Blowing Up From The Basement


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
damn i never realized that we had so much industry heads up in this forum. good looks shadeed


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
N.U.G. said:

that's mad knowledge right there!

Shadeed might just be Illmuzik's most valuable member right now - he's dropping blueprints for success yo

props dude!

I'm still hoping you do the "how to sell your cds hand to hand" article soon too mate cause often artists are clueless about that type of stuff. Some aspiring artists I know think even selling 100 cds hand to hand is impossible / too hard... if you could drop a blueprint to sell 1000+ cds hand to hand it would be a huge benifit to us here and artists we work with

thanks again for doing what you do here bro


N.U.G. --The problem with most aspiring artists is that they don't view music as a business, it IS a business!! Many people are stuck in "hobby mode". But to answer your request, I am working on the "Ghetto Gold" article and it will be out in a couple weeks, we're trying to do a once-a-week article.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Thanks Shadeed....THats all good and practical advice, so big ups....

As far as current concerns go: My biggest fear is giving cats CDs of my material and then having them use it without my consent and making money off it or even worse - taking credit for it. I think thats why i havent pushed my music as much as id prefer to?....If i were to really go about it the way i intend to, i would have a business card (already created and ready to go - just busy with other shit like creating my own webpage right now), i would carry a beat CD of about 3-4 really dope joints displaying an erray of my talents, and then have mad contact information and webpage links just about everywhere well as email contacts......See what i want to do is have my business card and be able to be like, "Yo, i make beats for rappers as well as do Hiphop-strumental type ish - Heres my bizness card, its got my webpage where u can get all the current info on my music and where its heading as well as listen to new joints that i have recently finished...If u dig any of these, shoot me an email and well arrange to meet up and devise a plan for what u need." Unfortunately id rather do that then give people a Beat Cd just for the simple fact that im afraid a hard copy of my tunes just feels like bad vibes - Or am i wrong and trippin about that waaaaay too much???.....I just figure, thats a safer reference for the material im offering rather then a hardcopy?!...I dunno tho....But thats been one of my biggest problems, becuase i got the people skills, and i seem to have a positive following around my way, and ive got nothin but compliments so far, but i just dont wanna screw myself....PLUS, HERES THE CATCH: I absolutely DONT want random people coming to my crib to lay down vocals if need be....So im screwed in that position since i need a alternative place to work with an artist....But i really think thats where the dough lies....Cuz if i can tell an artist that i can straight up work with him and cater to what he/she needs in a confined safe space, (that my wife doesnt have to worry about being robbed at), then i could really start building a repor with all kinds of artists and the word would seem to spread a lot more that way as well....So whats a work-around for that???....Just sell cats a beat set up to there "verse/chorus" liking??...Its like what else can i do?

Thanks for the advice once again....:)



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
well deuce, why dont you set up a stable of your own artists that you're comfortable with. people who you can trust to bring in to your home without having to worry about getting jacked. im sure you have a good sense of judgement on people so that shouldnt be a problem. but, you should set some ground rules when you record in your pad like maybe tell them that y'all only have a certain time frame to create (prefferably during daylight) so as not to make your wife feel unsafe. you can also set up a spots where its just off limits. that way you know where everyone is during the session. and dont bring in too many people during sessions. if you're working with a rapper, and he wants to bring his boy with him, tell him its either just him or no recording at all. and last but not least, place a burner on top of one of your monitors to let em know that you mean biznez. haha! my $.02


i make beatz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 99
Yo Shadeed preciate the series of articles your droppin they're very sensible and knowledgeable reads. PROPS!!!


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
DueceMade Ent. said:
Thanks Shadeed....THats all good and practical advice, so big ups....

As far as current concerns go: My biggest fear is giving cats CDs of my material and then having them use it without my consent and making money off it or even worse - taking credit for it. I think thats why i havent pushed my music as much as id prefer to?....If i were to really go about it the way i intend to, i would have a business card (already created and ready to go - just busy with other shit like creating my own webpage right now), i would carry a beat CD of about 3-4 really dope joints displaying an erray of my talents, and then have mad contact information and webpage links just about everywhere well as email contacts......See what i want to do is have my business card and be able to be like, "Yo, i make beats for rappers as well as do Hiphop-strumental type ish - Heres my bizness card, its got my webpage where u can get all the current info on my music and where its heading as well as listen to new joints that i have recently finished...If u dig any of these, shoot me an email and well arrange to meet up and devise a plan for what u need." Unfortunately id rather do that then give people a Beat Cd just for the simple fact that im afraid a hard copy of my tunes just feels like bad vibes - Or am i wrong and trippin about that waaaaay too much???.....I just figure, thats a safer reference for the material im offering rather then a hardcopy?!...I dunno tho....But thats been one of my biggest problems, becuase i got the people skills, and i seem to have a positive following around my way, and ive got nothin but compliments so far, but i just dont wanna screw myself....PLUS, HERES THE CATCH: I absolutely DONT want random people coming to my crib to lay down vocals if need be....So im screwed in that position since i need a alternative place to work with an artist....But i really think thats where the dough lies....Cuz if i can tell an artist that i can straight up work with him and cater to what he/she needs in a confined safe space, (that my wife doesnt have to worry about being robbed at), then i could really start building a repor with all kinds of artists and the word would seem to spread a lot more that way as well....So whats a work-around for that???....Just sell cats a beat set up to there "verse/chorus" liking??...Its like what else can i do?

Thanks for the advice once again....:)


Steez, You are puttin waaaaay too much thought into the process, bro. You should already have a business card, you are Deucemade Ent. CEO aren't you??
1st of all, beat CD's are the foundation of any producer making money! Only 3% of managers out there will actually take a card and reference a website. I actually take time to listen to demos and mixtapes because I like to keep my ears open for new talent, but most managers are looking to MAKE MONEY. Bottom line, copyright all your stuff before you release it for sale, copyrights aren't designed for some nerd down the street that hears your beats and jacks it, that's called PROMOTION--
its intended purpose is if P.Diddy, Jay-Z, or Brittany Spears spits a hot 16 over YOUR tracks, then you get a lawyer and state your case.
If a store closed its doors everytime it worried about somebody stealing, it would never stay in business, the same concept applies to your producing career.

I feel you on not wanting random kids running in and out the crib. M-Boxes and US-122's were made specifically for people like us! If you need a couple places to collabo with an artist here are some suggestions.

1. Take your laptop to the MC's spot, if you think he's tryin to pull a jack-move, only sell him the beat and keep it movin!

2. The library. Yup, bring a good set of headphones and libraries in the hood are always loud as shit anyway. I made most of the first release in two different libraries.

3. Your homeboy's crib. You gotta homeboy that wants your production, take it to his crib and give him two beats and call it a day.

* I do a LOOOOT of meetings at McDonalds for the simple fact that
1. The client probably knows where it is.

2. Public place (for meetings with them gangstas lol!)

3. I can eat afterwards.

Hope that helped, just call the hotline in my sig and I'll explain anything you need to know, I can't keep typing these "thesis papers", I do have a life you know lol!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
shadeed said:
Steez, You are puttin waaaaay too much thought into the process, bro.

Word....LOL.....Its tru, im basically an obsessive worrier....And your right, I should already have that card ready to go. I do think tho that were both really on the same tip, cuz ive been plannin this stuff for a while....So u think i should jus hand out Beat CDs regardless since i aint even above the top-end of the "Local-Regional" ladder yet?....Its easy to tell cats to copyright their joints, but when it comes down to it most hiphop shit is a slew of uncleared samples and if we were to actually contact every one of those artists of which weve sampled, primarely all of them would either say no, or want u to pay them. My shits like that too. Im a 50/50 guy when it comes to how i create, but i love diggin samples and flippin em with the best of em...And those are most of the beats id really like to showcase on a CD. - So thats where the overconcerned, over-worried shonsteez comes from cuz i feel like since i cant really copyright it officially then theres no way to really make it mine.

