American sucks

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The Bastard

DueceMade Ent. said:
I say the morons voted for Bush, period....The uninformed voted for Bush, period....Hick, monkey, or Bum - yer a fucking dipshit, and thankyou for helping Bush ruin our Nation.
i dunno whut yur talkin about my state voted for kerry


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
serious you complain like fuck for four years get a chance to vote him out and then vote him back in again its hillarious ! STILL maybe he will sort out his fucking mess though i doubt it he's an ass ! then again is it really him who makes the decisions anyway !?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Bastard 70% Of Our Nation Is Hillbillies...look At Tha Anyway, We Gotta Put Up With This Jerkoff For Another 4 Yrs......all Bush Did Was Talk Down Kerry In His Debates...and Did You Ever Hear This Fuckin Idiot Talk.....our President--leader Of The Most Powerful Nation In The Work---most Prestigious Job In The Universe---can't Even Talk.....and Gets Re-elected----wut Does That Say About "american"......we R Just As Bad As Everyone Else---fuck Bush


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
^^^^see I'm Just As Illiterate As

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
yeah it sucks that bush is gunna be in office for another 4 years im not too fond of him either but niether am i of kerry.for those who dont like the country, no1 forced you to come here,and no1s makin you stay, bush won somethin like 30-35 states out of the if u sayin only the hillbillies voted for him then i guess 70-75% of the country are hicks ,yeehaw

yes thats what im sayin..they are all hicks.. look deeper in into the demographics... all the places with concentrated urban populations are york,cali,illinois, etc.



too bad most of the country is country lol

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
there arent enough lower class/blue collar/minorities to compensate for the suburban, white middle class that loves bush so much.

i honestly dont believe kerry would have been much better, i hated both candidates personally.

thing is, people dont believe bush really did all of the things that he has been charged with.

as a Christian, i am a little irritated because i know the vast majority of the church crowd voted for him cause the guy namedrops Jesus every chance he gets. (i am all for that, by the way, but that means nothing in the long run if his actions run considerably contrary to his words, which they have, and who among us believers isnt guilty of that? difference is, we're selecting the guy to lead our country...)

it was a lot of people voting for him just for that reason... but in much the same way there were the people voting for kerry simply because he wasnt bush, which isnt much better. i didnt hear too many people who actually thought kerry was a good man for the job; most just hated bush.

i think this election was horrible either way it went.....

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
there arent enough lower class/blue collar/minorities to compensate for the suburban, white middle class that loves bush so much.

i honestly dont believe kerry would have been much better, i hated both candidates personally.

thing is, people dont believe bush really did all of the things that he has been charged with.

as a Christian, i am a little irritated because i know the vast majority of the church crowd voted for him cause the guy namedrops Jesus every chance he gets. (i am all for that, by the way, but that means nothing in the long run if his actions run considerably contrary to his words, which they have, and who among us believers isnt guilty of that? difference is, we're selecting the guy to lead our country...)

it was a lot of people voting for him just for that reason... but in much the same way there were the people voting for kerry simply because he wasnt bush, which isnt much better. i didnt hear too many people who actually thought kerry was a good man for the job; most just hated bush.

i think this election was horrible either way it went..... i mean, take the draft... the only difference is, we would have been going to korea instead of iraq...


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
not only america is fucked with the morons that voted for bush but also the rest of the world.. and word osama aint done yet.. my guess is the horror will keep on growing... I WISH ALL INNOCENT PEOPLE THAT WILL GET FUCKED BECAUSE OF THIS THE BEST OF LUCK....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Man, this was such a blow off! I can't believe how many middle class citizines voted republican! Thats just fuckin ridiculous, why would u want to fuck yourself like that? People are too worried about tryin to be like each other and just hop on the bandwagon... I say the people take a stand and charge the white house!!! We out-number the secret society heavely when all combined... FUCK BUSH! FUCKIN REDNECK CONFEDERATE PEICE OF SHIT!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I hate politics and politicians but I've been sort of following all of this (who hasn't?) and the whole thing is ridiculous.

Some points:

1. Bush is an idiot. Just look at his face and ask yourself - Does this guy look like a president? To me, he looks like a kid dressed up as the president for Halloween.

2. He's trying to be Bush Sr. Nuff said.

3. He's a shoot-em-up-bang-bang-cowboy. Going in with guns blazing type of guy.

4. How come the 2 elections he's been in there's been a problem with the vote count? Huh? I don't remember seeing this kind of trouble with votes in any other election in history (correct me if I'm wrong).

5. Either the Americans that voted for Bush are total morons, or Kerry did win and Bush stole this election too (conspiracy theorists!).

6. If you don't like the way things are going, come to Canada! LOL.

But really, I can't understand how anyone would vote for Bush. Even the first time around. Just this year alone, there's been so much negative stuff out there against Bush that you'd figure NO ONE would vote for him. Just Farenheit 9/11 alone is enough to convince people that he's pure evil. What else needs to be done to show everyone that he's useless? What will it take for people to realize this? I'm stumped.

To all those that voted for Bush:

When he fucks things up even more during the next 4 years, don't even think of complaining. You put him there.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
I have beef with Class now. lol. CLASSIC! YOUR STATE IS FUCKIN IT UP FOR EVERYBODY!!! damn you florida! DAMN YOU!!!!!!! why class, why! WHY! come on man, why'd your state have to go bush. couldn't you have broken the trend and gone kerry??? we could have won if not for florida!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
i dunno whut yur talkin about my state voted for kerry
Bastard, i wasnt directing this at you my friend....This was toward anybody who supported Bush and voted for his dumb ass.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
oh, one more thing. if anything really really bad happens in these next four years, like, bush blows up the planet, or we start another war in some other country we don't belong, or they reinstitute the draft and somebody on this forum gets drafted and has to go to war, i am holding FLORIDA and OHIO directly responsible. DIRECTLY. YOU HEAR ME!?


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
incogneeto said:
Bastard 70% Of Our Nation Is Hillbillies...look At Tha Anyway, We Gotta Put Up With This Jerkoff For Another 4 Yrs......all Bush Did Was Talk Down Kerry In His Debates...and Did You Ever Hear This Fuckin Idiot Talk.....our President--leader Of The Most Powerful Nation In The Work---most Prestigious Job In The Universe---can't Even Talk.....and Gets Re-elected----wut Does That Say About "american"......we R Just As Bad As Everyone Else---fuck Bush real talk right there.....Its TRUE!...THa motherfucker needs to get hooked on phonics man - BIG TIME!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ill vote for him cuz he aint bush, and its like tha year 2004 for fucks sake, and still NO black, brown, whatever color president!!!?!?!?.....We still live a very racist time my friends....Unfortunately, i dont think much has changed like people may think it has.:(


Cook Classics
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 39
DueceMade Ent. said:
Ill vote for him cuz he aint bush, and its like tha year 2004 for fucks sake, and still NO black, brown, whatever color president!!!?!?!?.....We still live a very racist time my friends....Unfortunately, i dont think much has changed like people may think it has.:(

Obama in 2012. Watch out for it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Actually i just finished watching a really good program about bush, and the whole terrorism issue it compared it to when regan woz in power and the us were against russia and made it out to be such an evil power trying to take over the world !
They said that basically whats has happened is that politics has now gone to a state where people make decision on the worst possible out come of a situation, how they have the idea of the us being attacked and then work backwards to get the evidence to fill in the gaps as it were !
Bascially the organisation al quaeda doesn't exist it never did it woz a lossely formed bunch of islamic rebel soldiers who used to get some funding off of bin laden the us saw this and created the monster that now is al quaeda and global terrorism, they do it to portrau the country as being some kind of heroic nation to give the people a purpose !
The thing is people believe the hype the islamic people cottoned on to it and have fuelled it even more with the threats etc and how they are gonna do this and that ! the truth is yes an attack could happen but thats always been the case but 99% of the time its angry young islamic men not some super terrorist group !
Bascially the fire is just continuall fuelled by the media and the politicians, it went out to show how all these people arrested on terror charges were later released on the quiet after the us tried to use eveidence like fuckin tourist disney video tapes saying they had hidden messages shit woz hillarious ! and also the stuff with the dirty bomb the politicians and media hyped this up as a major threat when the so called dirty bomb has had many test carried out by the us military and iraqi military which all show that a dirty bomb is useless as the radition is dispersed so much ! The most anyone could get would be a high but still non fatal dose if they stayed at the same spot for a year after the bomb lol !
Personally i found the show really good and shit did add up if it woznt just some bullshit but they gave evidence for there suggestions sumthing which bush etc don't do with there acting without evidence is justified bullshit ! and if you think about it it really does make sense, yes theres a threat is it overhyped yes !