Showcase - October 14-20, 2019

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New beat I made by sampling world music and made a remix of Last Memory by Takeoff
hope you enjoy it

sounds like new kanye shit ... lmfao
i don't make/listen to this type of rap so i don't have anything to say. maybe add drums at some point ? yea add drums thats what you need. also a bass.

can you hear your snare ? :D for real man wtf is that, is shitty snare a trend now or smth? have y'all ever listened to mobb deep or dre or ... ? lol
the guitar sounds good, you did your drums really well for a trap beat, except for the snareclap thing. you put a lot of good ideas into the beat, like the whistle thing. in total it was a beat with a hit potential, i mean nowadays all rap hits sound like this. the point is i don't like your beat at all cuz it's not music and it doesn't have a good vibe as music, but it can make tons of money, cuz all hit songs have the same vibe as your beat, and none of them are music.


Been working with Memento and I think Ive finally learned trap, and heres my first attempt at a trap beat

@ArvinArmani I like the sample its across between some classical music and some middle eastern music, I like the vocal chop, yeah your right, the drums could use some work. Id say its dope and put the extra work in

That caught in a trap instrumental sounds unique. My ears could be super bad but, did you use any form of microtonality on any of the instruments? If you did, that would be mind-blowing. The biggest challenge I have when trying to make a trap beat is understanding how to use 808's effectively and somethings I mix them with natural sounding drums which isn't common in trap music.808's are typical of trap beats but, I can't hear any 808's on this beat. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing because the end result is something that sounds good anyway and, more importantly, unique. Anyway, your beats usually have the smoothest mixing on this site, in my opinion, so I'm gonna need your help on this one. I made an instrumental that isn't genre specific and it's the epitome of my frustration with mixing. My goal was to make sure that the listener could hear all the instrumentals all at once despite them being many. Now I do believe that I've accomplished that goal but, something about this instrumental sounds a bit off. Any feedback?

@Digitali Musix Thanks for the feedback. Im glad you found it unique, thats what Im really going for, something new and different, I want to create a new style of music if I can, an infusion of classical/soundtrack, boom bap and trap. Been really inspired by Hans Zimmer lately so want to start working on some classical/soundtrack music of my own, there is fucking huge amounts of money in it, and I mean fucking mahoosive. Just gotta git gud.

Listening to your track and it sounds off from the start. You should filter out the extreme low end below 30 - 40 hz on the bass instruments, this is inaudible to the ear and will prevent you from making it bassy in the right frequencies which are usually around 50hz - 200hz. The bassline is usually boosted around 60hz to 80hz and the kick is usually around 80hz to 200hz. With presence added at around 500hz to 800hz, boosting here will help a kick being visible on shitty full range speakers. With bass the boom comes from 60hz and the muddyness can be taken away by cutting around 300hz. These figures are guidelines as it really depends on the sounds being equed. You need to use panning on your sounds too. There is only so much space to work with(headroom), slightly pan hi hats to the left and shakers to the right so that they play off of each other. Use panning on instruments so that they can question and answer each other, question on the left and answer on the right, get creative, play around, you will learn loads doing so. You arent necessarily trying to get all the sounds to be heard at the same loudness, for each sound a place in the frequency and stereo field. Your track generally sounds like everything is competing in the same center area to be heard. The only way to train your ears is with lots and lots of practice. Stick with it and you will get there, eventually.

Also to note, the drums are really lost in the mix, try to use minimal reverb on the kicks and basslines, when mixing always start with the kick drum and bassline, once they are mixed everything else should be mixed to them as they are usually the loudest parts of a song and you dont want to over power them with anything else.
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I make sound waves....
Battle Points: 1
New beat I made by sampling world music and made a remix of Last Memory by Takeoff
hope you enjoy it

Hi, so I would say there is a reduction of you overall mix needed, way above 0db..... also what is the bpm of the original track, and of the beat you created? may have alot to do with timing. I can see (well hear) the vision and like where you are going- because its different. I like odd counts on beats, however with the addition of a few elements and the mix balance and timing, this could be very good, and unique!


King W
Battle Points: 5
im just talking about the beat, not the song, i think its kinda weak, im sorry but theres so much sace that needs filled in my mind, sometimes simple is dope but this is more like plain toast, talking about the beat, i like the sample choice but you need to go back and get more freaky with this man

It's okay If you don't feel it. I don't plan on adding anything for the moment. I get your frustration as a boom bap producer but I can enjoy my hip hop without drums.

sounds like new kanye shit ... lmfao
i don't make/listen to this type of rap so i don't have anything to say. maybe add drums at some point ? yea add drums thats what you need. also a bass.

I take the kanye comparison as a compliment. Same as above as don't plan on adding drums. I'll get back to drums soon I'm brushing up my skills.

Hi, so I would say there is a reduction of you overall mix needed, way above 0db..... also what is the bpm of the original track, and of the beat you created? may have alot to do with timing. I can see (well hear) the vision and like where you are going- because its different. I like odd counts on beats, however with the addition of a few elements and the mix balance and timing, this could be very good, and unique!

Yeah you were right about the reduction, I reuploaded it and edited my first post. Yeah the timing is not perfect but its okay enough to create the vibe. Yeah maybe in future I'll add more to it and fix it a lil bit. But I'm more interested in sampling a lot right now. I don't spend too much time on those beats they are just some initial ideas.

I'll post this too. Something I did today. Don't get mad.



King W
Battle Points: 5
i mean nowadays all rap hits sound like this. the point is i don't like your beat at all cuz it's not music and it doesn't have a good vibe as music, but it can make tons of money, cuz all hit songs have the same vibe as your beat, and none of them are music.

Man this guy is hillarious. You sound like an old head talking about how it was better back in the day. lol you don't need to get triggered like that lmao


King W
Battle Points: 5
I’m like the oldest head on the site..just struck a nerve

well, old heads talking about how it was better back in the day ( it wasn't ) is a thing. I'm not really trying to offend anyone tho. Hip Hop is definitely a genre of music where ageism prevails also. ( i guess less for producers since Q Tip just produced an entire album for Danny Brown ). But yeah ageism needs to die in Hip Hop, I agree.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
well, old heads talking about how it was better back in the day ( it wasn't ) is a thing. I'm not really trying to offend anyone tho. Hip Hop is definitely a genre of music where ageism prevails also. ( i guess less for producers since Q Tip just produced an entire album for Danny Brown ). But yeah ageism needs to die in Hip Hop, I agree.
My man 50 offense taking. :up2:
Yeah maybe in future I'll add more to it and fix it a lil bit. But I'm more interested in sampling a lot right now. I don't spend too much time on those beats they are just some initial ideas.

As somebody that has been making music for 20 years my best advice is NEVER put off till tomorrow what you can do today, in that I have hundreds and hundreds of beats that I always told myself I would fix up, and I have probably managed to fix up about 5% of them if that. I used to bang out 4 or more beats beats a day, and none of them were really fantastic because I never really took the time to make them so. Even to this day Im lazy with sound selection, but I do take a hell of a lot more time on each piece of music I make now, not only is it far more enlightening as you learn the intricacies of chopping a drum sample to absolute pieces to make it fit.
Dont make the mistake I made. I havent listened to your track yet, was going to give feedback to everyone I havent given feedback to yet tomorrow, just wanted to drop some wisdom from an "old head" hahahahahaha

And it really was much better back in the day, everybody didnt sound the same on the same sounding beats, people used to make an album you could enjoy from start to finish, artists had long careers with many still touring the world today. Today people lack the attention spans and now labels prioritise the single over the album. The internet changed everything. And this applies to far more than just hip hop.
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