Basically, it sounds least from what ive recieved from yer adivce - that i need to just not be such a worrier about the CDs so much and jus get out there and push that shit rather then thinkin about the biters....And realistically, i suppose the odds are close to nothin when thinkin about what could really happen to the beats i give out in my local area as far as gettin jacked goes....So fuck it, i guess what ima do is just finish this site im makin, get some dope cards finalized, polish a beat cd for handouts, and start hustliin!! :)

shadeed said:
I actually take time to listen to demos and mixtapes because I like to keep my ears open for new talent, but most managers are looking to MAKE MONEY.
Are u a agent or a promotor shadeed?....I never knew you were, but it sounds like u have small business by the looks of things....(Sorry, i just never Just asking, cuz u seem to have some real-field info on all of this, so if i need any other advice ill be sure get on the horn and give u a call....

shadeed said:
I feel you on not wanting random kids running in and out the crib. M-Boxes and US-122's were made specifically for people like us! If you need a couple places to collabo with an artist here are some suggestions.
1. Take your laptop to the MC's spot, if you think he's tryin to pull a jack-move, only sell him the beat and keep it movin!

Word...Ive already got all that planned for the future, and i realized that seems to be the only real "portable" safe way to do this shit....Im just a poor bastrd tho, and im soley based at my crib due to the restraints of not havin enough cash to get the portable studio thing goin....Its in the cards some day tho.

shadeed said:
Hope that helped, just call the hotline in my sig and I'll explain anything you need to know, I can't keep typing these "thesis papers", I do have a life you know lol!
Ill def do that if i got another page to write u then for the headsup!



Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
if you are worried about your beats, make a beat cd with remixes or with artists you already have worked with steez in good quality (and if you feel like it put a mix of your beats behind in lowfi, so then the odds they will jack your beats is smaller cos of the quality plus you showcased the beats with artists you worked on it in good quality so they will know what you got to offer)...

Beatz 101
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 179
shadeed is droppin' dat knowledge. i appreciate dat shit.

im definitely gonna take the idea of makin' a DVD n' gettin' the email address everytime u make a sale into consideration.

im in a rap collective n' we just startin' to create a business plan on how we gonna get exposure n' be known in our city.

i got a question tho.

we plan on creating a demo first. maybe around 5-7 songs in length with the hottest beats outta all of our beats we made in the last 2 years, n' put some dope lyrics on 'em. and then put out mixtape around 17-20 tracks deep with freestyles/songs on otha peoples beats, n' acouple of our own beats.

but one of my partners considered maybe we should hold on some of our hottest beats cuz what if we actually get a deal or blow-up n' we run out of hot tracks. im thinkin' i cant stop makin' hot tracks, and if we dont showcase our top-notch songs we gonna be looked over. but there is a possibility where everybody can just stop makin' hot shit for a time period.

So do u think we should put all Thee HOTTEST beats on the demo, or save acouple for a rainy day and/or when we actually start gettin' paper...?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Man i would personally...thats yer mealticket right there, u gotta represent what u do best! And in regards to a time period where everyone stops making hot shit, well....i think thats jus never gonna happen....THeres always gonna be someone out there that can do what u do better, faster, and cheaper....thats jus how the game is.
If u only can make beats as hot as the ones on yer demo once and then never drop hot shit like that again, then u guys prob need to up the anny a bit cuz u shouldnt have anything stopping u from elevating yer skills and even making doper shit in the near future.


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
Well, if it wasn't for so many artists not handling their biz, I wouldn't have a thing to write about!
If you're gonna make a DVD, make sure you focus on the LIGHTING when recording. I constantly see home-made DVD's that if the dude just took the time to read a book on "Basic Camera Techniques", it would come out 10 times better and most importantly, they wouldn't have to hire us to fix it!

Getting email addresses is the best way to build a fanbase, coordinate an album release party (for you serious indie labels) and get people out to your shows.

Make the business plan before you do anything else. I'm consulting 3-4 indie labels right now that are "going thru it" right now because they didn't spell everything out in the beginning. When you're in a partnership, it helps to SPELL OUT everyone's purpose in the label (even the groupies homie!)

I think you should start out by going into every hip hop show and handing out flyers announcing who you are as a label ( I call it the "Ghetto Press Release").
Make snippet CD's and hand them out, THEN hit them with 21 tracks of fii-yahhh!

I recommend doing remix CD's because you can SELL those immediately if the beats are hot, and they're easier to shop because you have an established MC spittin over YOUR production. Just a few tips! Beee easy.

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