Yo im about 2 Showcase a Real Drummer Over my Beat I duno It sound Sick 2 me !

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ill o.g.
I got my boy 2 redue the drums on one of my beats , an im about 2 drop it in the showcase im gonna drop my drums and his lemme no if there a real difference in the way we bang out the drums honestly this Kids the shit he jus havin a lil Porblems Dropin the drums on the Keyboard (he says it feels like there a bit of a delay) but i still think he sick

Considering he played the kick . snare , hihat , and all the fills at once Im givin him Props for that alone

Anyways Lemme No what up if I should stick wit my boy on the drums or not ?


ill o.g.
its Comin homie Gimme a Minute I dont wanna Post it in this thread cuz Fade might come 2 T.O an Deal wit me


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
I don't know why more people don't get real drummers and guitarists to play a session and record and build sample libraries anyway.
You'd be surprised how many hardcore rock drummers wanna fuse their sound with hip hop and collaborate, sampling records is the foundation and all but I have more range and flexibility if I can translate my ideas to a good drummer and he can just play and adjust speeds and stuff like that.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
This thread will be closed... but since it's not yet... good drums!

I think I'm gonna do that myself.... gotta find that mulla!
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