Cell phone died, pissed off, what do you have?

Some Guy

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
If you need a physical keyboard go with the upcoming Motorola Droid 4 it will be out in December. If you dont mind typing on virtual go with the Samsung Galaxy SII. Or this.... http://www.google.com/nexus/
FL is coming to android cant wait for that. I know its out for the iPhone but the iPhone screen is too small. I wasn't impressed.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
What turns me off about apple is they have their own protection plan, which doesn't cover lost/stolen phones......and devices get lost/stolen all the time....

I may just go back to blackberry....we'll. see....
Fuck Apple and their fanboys, no, fuck all fanboys of anything.
I got a Galaxy S, android. Battery life is terrible. But its a cool phone, I got it cheap by telling T-Mobile I wanted to leave, so I went from my £23 per month contract with a shit phone to a £7 per month contract with the Galaxy, yes Im happy.

#2 in what way would you change the nature of the iphone?

Id burn it with a blow torch. That would be a nice change.
Fuck apple because the way their secrecy gets people jumping from buildings for losing a prototype.

I was into Win phones, Android crushes that ish! Once again, when Apple changes, updates, fixes (whatever you want to call it...) itunes and make it more ummm User Friendly, AND change the look of the iphone (it's been what 4 or 5 years now?). I will consider their products.

They dont have to because they have so many closed minded fanboys that would buy a turd if it had an apple logo on it.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
But my question still stands, what does itunes have to do with the iphone?

Lol, you're kidding me right? Here's a subtle hint...they both start with the letter 'i'.

#2 in what way would you change the nature of the iphone?

evolve, progress, modernize, update, change it's looks. It's sported that same look for 5 years now.



A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Fuck apple because the way their secrecy gets people jumping from buildings for losing a prototype.

You seriously cant blame apple for someone CHOOSING to jump off a building, lame.

evolve, progress, modernize, update, change it's looks. It's sported that same look for 5 years now.

Well that is #1 not true, first the iphone is only 4 years old and second it has evolved http://mashable.com/2011/10/04/iphone-history-so-far-infographic/ and third android is a DIRECT knock off of the ios and they STILL have not caught up with Apple in so many ways. So google should at least learn to copy Apple better.

If you don't believe me that google is totally ripping off Apple look at this.


and I am person that uses both ios and android almost everyday, android has a few nice features but it still feels beta, where ios has polish.
You seriously cant blame apple for someone CHOOSING to jump off a building, lame.

Erm yes I can, its their policies that made it happen. Cause and effect. Striking so much fear of retribution in the mind of the poor employee for losing a prototype that they feel they would rather kill themselves. Yes that is their fault. Why are you defending a corporation that couldnt give a fuck about you? What do you owe to them? Ill tell you, absolutly nothing.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Ok, 4yrs, 4mos and some days...and yeah, you're right! There's a HUGE difference in the appearances of these two phones, how did I miss that? lmao!


You keep referring to Android being a knockoff of ios like someone is debating that it isn't...who cares? it works! and it works damn good on the S2. Also, it appears that more people like Android - they're numero uno according to Engadget!

Apple needs to change the way the phone looks, period! hahaha


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
You keep referring to Android being a knockoff of ios like someone is debating that it isn't...who cares?

Because you are saying Apple needs to evolve but you support Android and platform that is less evolved than iOS

Yes that is their fault. Why are you defending a corporation that couldnt give a fuck about you? What do you owe to them? Ill tell you, absolutly nothing.

I am not defending Apple per se, I would say the same no matter what company it was. Anyone who commits suicide CHOOSES to do so PERIOD. Did he not have free will? At the end of the day it was his choice.

Also for anyone calling me an Apple "fanboy" please reread this thread, I have already said that Microsoft is the most innovative right now. I don't think a "fanboy" would say that.
Because you are saying Apple needs to evolve but you support Android and platform that is less evolved than iOS

I am not defending Apple per se, I would say the same no matter what company it was. Anyone who commits suicide CHOOSES to do so PERIOD. Did he not have free will? At the end of the day it was his choice.

Also for anyone calling me an Apple "fanboy" please reread this thread, I have already said that Microsoft is the most innovative right now. I don't think a "fanboy" would say that.

When did I call you an apple fanboy? I just said I hate apple fanboys or any sort of fanboy.
OK there is no problem at all.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
The look of the phone doesn't mean shit...because all these full touch screen smartphones look EXACTLY like the iPhone. All full touchscreen devices look the same....It's not about the looks that impress me...It's the power in the phones/battery life/ease of use/applications.

