American sucks

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
tricky spinz said:
hey, who in here thinks Obama will be the first black president??? He's young and already senator. I think he's got the best chance of all the black politicians out there.

I saw him speak on Kerry's behaf and he was amazing. Made so many good points, and everyone there was pretty much going nuts over this guy. The only problem is his name. He should change it. Quickly.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
true it sounds a bit too much like osama so that might not work to his advantage..
as a not us resident even i find it hard to believe that in the next hundred years a black man will be president of the usa, even if there were to be a black democrat versus a black republican, the crippled with guy of the liberal party would win hahahaha..
I think america will do everything to prevent a non white president..

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
RigorMortis said:
true it sounds a bit too much like osama so that might not work to his advantage..
as a not us resident even i find it hard to believe that in the next hundred years a black man will be president of the usa, even if there were to be a black democrat versus a black republican, the crippled with guy of the liberal party would win hahahaha..
I think america will do everything to prevent a non white president..

I totally agree. (unfortunately)

J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
i have an errie feeling that Bush is going to get me killed......either by sending me to Iraq or by gettin a nuke sent to California because of sum stoopis shyt he did to some other country.....he is a fuckkin idiot in my opinion dont know why people vote for him

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
i dunno man. i think it'll happen. and i think obama is our man. honestly, i don't think his name is gonna irk people too much. yea, it's weird, but there isn't anyone who is not gonna vote for him because of his name.

seriously. this guy is very eloquent, an amazing speaker, and a damn intelligent guy. i really think he may become the first black president. because all democrats, i should hope, will support the democratic candidate regardless of race because he stands for everything we stand for as democrats. also, he'll obviously win 100% of the black vote because of course this would be a huge step for blacks so whether a black dude is republican or democrat, i would imagine he'd vote for obama. i think he's got a good chance. he just needs to get older and show some experience. once he's got more political experience he can show to voters then he will have a solid backing.


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
the world will keep spinnin' like it always did. I remember talk like this when Reagan was re-elected. It was Iran who was the enemy then. The players change but the game remains the same. All you can do is hold your head and keep it movin'.


The Don Gorgon
ill o.g.
America does not suck! Its one of the greatest countries in the world! unfortunately it is just run by money hungry redneck yosemite sam wanna-bees that wanna shove a gun down anyones mouths that dont do things our way.I personally think this damn election was rigged.i dont believe how bush won florida! his brother had to have sumthing to do wit that shit! cuz for one thing most of florida is predominately minority or so i believe it is and i know damn well blacks or hispanics didnt want his bitch ass again.Bein hispanic myself i know pretty much most of us in my area was against him.So i dunno.Also from wat i heard they were turnin away minorities from voting with stupid bullshit or tryinto find ways not to let us vote cuz they know the republicans wont get out vote.Man im just speechless i think i really am gonna move up there wit Fade in Canada lol!!! fuck Osama our real enemy is within but people are either to dumb or blind to see it!!! DAMN COUNTRY BUMPKINS ARE RUININ THIS COUNTRY!!!


he's black.
im black.
gotta be honest.
if he runs against someone else with better points.
im voting for the other guy.
black or not.


ps - this is our future we talking about here. if he is black, that doesnt necessarily mean i will vote for him because of it. USA all day.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
and America DOES NOT SUCK
what was that line from immortal technique again.
something like: i love the country i live in but i hate the people that run it..

DJ Reflex

Turntablist, Producer
ill o.g.
YO im scottish and my folks and I looking to move to america in bout 3/4 years time to Naples FL. I am absolutely gutted about bush winning! I desperately wanted kerry to win! Bush was like the first presedent ever when running for re-election to deny the NAACP invitation to speak! but kerry spoke to them! But all kerry had to do was to have shown some clips from farenheit 9/11 and he wud have won lol! 51st state n all that! I feel like shudda had a vote in ur election cos lets face it, wotever Bush decides we are gonne be affected by! cos lil puppet Blair is gonna copy him! What you need is president Bartlet and the whole west wing tv cast to run! Now theres a president and team worth voting for! Holla at ya boy!

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
he's black.
im black.
gotta be honest.
if he runs against someone else with better points.
im voting for the other guy.
black or not.


ps - this is our future we talking about here. if he is black, that doesnt necessarily mean i will vote for him because of it. USA all day.

aight man. i'm not black i wouldn't know. i was just taking a guess. plus he's damn intelligent. so i figure, he should have anyone's vote who's not a fuckin moron. *cough cough, bush voters, cough*


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
there would be a slim chance for a black man to become president, he should be married with oprah hehehe..

check this out,, paris speaking some knowledge


Amazingly, but not surprisingly, Bush won the White House.
Another victory for the Evil and Misinformed.


