sum fucked up personal non music related shit

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The Bastard

so i found out sum info about my biological father today,after talkin to a lot of older cousins and uncles in my fam i found sumthing out that kinda hit me hard,fucked up that i had to do that cuz mom dukes kept me in the dark my whole life about it. but what i found out was my father was puerto rican, from puerto rico, which makes me , half puerto rican. i aint dissapointed im just really fuckin shocked cuz u live your whole life thinking your one thing ,and your sumthin else. like ithought thought i was 100% italian my whole life until today, now al la sudden im puerto rican. i really kinda fuckin hate my mom for this shit,only because she puts like 100% effort into makin sure i dont know anything aboout myself,like i dodnt even know if the dudes alive or dead,livin in boston or sumwhere else, when i first found out it didnt make sense, but then i started to remember little shit from when i was younger like my aunt callin me spagniolo , which is italian for spanish,as a nick name, i know this site aint the place for shit like this but i didnt really have anyone else to talk to about it at the time


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Damn.. Thats fucked up. But I'm right with you bruh. I thought i was 100% african american..

apparently I'm black, white, creol, french, and korean.

I dont know where the pops is either to prove or disprove this 0_o

If you need to vent off a lil more, feel free


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
yeah sometimes your mom wants to protect you so much she even might you one way or the later on, she prolly didnt want to hurt you but it is still fucked up,, you had to find out this way..

The Bastard

yeah sometimes your mom wants to protect you so much she even might you one way or the later on, she prolly didnt want to hurt you but it is still fucked up,, you had to find out this way..

yeah, im disgusted at the fact that everyone around me knew more about me than i did and kept iot secret,like its sumthin bad or sumthin

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
damn thats fucked up. but either way italian or puerto rican you dark meat. lol. but for real duke. aint nothin changed you still you. you feel me.

The Bastard

damn thats fucked up. but either way italian or puerto rican you dark meat. lol. but for real duke. aint nothin changed you still you. you feel me.

yeah i hear u, i actually had a sit down today wit sum older cats in my family, in which they showed me piles of old ass stashed away pictures they have of my mom in her youth, the situation is this, my mom was married at one point, the dude started to not come home at night,so she divorced him and he got deported back to italy.i aint that doods son. couple years later my mom tried startin up relationships again. there was two doods, an italian sailor that was in boston with the tall ships at the time, and there was another dood my mom saw , a puerto rican dood she worked on the assembly line wit. i have a picture of the italian dood, theres one facial feature he gutthat resembles mine a lot, i would actually say this is the dood,except, i have no idea what the puerto rican dood looks liek cuz there was no pics of him, so i wouldnt be able to compare and see who i look like more.. anyway , i no longer care and i aint gunna pursue this shit any further


The Last B-Boy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Thats crazy fam... Well first welcome to the wonderfull world of Spicdom (im dominican) ..... Jus kidding but thats minor b nothing changes jus details hope u get thru this meng PEACE


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Ayo its gonna be alright Pana.......

THats foul that you just found out now, but look at the good shit brotha, embrace your new culture. for real, being biracial is a beautiful thing. The fact she kept it from you this long is shocking, but thats life.. it is what it is. you have to accept this fact and just look into your roots. take this opportunity to learn about yourself.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
And as long as you aint one of them racist italians that actually think hispanics are dirty and blacks are moolies, then youre good. aint no big change for you.

on the other hand, if you are one of those who throw around racial slurs like nothing, then this is some twilight zone shit for you.

On another note, i can kind of feel what youre going thru, but not to the same extent. Im half rican half chinese. 50/50 exactly. but i found out last year that my great grandmother was african. straight up african. which means that im not 50/50 no more, but i have african blood. i didnt care, but i feel you on the shock factor. anyway brotha, youll get thru this shit, youre still young.

The Bastard

And as long as you aint one of them racist italians that actually think hispanics are dirty and blacks are moolies, then youre good. aint no big change for you.

on the other hand, if you are one of those who throw around racial slurs like nothing, then this is some twilight zone shit for you.

On another note, i can kind of feel what youre going thru, but not to the same extent. Im half rican half chinese. 50/50 exactly. but i found out last year that my great grandmother was african. straight up african. which means that im not 50/50 no more, but i have african blood. i didnt care, but i feel you on the shock factor. anyway brotha, youll get thru this shit, youre still young.

nah i aint racist at all i got latin friends,cousins married to latins and actually prefer latin girls when it comes to hittin the skins, the only thing that aggrivates me is ''the possibilities'' i cant embrace either culture fully cuz im not 100% sure. but whatever maybe my mom dont know ,mayabe shes tellin the truth and it really is the italian dude,her lyin about how my my father died be4 i was born makes it hard to beleive her now, ill never know, but i no longer care, and i take back the comment i made about ma earlier, i love my mommy


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
nah i aint racist at all i got latin friends,cousins married to latins and actually prefer latin girls when it comes to hittin the skins, the only thing that aggrivates me is ''the possibilities'' i cant embrace either culture fully cuz im not 100% sure. but whatever maybe my mom dont know ,mayabe shes tellin the truth and it really is the italian dude,her lyin about how my my father died be4 i was born makes it hard to beleive her now, ill never know, but i no longer care, and i take back the comment i made about ma earlier, i love my mommy

Yea, def find out the truth thru a test cuz you need closure on this shit or else it will def turn into something down the line.

On another note, now you can say "spic" and noone can say youre not allowed to. lol

AAAwwww...take a blood test and see what kinda spices you got runnin around in there, Italian or a nica blenda a spanisha spices too..
Look those are 2 really fun crowds so Id be happy either way ...
Im all Dutch/ English/ Native American mutt ...

Reach for the sky honkey.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
I like how Bastard says that he aint racist..."I got hispanic friends...." lmao...

yo...welcome to the family. Ya pops is actually pretty typical of puerto ricans...most fathers don't stick around. the most confusing holiday in P.R. is Father's day. But I agree w/ Clev sayin that you should find out for sure to get some closure.

FYI- Puerto Ricans come from a Native American tribe called the Taino Tribe. We are also 1/3 African and 1/3 Spanish. So at least you know where half of you is from...the good half anyway.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
FYI- Puerto Ricans come from a Native American tribe called the Taino Tribe. We are also 1/3 African and 1/3 Spanish. So at least you know where half of you is from...the good half anyway.

On that topic, i actually reasearch which taino tribe im from, its the Jatibonicu tribe.

On that topic, i actually reasearch which taino tribe im from, its the Jatibonicu tribe.

Yea? Good for you. You want a cookie?


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
how'd you do that?

Just find out what town your folks are orignated from and them research from there. Mine are from aibonito, which is one of three towns that were inhabited by the Jatibonicu, whom are still alive and living on the island.