bin laden killed


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
World politics have alot to do with the "how's and why's" we do the things we do. It's not like our government is so out of control that it's unbearable to live here and it's really not fair to judge a country by it's government. Take oil for example, we rely heavily on it to continue our normal way of life. What are we supposed to do, just say forget it? Even being as far behind the rest of the world as we are, we still will fight for freedom and our share of the pie -vs- giving in. Our problem as a country is that we are all so selfish, everything is about us. If we would come together as a country first, then reach out to other countries, things would be a lot better imo.

I've been saying all along that i have no pun with US citizens, but i always get that unpatriotic treatment when talking about US shady politics lol. Your gov is not out of control, its the complete opposite; They bring you the news, when and how they want it. IMO, the US gov. main job seems to be to figure out how much crap they can shuv through their democracy so they can please the zionists, arabs and asian investors. Here's the selfish part you speak about but it has nothing to do with the americans being selfish, americans are being exploited by their own gov. You must generate taxmoney, so they beef up defense budgets so big that an asian investor would be stupid to say no.
The only thing left to create revenue is to have a war so factories can produce 24/7(yeah they found Osama but only after they have deployed more bombs than in vietnam on his so called'd think US commando's would provide a cheaper and even more effective means to find him). In the end, US citizens promote a war at the expense of their own healthcare system because a few americans and a few foreigners get richer...non of that taxmoney is coming back but you do get free fema camps! You want your country to get better, take out the industrial complex running your country first, re-evaluate your "democracy".

The oil thing, cars dont need to drive 4:1. Its part of the american dream, big oil hungry cars for peanuts and tank up for a few bucks. Its not about efficiency but about consuming, endless consuming for the price of your taxmoney. Perhaps an outdated state of mind as most of you differ but this has been generalised outside the US, same like the rediculous right to bare arms...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Dude the shit is genius.
Im waiting on the official White House pics and or videos..

That fucker is dead as fuck, Pakistan has alotta splaining to do .

And this pres has large nuts ,if this had gone wrong this wold have been like when Carter fucked up trying to rescue the Iranian hostages... Yeah Im that old to remember.

It doesnt stop the war unfortunately , but with the world changes happening this is a great moment.

I honestly thought that this dude would die of natural causes.

The whole world should be happy.

The oil thing, cars dont need to drive 4:1. Its part of the american dream, big oil hungry cars for peanuts and tank up for a few bucks. Its not about efficiency but about consuming, endless consuming for the price of your taxmoney. Perhaps an outdated state of mind as most of you differ but this has been generalised outside the US, same like the rediculous right to bare arms...

This I agree with even though its off topic lol..

Look dudes they are going to have non photoshopped pics and what not, it IS important that we dont show everybody exactly how we can do this shit, so they need to filter through what we can and cannot show.
It happened .

Its not impossible for us to have done this.. I mean I would have thought the 911 attacks were more impossible than this.


ill o.g.
Why should commoners be able to have wepons? Thats only for the folks with fancy pants cause they have proven trustworthy...duh!

Television and Radio Program are not figures of any country...

The oh so terrible American Dream created one of the most free and productive societies in history...FAST

then along came a spider called Corporate we all eat butane laugh at those who dont ( thats not a joke )

I have a problem when people from other countries make those blanket statments about the US without recognizing the indoctrination that the people over here go through...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I have a problem when people from other countries make those blanket statments about the US without recognizing the indoctrination that the people over here go through...

Im very much aware but simpletons are everywhere, as posted yesterday;

Without going into the definition of a conspiracy, every US chauvinist have put down anything offending as a conspiracy without a second thought. Kinda like the germans saying "wir haben es nicht gewusst" after WWII. yeah, its called indoctrination.


I could get some more statistics, but you're the only western "civilized" country among the top 10 (top 5 even) countries regardless which arms related pie chart i pick. From the list, the US is the only one from which i know that have civilians licensed to carry concealed weapons and firearms that easy. The other countries are self-explanatory, there it is illegal, no need point out Brasil etc, at least its not a western country i could compare to the US.

So i get it, in the US guns are for safety. In any case of threat you can defend yourself against a gun, but i doubt the efficiency in that both would draw a gun resulting that the odds are still against you. In case of dramatic experience with gun violence, its been proven that victims with guns are a huge liability. They progress the use of firearms like a virus which makes me refer to it like drugs or alcohol. Some people can handle it well, some people should never drink or do drugs. I think that from that perspective most would agree.

