Beat This! - July 14-15, 2021

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got my vote in! one of these beats is way too similar to KRSs 'A Friend'...ill say no more!
i know people will feel differently-but i'm of the oppinion we should drop the vocals allowed feature.
Anyway-some excellent work in there! Well done everyone-i'll get my ass in gear to enter the next couple
tbh I used to have opinions n shit too, but I think we're nagging a bit too much. like I don't like the vocal feature most times either, but if fade hadn't had added it, we'd have been wondering how much better the battles would've been if this "Wonderful new idea of allowing vocals" would've been listened to. imo it depends on the theme, on harder themes it's kinda difficult to get a acapella on ur beat that 6 other people hasn't already used, but on themeless ones, it's not that annoying to try the vocals shit once a while, yk?
Maybe. Or maybe make it even harder with a specific acapella to be made into a beat? I dunno, I dont mind it how it is as we all have the same opportunities when vocals are an option.
that'd kinda make voting an exhausting experience. listening to the same acapella 50 times. imo the current state of vocal allowance is nothing less than adequate in the status quo.
Made my choice. In the end it came down to mixing, creativity and overall vibe for me. Was the only way I could bring the choices right down. Otherwise there were about 6 or 7 that could easily have gotten it.
Was a couple in there where the acapella timing ruined the track for me. Gotta keep those acapellas tight. If that means using the original as a reference to get the timing right, then do that, it helps.
Good battle, would have liked to have been in it but been a bit busy on other shit.
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Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
Wow. Didn't even place?

Usually I wouldn't be so brazen, but that voting seems so skewed and suspect.

Without a doubt top 5 should be..
@Iron Keys
@Vossi Beats (voted)
@Face Valid

Few other dope beats in there that deserve a mention, but the fact only one of those^ made it, genuinely blasphemous.

This battle's results is a genuine tragedy.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
Welp, I would of swore @Face Valid beat was yours @Iron Keys but yeah, agree with your assessment bro. Face got my vote
I figured you might have done, me and Face got a similar taste/style. I think his was a little cruder than mine usually is, but when he brought in those plinky grace note things I figured a few may mistake his as one of mine.

Your beat, I was in two minds, 'cause that bassline is from somewhere else. But I leaned towards liking the appropriation - great stuff. (can see this is true as I mentioned it in the discord)


Freedom Seed Spreader
Battle Points: 360
I didnt have time for a new beat never entered this and yeah, its a dbl remix. It is an old jam that I put my that I put my own flavor to and avia and obviously a tupac acapella that I slashed up . But thank you for the kind words converge..

I'm driving home now I'll give everything a good listening to when I get home snd some good headphones or speakers, I'll give a shout back out.


prod. by InnerThug
Battle Points: 170
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