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  1. N

    Acid 5 - SWING Feature

    Has anyone messed around with this new SWING feature in Acid 5... I believe it has been out for a while now, but I finally installed and it is unbelievably sick how you can visually set SWING patterns and shit. I wish MIDI sequencers took this approach to SWING. Are any of you putting it to...
  2. N

    Gone 48bit / 96Khz

    Has anyone here gone in and replaced their drum kits, samples, etc.. with higher quality formats? Has your sound been catapulted into a new dimension of fidelity?? I believe a HUGE aspect of hip hop production is QUALITY samples, which a lot of us miss, IE: by sampling MP3s, etc... Where...
  3. N

    What are the best Hip Hop Drum Kits?

    (Not quite a digging topic, but I couldn't decide where else to post this) Over the past 10 years, I've been to just about every site on the web, download drum kits and have every vintage drum machine sampled, some great live acoustic drum kits, etc... but... more than half of it is...

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