Dont get me wrong, i dont have a huge aversion against guns (i like fps) but dont have any interest in gunsports. I'd never ever had to urge to own a gun, let alone have a reason to use one. Chances i get into gun violence over here are very slim opposed to other weapons like knifes, stick, etc but in any case i'd know how to defend against a knife. If a society becomes that gun infested that its only a matter of murphy's law. Therefor, i'd assume that life in the US would be so much better if guns would be out of the picture instead dominantly present.
The oh so terrible American Dream created one of the most free and productive societies in history...FAST

The American Dream is just that, a dream.
It was actually the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights that granted the freedom to its citizens, it was also the slavery that made the USA one of the most productive countries in the world. When the european superstates were decimated by WW2 the USA wasnt, which rapidly propelled it into the position of super power. Not to mention companies like IBM, that actually made the ticker tapes that were being used by the nazi's to keep track of the concentration camp victims. The USA also sold steel to the nazi war machine for Panzer production. The american dream is simply capitalism by another name, and capitalism has its positives and also its negatives, as me and dreampolice have gone over before.
I also take note of what relic said before, every nation state in the world has some sort of control over its media/news outlets, everyone is to some extent indoctrinated, that was the whole reason they came up with schools and universities in the first place. I think the control of the USA media by its government while not one of the most extreme in the world, like Iran or China, it is still very much up there.

As for gun control, I have to go with Formant on this one. Before I was very much in favour of the citizens right to defend itself from the military industrial complex in case of a coup. But on balance the deaths caused by an abundance of guns easily outweighs the benefits. I remember a thread Dac posted a while back when he nearly got into a shoot out over a parking space. I mean really, is that really necessary?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Seriously Formant, you're a bright guy =), the United States is the jackpot of the world, this is where peoples dreams come true, you can come from any other country in the world and if you're talented, committed, relentless and a little could be financially free in a relatively short time. The bad side to that is... it opens doors for things like illegal gun smuggling and sales in our country as well. Everybody has access to any and everything here, both good and bad.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the 2nd amendment to bare arms. We do have laws concerning guns. You can't legally purchase a gun without going through the proper channels. If you have 1 misdemeanor on your record, you've forfeited your right to bare arms here. You can't even be caught with a gun in your possession. Will that stop people from illegally buying a gun? No, it won't here, nor in any other country even with consequences in place.

See the thing is...most people here would rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have one. That comes along with being a simpleton I guess?!?!? In any case, the 2nd amendment is a part of our constitution, and if you want problems, mess with our rights. But thats like being another nationality, you will NEVER know what that is until you are one.

People crack me up with website statistics and use them as facts. How many murders were committed by registered gun owners? What percentage of homicides are by felons or repeat offenders or straight up criminals in general? Bro, this is a story that you will never get correct until you live it on the inside.
People crack me up with website statistics and use them as facts. How many murders were committed by registered gun owners? What percentage of homicides are by felons or repeat offenders or straight up criminals in general? Bro, this is a story that you will never get correct until you live it on the inside.

The question that needs to be asked is what percentage of homicides are by guns?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I remember a thread Dac posted a while back when he nearly got into a shoot out over a parking space. I mean really, is that really necessary?

See this is what I'm talking Things can be read, twisted, misunderstood and thrown back at you to support your case. Let me clarify this... All I wanted to do was to show this cat how this issue could have gotten out of hand very quickly. As far as I know, he could have been carrying a firearm as well BUT his disadvantage was he was carrying a newborn child. This cat was wrong by setting a negative atmosphere with a disadvantage in his favor and I debated on letting him see his error. I say this with all sincerity, eventhough it appears unnecessary, he would have had to endanger my life or my daughters life before I would have started blasting and at that very point, I would have done the same thing that you or anyone else would have done... either he would have taken my life or I would have taken his. My point is, it would no longer have been about a parking space anymore, it would have been a life or death situation. By then it doesn't matter what caused it.
See this is what I'm talking Things can be read, twisted, misunderstood and thrown back at you to support your case. Let me clarify this... All I wanted to do was to show this cat how this issue could have gotten out of hand very quickly. As far as I know, he could have been carrying a firearm as well BUT his disadvantage was he was carrying a newborn child. This cat was wrong by setting a negative atmosphere with a disadvantage in his favor and I debated on letting him see his error. I say this with all sincerity, eventhough it appears unnecessary, he would have had to endanger my life or my daughters life before I would have started blasting and at that very point, I would have done the same thing that you or anyone else would have done... either he would have taken my life or I would have taken his. My point is, it would no longer have been about a parking space anymore, it would have been a life or death situation. By then it doesn't matter what caused it.

My point was not to twist the event or put you in a bad light, my point was to highlight that if firearms were not widely available then his carrying a firearm would not have even been an issue. And neither would anyone have lost their life over an argument that started over a parking space, a fight may have ensued but the chances are, even after a punch up you would both be going home to tell the tale, and nobody would have lost their life. No life or death situation brought about by the legallity of carrying firearms.
I know you are a firearms carrier, and would defend that right, thats wholly understandable, a couple years ago I would probably have defended that right also.
But the fact remains if guns were not so widely available then people would not be getting shot anywhere near as much. My whole point is that violence happens, its human nature, anger can cloud judgement, put guns into that equation and people get shot and killed, only to the regret of the shooter once the anger and red mist has subsided. We are all human beings and have these moments of anger when we do things that we later regret.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
The question that needs to be asked is what percentage of homicides are by guns?

Thats what it shows... and thats where the error is. Throw 10 loaded guns in a cage of criminals and see what happens. Then throw 10 guns in a group of law abiding citizens and see what happens. To suggest that the outcome would be the same is simpleton?!?! hahaha Plus, it's a right, it's not a necessity. We have a choice unlike other countries that don't and personally, I would rather have that choice than not, no matter what question is asked.

