Crazy people on FB defaming Obama


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
VIDEO: Townhall woman mocks Jewish man, yells ‘Heil Hitler’

this pro-reform older man is praising israels universal healthcare to an interviewer at a townhall when some bitch yells heil hitler

You know what...when you really think about it. RIGHT NOW is the perfect time for the racist who insist one day that there going to have to take back THEIR country in the form of a race war to really set shit off. I'm mean a large amount of our troops are abroad serving in some form or another. Even most national guard units are still deployed. Ain't like they can get home 2morrow should some serious shit go down and marshal law has to be initiated. Them fuckers have more sense than we give them credit for! In away I'm glad these closet racist are out there stylin' and profilin'. At least the GOV can take pictures of these fucks and start tracing there where abouts! I hope non of them stupid SOB'S have any traffic tickets or warrants outstanding cause the law will sooner or later come a knocking and all they need do is touch one of there GUNS and bullets will start flying from everywhere. Bullets don't have names and most of them stupid bastards will end up shooting each other because know one will know where the bullets are coming from. That dumb ass black dude carrying that AR around a bunch of white folk with pics of Obama as Hitler will probably be the first one to catches a bullet from the side he's attempting to (At the end of the day you're still black O.J) haven't we learned anything? Black is black no matter who you're married to, who you live around, who you befriend, how much money you have or how much shit you own, your degree, your status (Professor Gates!)(Barrack Obama), you're still a NIGGA to most of our white brethren!

P.S That stupid woman must not be aware of exactly how much the Jews own and the power they have in this country? I'm mean really, the Jews are the most powerful most influential people in this country. They probably own the bank that she has her mortgage through. She's a poster child for the "dumb ass" campaign.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
VIDEO: Townhall woman mocks Jewish man, yells ‘Heil Hitler’

this pro-reform older man is praising israels universal healthcare to an interviewer at a townhall when some bitch yells heil hitler

Holy shit, if my grandma was still alive to see this she woulda shit a
The fuck is wrong with people!?.....And then the bitch mocks him afterwards.
Anyone who opposes leaving health care the way it is or trying to reform it one way or another is practically persecuted at these things. Fucking ridiculous.

The racist underdogs are really coming outa the woodwork as of late.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I just watched about a 20 minute segment of this. She was not the only one Frank made look stupid. He has just the right temperament for these health care discussions. He's gay and he's a means he snaps on the Nazi bullshit and he snaps like a woman would to straight non sense read from a piece of paper or memorized. All the opponents are very rehearsed. You can tell that they are not there to have serious dialog. There only there to shout racial untruths and boo anything said by democrats. If Franks had told that female ice head (because she really looked like she was on meth) "your not a whore and your beautiful" they would have booed that. If he had told the crowd "you guys are right, Obama is Hitler and health care sucks they would have booed that only to realize once they heard and seen themselves on the news that he changed his mind and was on there side....lmao

That female probably left the meeting and was served up a trash bag full of meth....enough to last a month or two judging by her looks.

A bunch of dumb as puppets with someones hand up there ass is what they are!


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
The reason some of the so called "Gun Nuts" are so intent on the right to bear arms is down to the rights laid out in the constitution and bill of rights that were created for the sole purpose of stopping a tyrannical government regaining control over the american people.
The founding fathers new the dangers posed by corporate governments, and the miltary industrial complex, the whole point of the the constitution is to grant freedom from a government that seeks to enlsave us either physically, finacially or mentally.
The whole reason americans were given the right to bear arms is...
When the tyrannical regime does come along to take over the country and abolish freedom(remember nazi germany, gun amnesty followed by dictatorship), it allows the citizen to defend their propety & family against the true enemy. The enemy within the government, ie big business.
The people that pull the government strings are the ones that bankroll them, that is big business.
And they really dont have our best interests at heart.
And that isnt up for debate. The proof speaks for itself.
We have long been warned of the military industrial complex, we failed to listen or act.
Obama is just a pawn in a global game of chess, he has no real power except diplomacy.
Im all for the right to bear arms, Im all for a persons right to defend the freedom that so much blood was shed to

^^^ Has studied US government and politics..(A closet yank if I have ever seen one)


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
barney slapped the taste out of her mouth. that's how you deal that that bs.

being nice and patient isn't worth a damn, slap them and their tinfoil lies down with extreme prejudice and don't worry about faux news and others, they're going to spin it their way no matter what, so don't come off soft

also, i don't think there is raw footage available for his townhall and the only footage other than that clip from larry king comes from faux news. apparently they made it a faux news event so most clips give you the faux news/astroturf slant


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
barney slapped the taste out of her mouth. that's how you deal that that bs.

