You Don’t Know Who

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Threshold is kinda like a cage of laser sensors, everything inside doesnt get affected by compression. Only when it exeeds the "cage" the compressor is after its ass. xd The lower the DB on threshold the smaller the cage.
As soon as that audio signal wanders out of the cage it takes "Attack ms" time for the compressor to take action.
The power of this action is determined by the Ratio, in your case it would be 3,9:1, so if your audio wanders 3.9DB far out of the cage, at that moment the action would be to reduce output to 1DB "outside" of the cage. So it gets reduced by 2.9DB.
While in Attack phase the compressor reacts to increased input that went out of the cage and reduces it by the ratio, so lets say your input wandered 10DB outside the cage then it gets reduced to 7.1DB outside the cage. And it takes "Attack ms" amount of time to do so and then staying on that level until another action is triggered, while the release phase is kinda the opposite. It boosts the audio back up by the ratio and it takes "Release ms" amount of time to do so.
Lets say input falls 10DB below the threshold, output gets boosted up by 2.9DB.
And the knee determines how hard or smooth the compressor performs its actions.
So if your ratio for example is pretty high you probably want to go with a softer knee to make the compressors actions not so noticeable.
And the gain knob should be self explanatory. This what i know about compression maybe you can use of this info.

Well damn, I appreciate your time for that, I’ve screen shot it and will drum that into my psyche. Will need a few repetitions as it all has to sink in.
Thanks man

DPrezd Beggar

Battle Points: 22
Its still only the tip of the iceberg tho, theres much more to comoressors but i dont know about that shit, ive read tons about it and ended up never using compression in my beats. :ROFLMAO: