A Red Sox Story

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The Bastard

Benny BuKu said:
what you talkin bout video games? lmao.....
nah im talkin about next time i roll thru new york u meet me at a little league field and ill show you how to hit a fuckin ball out of the park. well see whos il lthen

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
The Bastard said:
another reason why bostons just better, look how we get down, u wouldnt see thi in ny

the smoke bombing at the end is hilarious lol

Yeah...I wish I was from Boston. You guys really know how to party. Hey...let's climb up light posts and just jump off...and see what happens. What percentage of people from Boston are mentally retarded? But honestly, I could see the reason for them acting a fool....it only happens once every 86 years.

The Bastard

Benny BuKu said:
I could see the reason for them acting a fool....it only happens once every 86 years.
which is what makes the win special. theres a sense of magic there,we wernt suppose to win and we did.thats the type of shit hollywood makes movies about, . not teams that buy all the lagues best players and pretty much create a monopoly for the rest of the league. every now and then an underdog comes along and punks the yankees, i cant wait to see who does it this year

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
oh stop cryin poverty will you....like the Redsox don't spend money...THEY HAVE THE SECOND HIGHEST PAYROLL IN BASEBALL! You're not the Kansas City Royals. The Yanks spend the most money cause they make the most. And there is a thing called revenue sharing where the Yankees actually give money to other teams in smaller markets so that they can also spend some money and improve their team...just so happens that you spent the money in the wrong places this year....and we didn't. OH WELL!

But you're right about one thing...the Redsox are the underdogs...and they always will be. So sit back....and root for whoever the Yanks are playing like most people do in the playoffs...cause only 8 teams make the playoffs every year. And for the last 10 years...the Yankees have been one of those 8 teams...

God it's great being a Yankee fan!

The Bastard

Benny BuKu said:
oh stop cryin poverty will you....like the Redsox don't spend money...THEY HAVE THE SECOND HIGHEST PAYROLL IN BASEBALL! You're not the Kansas City Royals. The Yanks spend the most money cause they make the most. And there is a thing called revenue sharing where the Yankees actually give money to other teams in smaller markets so that they can also spend some money and improve their team...just so happens that you spent the money in the wrong places this year....and we didn't. OH WELL!

But you're right about one thing...the Redsox are the underdogs...and they always will be. So sit back....and root for whoever the Yanks are playing like most people do in the playoffs...cause only 8 teams make the playoffs every year. And for the last 10 years...the Yankees have been one of those 8 teams...

God it's great being a Yankee fan!
fuck you and fuck the yankees ,and thats it


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
LMFAO that was a funny ass joke. didnt read it till now
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