Best footage I saw was here:

being nice and patient isn't worth a damn, slap them and their tinfoil lies down with extreme prejudice and don't worry about faux news and others, they're going to spin it their way no matter what, so don't come off soft

Obama needs to do that but of course he'd without a doubt be killed if he did!


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.

Erry'body Hates Michelle-O...

Some folks ain't happy about those shorts, or something. Here's a smattering of supportive comments from My Favorite Termagant's Blog. I would have copied and pasted more, but my heart (wrist) got tired.

My eyes! quick! someone put an apple in the pigs mouth and put her on the spit.

How about a viewer warning next time…please?

First, the media was publishing too many pictures of Duh Ones man-boobs! NOW we’re gonna have too many pictures of Mrs. Duh Ones THUNDER THIGHS!!

I want 100 bucks on 30 pounds since last fall. no way she has not gained 30 pounds

Michelle O, First Drag Queen

Yeah, she’s doing a bang-up job of lowering the standards set by distinguished women that came before her.

Chewie in shorts? Not good. Keeping it real has it’s drawbacks. It’s like watching a Good Times rerun.

They need to go back to Chicago. They’re more at home there.

Frankly I could not care less what she wears or if she wears anything. I have no interest in this woman whatsoever. Sorry. However a super-sized baggie might work.

I could have gone all year without that image of Obama in my eyes, Michelle. Please if you are going to post such images in the future send out some kind of warning and an expiration so I will know to stay away until the image runs its course.

Another pig with lipstick.

Dude looks like a lady.

Whats next??? 20 yr old rusty caddy,s on blocks on white house lawn……

Looks like a gunny sack with two bulldogs fighting.

When they get done checking the South African runner, maybe they could stop by the white House because I have doubts…

Forty axe-handles wide.

Sorry to ask this, but does she even have a bra on?

The Clampetts are in DC… cavorting among their new found riches… but their hearts are of the ghetto moochers…

The golden Sasquatch rides again!

No class. The two of them have absolutely no class. Surprised she doesn’t have a huge floppy hat and enormous sunglasses and flip-flops. Nice to see they are bringing back the term, “Ugly American”.

I was just getting used to the blessed silence on the topic of Michelle Obama when my eyes see this. UGH, back to the decontamination chambers. Please waterboard me again, just don’t uncover anything else.

the beast wearing shorts on AF1 should not shock anyone, the standards have been lowered to gutter level to accommodate the trash living at the wh now.

Yep, post-racial America! Feel The Power!

Question: Do you feel post-racial after reading those comments from "real Americans"?


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Whoooo the hell are these people???
Actually I know who they are I went to highschool with lots of them (figures why I spit my lunch period up between black folks and whites).

yeah.. they the spinelesss ducks that don't do ish but look surprised when popped in the jaw

nevernomind them

the revolutions persist


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
It's sickening how racist people have become lately....I know they were racist all along, but SHIT...they're right out there in the public eye....

It's crazy.....we get a Black mixed president and all hell breaks loose...


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
Obama's 'SS': Glenn Beck sees scary black people

there's a vid at the above link

"Eric Boehlert at Media Matters wonders if Glenn Beck has forgotten that the entire reason he is in hot water with advertisers revolves around the fact that he called the President of the United States a "racist" and someone who has "a deep-seated hatred of white people".

Because, you know, in all of his lashing out this week and last at his critics, he has yet to address this central point. Certainly he has not apologized for it. In fact, he's acting as though he never actually said it. As Boehlert puts it:

I ask because watch this clip below of Beck on Bill O'Reilly's show this week and watch as the two men bemoan the attempts by nasty liberals "loons" to shut Beck up; to snatch away his Freedom of Speech.

What's rather astonishing is that while Beck and O'Reilly clearly make (indirect) references to the ad boycott campaign, they never explain to viewers what sparked the outrage. They never explain why. They never explain the campaign was launched in direct response to the fact that Beck went on national television and called the President of the United State a "racist"; somebody who flashed a "deep-seated hatred of white people."

At Fox News, that smear has been flushed down the memory hole, and all that's left is playing victim.​

Ah, but here's the one thing: If you've been watching Beck this week on his program, he's been imploring his audience to record it -- write it all down, even -- because it's the Most Important Stuff They'll Ever Watch on the Teevee.

That's because, if you watch what he's been doing so far, what seems to be emerging is that he is basically building a case justifying his declaration that Obama is a racist who hates white people.

This became crystal-clear midway through his Fox News program Thursday night, during a segment featuring ex-Democrat now complete loser Patrick Caddell and the ever-vivacious Michelle Malkin to heartily agree with whatever craziness came burbling out of his mouth.

