Sticky Beat This! Theme Suggestions

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DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
depends in which manner it was "half heartedly" done...

entering Battle That, I absolutely rushed 2 beats. And they were by faaaar my best beats I made.

Depending on the manner in which you made it, it could be a worthwhile experience that teaches you something.
5 MinuteZzZ BeatZZZ ProducshunZZZ


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Blink 182 Reaction GIF


Big Clit Energy
If someone put some good drums over slow rhode and add a few things it could be interesting but it's pretty difficult to give feedback over 8 seconds long pieces of music. But keep going :D Try to compose something with all the elements. Let's say make a one minute beat with drums, bass and some melody. If making bass is too difficult for you at the moment then you put drums and melody together and show it in Showcase for feedback. But it's gotta be longer.


Battle Points: 3
If someone put some good drums over slow rhode and add a few things it could be interesting but it's pretty difficult to give feedback over 8 seconds long pieces of music. But keep going :D Try to compose something with all the elements. Let's say make a one minute beat with drums, bass and some melody. If making bass is too difficult for you at the moment then you put drums and melody together and show it in Showcase for feedback. But it's gotta be longer.
I agree.

OG Bama you just have to really keep forcing yourself to buckle down and do more. I know it's super uncomfortable. I've been there and I still am many times when it comes to learning new things and applying them. I remember when I first started learning Reason, I'd literally be sweating from the pain of having to do more stuff. I remember feeling that same way the first time I had to bounce audio between two DAW's. Same with learning how to use automation. Even with starting to turn patterns into songs I felt that way.


Big Clit Energy
Suggestions @Fade

Minneapolis Funk
Perc's Calling (as in percussion)
Let's Play House (House music challenge, I actually like this genre when it's Soulful and Deep)
Doo Hop (as in Doo Wop Hip Hop)
Film / movie beat of your choice but have to use vocals from films. So could choose a single film or take from many. I could only imagine the crazy epic creativity you all would bring. Pin pointing a specific film for theme would stunt creativity as not everyone is going to appreciate that film.
Seeing as @2GooD Productions started an iconic movies thread should be a lot of interest already

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 703
Pin pointing a specific film for theme would stunt creativity

Firstly, i think your idea is great! So don't misconstrue this as me shootingit down.

But i think the only thing to stunt someone's creativity in this scenario is themselves.

The more limited or uncomfortable you may feel, is when you really have to bring your creativity out.

I think people who tackle those scenarios really have the 'creative gene'.

Creativity is often about finding a "solution".