here.

i know man your right. its just that Ignorant statments get under my skin, espically when people dont know what they hell they are talkin about.

But your right im just lettin it be...



ill o.g.
classic said:
WHATEVER nephew,

this is how we get down in FLA
(Im on the left)

we stay dressed to impressed u can get that bama ish out your thick head.

What do u claim anyway jaydub?? i mean damn one mintue your praiseing the south talkin bout VA this and VA that. then the next second your talkin bout "They do this in NY philly etc.".

Are u ashamed man??? do u wish you were from somewhere else???



I'm from VA and most niggas from around here can't dress either!!


ill o.g.
classic said:
i know man your right. its just that Ignorant statments get under my skin, espically when people dont know what they hell they are talkin about.

But your right im just lettin it be...


I speak from experience brother, as a college graduate, most niggas from the south were bama as hell!!! ANd for the most part I like their music but most M.C.s from the south have nothing to say or there flow is wack!!! That's why it's so much hate for Pastor Troy, TI, David Banner, Big Oomp Records, good rappers but just get a bad name for being southern, I don't know you Classic and for you to get so upset about this, you must be a bamma, I'm speaking in general, and read the entire post man, I'm from VA and it's not as bad as say Mississippi or something but we got bammas too, everywhere you go there will be that few who know what's up!! like this weekend 60000 people will be at the VSU Vs. NSU game, and it will be some country dressing folks out there! REad what I say before you misinterupt some shit you thought I said,


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
jaydub23510 said:
I speak from experience brother, as a college graduate, most niggas from the south were bama as hell!!! ANd for the most part I like their music but most M.C.s from the south have nothing to say or there flow is wack!!! That's why it's so much hate for Pastor Troy, TI, David Banner, Big Oomp Records, good rappers but just get a bad name for being southern, I don't know you Classic and for you to get so upset about this, you must be a bamma, I'm speaking in general, and read the entire post man, I'm from VA and it's not as bad as say Mississippi or something but we got bammas too, everywhere you go there will be that few who know what's up!! like this weekend 60000 people will be at the VSU Vs. NSU game, and it will be some country dressing folks out there! REad what I say before you misinterupt some shit you thought I said,
man lm not gonna even get into man. Think what u think



ill o.g.
classic said:
WHATEVER nephew,

this is how we get down in FLA
(Im on the left)

we stay dressed to impressed u can get that bama ish out your thick head.

What do u claim anyway jaydub?? i mean damn one mintue your praiseing the south talkin bout VA this and VA that. then the next second your talkin bout "They do this in NY philly etc.".

Are u ashamed man??? do u wish you were from somewhere else???



Don't say WE cause you really make me think you are a bama!!! I'm very proud of my state, I stay giving props to VA producers and rappers, I'm happy for my local hip hop scene, but I'm no fool, D.C. Philly, and NY are much faster than VA and like I said before, Richmond and Norfolk both have high murda rates that don't mean shit!! You need to chill the fuck out!! I never said nothing about Houston C. ya'll have you'll own shit down there, But I've been fucking with S.U.C. Big Moe, ESG and SLim thug for min before my niggas even heard of a Screw Tape!!! READ BITCHES!!!!

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
jaydub23510 said:
Don't say WE cause you really make me think you are a bama!!! I'm very proud of my state, I stay giving props to VA producers and rappers, I'm happy for my local hip hop scene, but I'm no fool, D.C. Philly, and NY are much faster than VA and like I said before, Richmond and Norfolk both have high murda rates that don't mean shit!! You need to chill the fuck out!! I never said nothing about Houston C. ya'll have you'll own shit down there, But I've been fucking with S.U.C. Big Moe, ESG and SLim thug for min before my niggas even heard of a Screw Tape!!! READ BITCHES!!!!
Who a bitch? You aint talkin to me nigga, I stated a fact and if you have a problem with what I said you more than welcome to fly to Houston and take it off my ass I dont play that shit.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
yo, this is getting real retarded... how bout everyone just calm the fuck down and live your damn life in your own town... and let everyone else live in their town... this is all a bunch of immature bullshit... to me, it is all starting to sound like "my daddy could beat up your daddy".... uh ohhhh... you better watch out... =)
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