I'm not thoroughly impressed with Android at all. HOWEVER, The integration with your google account is fucking awesome, though...with no need to plug the device in and restore it through a program that the manufacturer requires you to use.

One thing Android needs to work on is battery life for it's premium phones. There's no reason why a phone through average use needs to be charged in the middle of the day. With the introduction of the newest smartphones, Android devices had beefed up batteries, which do help....with the galaxy s 2 devices experiencing excellent battery life. I'm Still considering my BB bold 9930. All I need is email and some social network apps....that's it..I don't need anything else, really.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
ha ha, ahh the old Foxconn thing

so you know Apple does not own Foxconn, and that Foxconn makes products for ENTIRE tech industry, Intel, Dell, HP, EVERYONE so if you are going to hate on Apple you have to hate on everyone.

Second Foxconn is actually a huge city with over 450,000 people, and the suicide rate of that city is actually lower than the US national average.

Apple in fact is one of the only companies that put together a team to specifically improve conditions at Foxconn. If anything Apple should be commended here. :)



Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Because you are saying Apple needs to evolve but you support Android and platform that is less evolved than iOS.

How you get - I'm talking about a platform out of this is amazing!

AND change the look of the iphone (it's been what 4 or 5 years now?).

Things I want Apple to change

2. the physiognomy of the iphone

evolve, progress, modernize, update, change it's looks. It's sported that same look for 5 years now.


Apple needs to change the way the phone looks, period! hahaha
ha ha, ahh the old Foxconn thing

so you know Apple does not own Foxconn, and that Foxconn makes products for ENTIRE tech industry, Intel, Dell, HP, EVERYONE so if you are going to hate on Apple you have to hate on everyone.

Second Foxconn is actually a huge city with over 450,000 people, and the suicide rate of that city is actually lower than the US national average.

Apple in fact is one of the only companies that put together a team to specifically improve conditions at Foxconn. If anything Apple should be commended here. :)


Firstly its not really old, it was last year.
These employees were not making products for any other company except Apple. But apart from that, you know me, I do hate everyone.
The suicide rate comparison thing has been used before, and been proven to be a misguided statistic which doesnt really add up.
And finally the reason Apple was one of the only companies to put together a team is because it was giving them a bad name specifically, because all the suicides were linked to the Apple manufacturing and Apples extreme secrecy.
What Apple should of done is stopped using Foxconn altogether, but they didnt. Because the profit margins are fucking criminal and they are making a fucking fortune from the fanboys from inflated pricing.
ha ha, all good bro!

Do you like any company at all?
Yes I like ethical companies, I like small businesses run by families that dont rip off their customers. You know, companies that dont tell farmers they have to mass farm animals in cruel ways, or cut farmers margins so tight that they go out of business.
I hate multi national corporations and big business where profit overrules the rights and well being of their employees/customers/the environment.

Is it just on my computer or is anyone else got phone ads on this thread?
Fucking google!!! They are EVIL!!! EVIL I say.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
One thing Android needs to work on is battery life for it's premium phones. There's no reason why a phone through average use needs to be charged in the middle of the day.

Can you give a breakdown of what Average Usage means?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I know this wasn't directed towards me but I honestly think the battery life on my Droid is excellent! I've got the top plan available from AT&T so it's not like I'm not using my phone because of any restrictions, I've conducted business, watched 2 movies on Netflix, my normal amount of calls per day, checked all my emails and chilled on Ill all in one day, with one charge. I've heard that the dual processor helps battery life but idk? What I do know is that I haven't had to charge up one time during the day after my phone has charged overnight yet and it still had plenty to go when I put it back on the charger.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
For some reason, i think fade will like htc, ever looked into those ?

also, android wins..for what i want to do with it. I dont depend on any other software like itunes and lots of functional apps are free, any kind of app you'll find on the iphone youll find for android and vice versa.

Anyway, i chose an xp10 mini pro a while a go, smallest android phone around with qwerty.. id be fucked with an onscreen qwerty when the display would burst.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I know this wasn't directed towards me but I honestly think the battery life on my Droid is excellent! I've got the top plan available from AT&T so it's not like I'm not using my phone because of any restrictions, I've conducted business, watched 2 movies on Netflix, my normal amount of calls per day, checked all my emails and chilled on Ill all in one day, with one charge. I've heard that the dual processor helps battery life but idk? What I do know is that I haven't had to charge up one time during the day after my phone has charged overnight yet and it still had plenty to go when I put it back on the charger.

Impressive! Does android have spare batteries? Or is it one n ya done?