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  1. Icemanbeats

    Week of February 11, 2008

    thx grafik and stress for steppin in. i been too busy last few weeks to get something posted, but i got a new one from mercury coming, and plan is to get a sample up every week again like the good old dayz arite , pz.. am gonna go get on this grafik one
  2. Icemanbeats

    I started house music...

    I once made a song called "House music is shit", a parody tune with stephen hawking style voices and typical housey synth/drums.. that's about as far as i'll go to making that stuff ;p but um, if that's wot frame of mind ur in then go for it, why not right.. traitor ;p
  3. Icemanbeats

    How do i make my samples sound thicker

    use a compressor
  4. Icemanbeats

    Rap Songs That Get "Emotional"?

    DITC - Tribute
  5. Icemanbeats

    .snd software sampler seq ?

    i know kontakt supports .snd files there's probably others
  6. Icemanbeats

    every sound having a purpose

    thats limiting urself rly i mean what happens if u were to 'tweet' it in large matters and it ended up sounding great?
  7. Icemanbeats

    every sound having a purpose

    i think i know wot u mean, cos i've been thinking the same lately.. the question is kinda abstract but... as far as purpose... even the crappiest sounds can have purpose when used in the right place at the right time. Obviously it's no excuse juz to choose the worst vst insturments and the...
  8. Icemanbeats

    Chinese Hip Hop

    i usually like everything chinese but I thought these were terrible where?
  9. Icemanbeats

    Do you "see" music?

    i saw this on discovery channel a program called the real superhumans, a blind painter, a human calculator.. and a few others - among those was a woman who could see music and taste it. Yea - synthenasia or something. She saw colours floating around, if she heard the rain she would see green...
  10. Icemanbeats

    How would you describe YOUR sound?

    Underground hip hop turned upside down, powerful, uplifting zen music from the streets of hell.
  11. Icemanbeats

    Quick Preview of the Smash Brothers "Fear Factor"

    lol sik, great beat & vocal
  12. Icemanbeats

    What are some good WII games?

    worth gettin if ya wanna try somethin new and got the cash it's not gonna keep ya busy for years.. single player setup is fairly nice - basically like mario kart, with the mshroom cup etc.. it's arite.. nothin mind blowin, multiplayer is great at least for a while
  13. Icemanbeats

    What are some good WII games?

    i jus got mario & sonic at the olympic games the other day, that is way fun party game if u like the sports game and got a few controllers
  14. Icemanbeats

    Week of January 9th, 2008

    merc - thats raw, great drums and like the fast pace, agressive sound.. bass is ill schizo - good lfip, wud like the to hear the bass coming thru harder, but good job switchin it round u made it ur own
  15. Icemanbeats

    Street Fighter 4 Gameplay!!!

    i just cheked it out, and it just looks damn cool.. i'm glad they kept it 2d that is a bonus to it's authenticity ;p
  16. Icemanbeats

    SERIOUS QUESTION ... Would You Pay For Placements or Features ???

    All in all this would just be another method of marketing, and it would work as long as a lot of people are gettin that mixtape and seeing ur credits. It's gotta be good, it's promotion, so why not pay. Obviously the basic first thing is to get ur track to be great quality so whoever listens...
  17. Icemanbeats

    Week of January 9th, 2008

    2008!! Here's the new sample for the new year :) Pls remember to leave feedback for others if you're posting a flip Pz
  18. Icemanbeats

    What Are Your Chances Of Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse?

    there is nother quiz on the page how many 5 year old kids could u take in a fight
  19. Icemanbeats

    What Are Your Chances Of Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse?

    thats pretty funny, 69% zombie survivor also I could take on 28 five year old kids in a fight.
  20. Icemanbeats

    beat matching / sampling trouble

    sounds like an excuse man, i've got about 200+ cracked stuff (that i paid for legally of course) and v rarely get any probs