They were all gathered to talk about the "army" of "thugs" that President Obama is planning to gather under the combined umbrellas of ACORN, SEIU, Color of Change and whatever other insidious "radicals" Beck believes he's uncovered.

And what does this "army" of "thugs" look like?

Why, they're all black people, of course.

Watch the segment and observe the examples he offers of the kinds of "thugs" he says Obama intends to incorporate into his army: some gun-toting Black Panthers, a shot from a Louis Farrakhan sermon before a Nation of Islam gathering, and a group of young black men doing military-style exercises.

This, as he explained earlier in the show, will be "Obama's SS."

So we now can see the arc of Beck's thesis this week: He was right to call President Obama an anti-white racist because he is this very moment forming an army of militant black thugs to take over your white neighborhoods and threaten your children and impose a liberal fascist state.

Or something like that.

You do have to wonder when the honchos at Fox will realize that Glenn Beck may bring in the ratings, but he is inflicting a deep scar on their brand name that will be a long time fading."

Ten more companies reportedly say they won’t advertise on Beck, bringing total to 46


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
What scares me more than the guy himself is a network so hellbent on providing propaganda for the right wing, and what scares me more than that are the armies of fuckin morons who believe this shit..
Perhaps they all forgot the guy was raised by white folks..
........This whole ...thing.. is effecting me insside somehow..
I cant even describe what it is, all I know is I absolutely HATE these people and would love to rid the planet of them.
I dont know, it feels like I have slipped into some fucked up parallel universe .


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Organized Religion At Its Best

Just caught this bullshit on CNN this morning...

Source: Examiner


Christian hate Pastor Steven Anderson is praying for President Barack Obama's death. Anderson, yet another hate spewing homophobic Christian, is Pastor of the Faithful World Baptist Church, in Tempe, Arizona.

Aside from praying for President Barack Obama's death, Pastor Anderson seems fixated on homosexuality. His fixation is clearly unhealthy, and could very well be indicative of an individual unable to process his own sexual confusion.

Anderson trots out the usual Christian slander and smear on the gay lifestyle. Anderson claims that homosexuals recruit through rape and the molesting of children. Yet Anderson goes one better than most hate filled Christians. Christians usually mask their hatred and bigotry with a cutesy expression like: "hate the sin but love the sinner".

To his credit Anderson is not so two-faced. Anderson says what many Christians are frightened to admit: Anderson wants the death penalty for homosexuals. The source for such a draconian response? The Bible, of course.

Christian Pastor Steven Anderson wants homosexuals put to death, just as the Bible mandates. In addition, the good Pastor prays for President's Obama's death. One can only suppose that his flock shares similar hopes and aspirations.

Here is a quote from the good Christian, the good Pastor, a man of God:
Let me tell you something: Barack Obama has wrought lewdness in America. America has become lewd. What does lewd mean? L-E-W-D? [Pause] Obscene. Right? Dirty. Filthy. Homosexuality. Promiscuity. All of the -- everything that's on the billboard, the TV. Sensuality. Lewdness! We don't even know what lewdness means anymore! We're just surrounded by it, inundated with it!

... And yet you're going to tell me that I'm supposed to pray for the socialist devil, murderer, infanticide, who wants to see young children and he wants to see babies killed through abortion and partial-birth abortion and all these different things -- you're gonna tell me I'm supposed to pray for God to give him a good lunch tomorrow while he's in Phoenix, Arizona.

Nope. I'm not gonna pray for his good. I'm going to pray that he dies and goes to hell. When I go to bed tonight, that's what I'm going to pray. And you say, 'Are you just saying that?' No. When I go to bed tonight, Steven L. Anderson is going to pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell.​

[ame=""]YouTube - WARNING 18+: Bigoted 'pastor' Steve Anderson calls for all Gays & Obama to perish! CUCKOO[/ame]


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
that knee-gro that brought the ar-15 to obamas healthcare townhall is a member of his church and i think came directly after his sermon (pun not intended but you know that shit was true too)

when the fbi did their assessment of the significant uprise of rightwing extremists militia types since obama, the right scoffed at it.

when splc recently found and reported the same thing, the right scoffed again.

when reports of white nationalists and nativists are deep in the military, when uc's or defectors in those organizations report about the ex-military and the positions they get and training they provide, it was scoffed at again.

when evidence after evidence of the dehumanizing propaganda coupled with the 300% uptick in death threats and legitimized by politicians and funded by corporations and lobbyists groups like Koch Industries, they say it's harmless

when the phenomenon of the lone wolf is being promoted and egged on by pundits, pastors, teabaggers, and the conversationalist movement, they say don't worry and when the lone wolfs show up, it's an isolated case or 'their loony'

just keep exposing the shit