Beat Thang sampling by Lady Tha ProducHer

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
there once was a time Hyundai was laughed at... but that Genesis has been mistaken for a Mercedes a few times... they did their hw... Best Buy is doin there's as well... b4 Best Buy was in my neighborhood, Circuit City stood tall... CC folded, and Best Buy quickly snatched that vacant building.. like i said, the takeover is happening right in front of our eyes... comparing them to Toy R Us will soon be nothin... theyll be compared to Walmart.. the choices that we once had will slowly be gone.


da relic


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Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
It's most likely because Best Buy has more buying power a la Wal-mart... which is why their prices are cheaper.....if they go pro-audio....they will rule the land.......I love that store as it is..... "so what you're telling me is..... I could buy some dope electronics.....AND A MOTIF?

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
"so what you're telling me is..... I could buy some dope electronics.....AND A MOTIF?

what does the DJ say when a celeb enters tha club? "Yamaha (and also Roland, Korg, and Akai for that matter) ... IS IN THE BUILDING!!!" lol

da relic


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Here in NC, they are slowly building up the size of the area... Some of the top names right now are Yamaha, Akai, M-Audio, NuMark, Stanton and Roland.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
well.. things are lookin up so far... a friend of mine said its possible he can get 2, maybe 3 for $750 each... i dont ask any questions.. when the MPC 1000 first dropped, he had 6 of them, all still in the box, unopened, and sold me one for $500, when they were goin for $1000... shouldve bought 3 at the time, but didnt think they were gonna be popular.. now, its a waiting game.

this is the best vid so far:

da relic


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

All the videos are in the dark..... Like the lights are supposed to be that awesome.
ill o.g.
I personally think that iPad and iTouch/iPhone are both the future of mobile music. I do however lust for the Beat Thang. I prefer the chromatic pads personally. I hope to own one. Good info: I also want to try Maschine as it to looks like a great piece of equiptment. Damn.....we have come a looooong way from back in the day.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
welp... today's THE day... thinkin bout strollin over to Best Buy and see whats goin on, who's there, blah blah blah... Kanye was at the QTip Brooklyn Bridge show yesterday, so i wouldnt be surprised if he showed up at Best Buy in Manhattan... my friend couldnt give me any new info on any 'fall off the truck' pieces, so im gonna hafta make a decision... i wish u guys were here to drug me or something... lol.. then again, the Hulk cant be contained when he's angry. :evil:

da relic
welp... today's THE day... thinkin bout strollin over to Best Buy and see whats goin on, who's there, blah blah blah... Kanye was at the QTip Brooklyn Bridge show yesterday, so i wouldnt be surprised if he showed up at Best Buy in Manhattan... my friend couldnt give me any new info on any 'fall off the truck' pieces, so im gonna hafta make a decision... i wish u guys were here to drug me or something... lol.. then again, the Hulk cant be contained when he's angry. :evil:

da relic

NO!!! Dont do it, you will probably be better off with maschine.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
....probably? DEFINITELY.'d be better off with the RS...

Maschine is still $599...lmao...half the price.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Nice... Are the drums worth the download?


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304's tough to find "new" drums, these days...

layering is key's tough to find "new" drums, these days...

layering is key

I only use the kong drum samples in the reason factory soundbank now, them drums are ill.
if you find a way of getting them as wavs id recommend it, otherwise rewire reason 5 just for the drum sounds. I know its an expensive way of doing it but get a *cough* pirate copy *cough* and export the drum sounds that way. Then just get rid of reason.


ill o.g.
I only use the kong drum samples in the reason factory soundbank now, them drums are ill.
if you find a way of getting them as wavs id recommend it, otherwise rewire reason 5 just for the drum sounds. I know its an expensive way of doing it but get a *cough* pirate copy *cough* and export the drum sounds that way. Then just get rid of reason.

Or if you're just looking for a drum modeling synth, get Image-Line's Drumaxx