Beat This! - June 15-16, 2022

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...
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+ awesome battle theme but also fuck that movie. hollywood makes shit like that, but also has the audacity to not even mention how cyrus literally freed their beloved jews from babylon when slavery was practically old news here. that was 6 or 7 decades before the whole 300 thing happened, and btw 2300 years before usa stopped having slaves n shit. yet the mfs have the audacity to make movies showing history as if this is what the average Iranian looked like


no wonder mfs get scared when I tell them where I'm from lmfao.
+ awesome battle theme but also fuck that movie. hollywood makes shit like that, but also has the audacity to not even mention how cyrus literally freed their beloved jews from babylon when slavery was practically old news here. that was 6 or 7 decades before the whole 300 thing happened, and btw 2300 years before usa stopped having slaves n shit. yet the mfs have the audacity to make movies showing history as if this is what the average Iranian looked like

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no wonder mfs get scared when I tell them where I'm from lmfao.

Welcome to the world of us, Black People.

Get Out Reaction GIF by Get Out Movie
ayo fuck it I'm finna start a race war right here. Everyone else vs Whites. round one is rap battle, round two is when they suck at it, get mad, pappas brings the guns out and then we try to hide.
This is the type of theme i know you kill. Orchestra type of movements. I am expecting you in the top 3 for sure.
I have not made beats like this whole year basically hahahaha
Solving peoples mental issues is taking away from my own mental wellbeing
Tired Monday GIF
I knoo I knoo, anything but #1 is underachievement for me on this theme but problem is this is the typa theme I LOVE making stuff for, but it also happened during the week of our finals so... butthurt to the fullest. I didn't even make anything for it I just used a beat from February 2021. (also fun fact, I made that beat 1 day before my birthday for some reason)

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
Wow, i wish i did have the time and energy to turn the idea i had into reality, would ve smashed this theme..fuck.

No hate, boys, kinda disappointed.
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