Edit - 2Good, I know what you meant but will everybody else? We have always been I'm smiling see----> =)


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
But if the gun is brought here illegally, it's irrelevant...

How many people were able to successfully protect themselves and their families from assailants by using a gun?

The questions can go on and on..

In Florida, home invasions are very popular. And these people don't run into these homes carrying guns purchased legally...

So...You and your family are at the mercy of assholes who are holding.

Most of these home invasions end in tragedy. Having a gun (legally) gives you the BEST opportunity to survive such an ordeal. It's for protection. You go to the range and take safety classes to know how to use your weapon and learn all the safety procedures and laws.

You think having the "right" to bare arms is bad?

Ask that question to the families that are executed in their own homes.
But if the gun is brought here illegally, it's irrelevant...

How many people were able to successfully protect themselves and their families from assailants by using a gun?

The questions can go on and on..

In Florida, home invasions are very popular. And these people don't run into these homes carrying guns purchased legally...

So...You and your family are at the mercy of assholes who are holding.

Most of these home invasions end in tragedy. Having a gun (legally) gives you the BEST opportunity to survive such an ordeal. It's for protection. You go to the range and take safety classes to know how to use your weapon and learn all the safety procedures and laws.

You think having the "right" to bare arms is bad?

Ask that question to the families that are executed in their own homes.

Ok so home invasions....

Is it a requirement that a gun should be kept in a safe place out of reach of children that can get their hands on it and accidentally kill themselves or someone else?
Do responisble law abiding citizens/parents not keep their guns in that safe place?
And how easy is it to get to that safe place in the event of a home invasion?
So does a gun locked away in a safe place save you from criminals that catch you off guard and by surprise?
There are criminals everywhere in the world, here in the UK a small minority of criminals carry guns and people rarely get shot, but it does happen.
You can also obtain a gun license and own a gun, but it must always be kept in a gun cabinet kept seperate from the bullets. You can actually kill an intruder if your life is in danger, which means you cannot shoot someone in the back, it has some technicalities, but we can own guns in our own homes, go to shooting clubs, kill intruders etc.
Because knives are so easily and widely available people tend to get stabbed a lot more here.
But i do think that the home invasion argument has some flaws.
I dont think the right to bear arms is technically wrong, but I do think that the widespread availability of firearms increases accidental death and the availabilty of firearms means that many more criminals are armed with them.
Its like fire begets fire, it adds the element of "Maybe hes got a gun, i better shoot him first".
Ask the parents of children that killed themselves accidentally or someone else if widespread guns are bad.
Also ask the people on death row or serving life for shooting and killing someone in a fit of rage only to later regret it if widespread guns is good.

Im not sure how this thread turned into the argument over a right to bear arms, I apologise for my part in taking this thread off topic.
Back on topic...
It doesnt stop the war unfortunately , but with the world changes happening this is a great moment.

I honestly thought that this dude would die of natural causes.

The whole world should be happy.
Lets just say for the sake of argument this is all true and they just killed Osama.

Why should the world be happy? Some patsy figurehead has been killed and dumped at sea so there can be no independant verification. Its a fact the Bin Ladens are heavily involved with the Carlysle Group, so any Bin Laden family verification of seeing him killed has loads of doubt over it.
Since hes been in hiding for ten years, what involvement with Al-Qaeda could he possibly have had? Do you think his martyrdom has any impact on the war against terror, except escalating it for the terrorists.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Back on topic...

Lets just say for the sake of argument this is all true and they just killed Osama.

Why should the world be happy? .

Cuz he's dead...

And that was a bad ass mission.

Alqueada is about to be mostly irrelevant in the Arab world.

I know you guys LOVE conspiracies, and I thought of yall when they said they dumped the body at sea.
Say what you want call me sheeple be P-noid, but Im =)
LOTS of Arabs and muslims around the world are also now happy.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I think it's bullshit... Just dumped the body quickly?

I understand the whole not burying the body so it is not worshipped...

I just find it extremely unbelievable that he was killed when it was reported.

I also find it extremely convenient that election year is coming we could stop talking about the shitty economy and focus on the death of a human being.

It is funny how the people are celebrating the death of this dude..... It's almost barbaric.....


ill o.g.
what you guys in other places dont seem to grasp is that the places in the US with the strictest gun bans also have the highest rates of gun violence...home invasions are next to nil in florida and texas cause of a lil thing called "castle law"...Banning guns in the US would simply mean banning guns from responsible law abiding citezens...leaving only the criminals armed....thats dumb.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
We ARE barbaric and a violent nation, we have been at war ever since we formed somewhere in the world.
I dont thnk there has been a time where we havent been at war...

But we are also charitable, Im tired of trying to please the world, if Bin is still alive I suspect his next message (because there is always one recorded just in case) will mention how they missed him and describe in detail where we hit him.
The bigger question is how stupid is pakistani intellegence?

They didnt know he was there? Didnt know we were comming? And the whole west point just stayed in 1000 yards away while we spent 40 minutes with all that shooting and shit??
They suck.

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