Bush's recent (and first-time) win of the presidency should
come a surprise to no one. It has validated the belief of
many that America has gotten what it deserves, even after
enduring some of the most horribly abusive foreign and
domestic policies in American history.

The fact that it was even a close call at all is a damning
condemnation of those supposedly opposed to the Bush
Bullshit. After four years of lies, murder, back-room
deals, dead soldiers, poor education, a faulty economy,
reduced civil liberties, increasing crime rates and racial
intolerance he still managed to capture the popular and
electoral count. This is sad, if for no other reason than
the fact that so many people are blind to the truth and
simply believe and hear what they want to believe and hear,
even in the face of mounting impeachment-worthy lies and
offenses. We couldn't even muster support for the lessor or
two evils, which would be laughable if it weren't so sad.
What an embarrassing time to be an American.

This election was won on fear--fear of a phantom terror
menace and of anything that could potentially hamper our
"way of life" in America--whatever that is. Now, without
constraints and unchecked, Bush can continue to wage war
globally, using U.S. military might to bring the "gift of
freedom" of <i>his</i> God to the world. War on who? Why,
war on all who aren't like him and his ilk, that's who. War
on women, war on people of color, war on those who don't
practice his twisted sense of "Christianity," war on those
who don't share his sexual preference, war on children, and
war on the less fortunate, the elderly and the infirm.

Now the left, and democrats in particular, will have to take
a long, hard look at themselves. What went wrong? This was
not a stolen election. It was not a hijacking, mugging or a
mistake. The left dropped the ball, not so much for lack of
trying (especially with the youth vote), but for backing
John Kerry--a weaker version of Bush--in the first place.
Maybe now the party that is supposed to represent the values
of the mainstream left will actually adopt those values and
not ignore its own constituency in an attempt to appeal to a
more conservative base. Indeed, many at odds with Bush's
illegal wars were left feeling disillusioned by the fact
that Kerry, his main opposition, had very similar stances
with regards to his overseas agenda.

An election this close must make us take pause. Maybe, after
all, we aren't nearly as far along as a country as we would
like to believe. And while it's true that for tens of
millions of Americans, Bush will never be our president, all
we can really do now is apologize to the rest of the world
for validating this simpleton and his racist imperialist
policies--and brace ourselves for the worst still yet to
come. Apparently, we must hit some sort of new low between
now and 2008.

Most disturbing of all is that George Bush will have the
chance to tilt the supreme court firmly to the right and
leave a lasting imprint on the US's social and political
fabric. Three of the nine supreme court justices could well
step down in the next few years. Chief justice William
Rehnquist, John Paul Stevens, and Sandra Day O'Connor will
all probably step down, as two are over eighty years of age
and O'Connor, 74, has openly expressed interest in wrapping
up her service.

Keep in mind that these are lifelong appointments, and that
Bush wouldn't have been selected for president in the first
place had the supreme court voted in 2000 to allow the
recount to continue in that presidential election (Gore
would've won).

In the coming years, the supreme court is expected to
consider some of the most divisive social issues in the US:
private property rights and government land seizure, gay
marriage and partial-birth abortion. A conservative court
can all but guarantee that the outcome will be
less-than-favorable for those of us who value fairness,
justice and liberty.

Yes, America has gotten what it deserves.

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
wassup yall... i am completely amazed bush one.. and i know i been talkin shit bout kerry so much and how he aint better, but i did think kerry would win... but one thing aint no one mentioned yet is what really won the election for bush (if he did really win) what won it are the right wing christians in this country.. the pro-life anti gay marriage cats... these muffuccas are who voted this guy in and its fucking mad scary and depressing that we live in a country riddled with ass backwards religious nutz that would vote for anyone who says he is on gods side.. not to mention the whole seperation of church and state... seriously though these fuckin fucks deserve bush .... and its soooo depressing that this is the majoraty of our country... all a muffucca needs to do to win is just say he's pro-life and is christian and he will get elected.... allways living in urban area makes us forget what is in between the two coast and in between the cities... a bunch of fuckin morons


DJ Reflex said:
YO im scottish and my folks and I looking to move to america in bout 3/4 years time to Naples FL. I am absolutely gutted about bush winning! I desperately wanted kerry to win! Bush was like the first presedent ever when running for re-election to deny the NAACP invitation to speak! but kerry spoke to them! But all kerry had to do was to have shown some clips from farenheit 9/11 and he wud have won lol! 51st state n all that! I feel like shudda had a vote in ur election cos lets face it, wotever Bush decides we are gonne be affected by! cos lil puppet Blair is gonna copy him! What you need is president Bartlet and the whole west wing tv cast to run! Now theres a president and team worth voting for! Holla at ya boy!





ill o.g.
i love to fuk bush. voting in a system you dont beleive in is ridiculous. you think one way will be different than another. its all a joke and we end up being the one's thats funny. poor for life and kept that way. gotta go quick,im out....