sum fucked up personal non music related shit

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Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
Just find out what town your folks are orignated from and them research from there. Mine are from aibonito, which is one of three towns that were inhabited by the Jatibonicu, whom are still alive and living on the island.

I know what towns my family's from...but how did you find out what tribes were where? did you use a website? if so which one?


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
I know what towns my family's from...but how did you find out what tribes were where? did you use a website? if so which one?

What town is she from? Just go to google and type in whatever town and put something like taino tribes.

Shes from aguadilla right?


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
the Taino CACIQUE (Tribal Chief) "Agueybana" ruled the area around Guayanilla when Christopher Columbus landed in Puerto Rico in 1493. My fam could come from the HNIC...

good shit P...I'ma definitely do some more research.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
the Taino CACIQUE (Tribal Chief) "Agueybana" ruled the area around Guayanilla when Christopher Columbus landed in Puerto Rico in 1493. My fam could come from the HNIC...

good shit P...I'ma definitely do some more research.

No doubt kid, keep me updated. Thats some interesting shit right there.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Word. Ayo you should read up on this dude Pedro Albizu Campos. He was fuckin gully as fuck and fought hard for rights of puerto ricans, he was our version of Che.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
Word. Ayo you should read up on this dude Pedro Albizu Campos. He was fuckin gully as fuck and fought hard for rights of puerto ricans, he was our version of Che.

My Pops made me read his autobiography when I was like 14. That dude was the truth.
Then he made me read Malcolm X's autobiography and another book called Belly of the Beast written by an inmate I believe in Riker' it a long time ago. But Campos def was a real leader. We need more people like that. Most young Puerto Ricans (or any race for that matter) won't even know who he is....ask a 15 year old who's some of the most influential Puerto Rocks ever and I guarantee they mention Daddy


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
The hospitality and friendly treatment that the Spaniards received from Agüeybaná made it easy for them to conquer the island.

See what you get for letting the spanish into your house?

For real though this is some interesting stuff.I didnt know this stuff about Puerto Rico.
I just knew they were like the most influential latino group of people in hiphop and never thought any deeper about it.
Thanks for the lessons.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
The hospitality and friendly treatment that the Spaniards received from Agüeybaná made it easy for them to conquer the island.

See what you get for letting the spanish into your house?

For real though this is some interesting stuff.I didnt know this stuff about Puerto Rico.
I just knew they were like the most influential latino group of people in hiphop and never thought any deeper about it.
Thanks for the lessons.

That's whasup. Everybody should do the knowledge on not only their own culture...but other cultures as well. It would help in understanding eachother well as realizing our similarities. You'd probably find that all of our cultures are alot more alike than you might think. And bringing this back to Bastard's original post...pretty soon everybody's gonna be mixed. And there's nothing wrong w/ that. But that doesn't mean that we ignore the past....that means we got more homework to do. Just like Bastard who only knew about his Italian heritage. Now he should find out about his Puerto Rican heritage. That makes a well rounded person. I'm marrying an Italian girl next month so my kids will be mixed. And I think that's a beautiful thing. My kids will be born American first...but best believe they are going to know and appreciate their racial backgrounds...both of them.



The Last B-Boy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Fyi not only Ricans are Taino the carribben hispanics all have a taino root to emm those where the ppl of the land i believe cuz i got taino in me too but im Dominican,also got a rican last name to match hmmmm.....