Ya'll want to hear a crazy story?

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
My label, Broken Complex Records, had inked a contract with a bar/lounge, called the Stovepiper Lounge, to do 3 shows, the last Thursday of March, April, & May.

We printed 5000 flyers with these dates on them, and have been promoting the shit out of them.

We did good our first night, and made the bar over 1400$ (which is good for them on a Thursday)

6 Days before the April event (which would have been tomorrow, my b-day), they call us and tell us the entire event has been cancelled, to be replaced with a COVER BAND.

No doubt we're pissed.

We hit em up, like "Yo, let us do this one event for April, and you can cancel the May date, no harm no foul"

They were real dick about it and were like "Sorry, It's cancelled."

So my crew decided to protest. We posted about the incident on our website & I urged all the heads on myspace to email this bar and express their discontent and how they will never go to the bar again.

The Stovepiper lounge received over 50 emails yesterday, ranging from "Your bar fucking SUCKS", to people stating how they are going to write bad reviews in their college newspapers, etc. It was amazing the support we got from our local heads that were looking forward to this event.

Then, while I'm working, I get a phone call from one of the dudes that works @ this spot, straight THREATENING to find my ass, come to my work, and "Take Care of me" He called me 3 times yesterday.

Straight bullshit.

So, feeling slightly nervous, even though this dude don't know much about me besides my phone number, me and my partner go down to police station and talk to this cool ass cop. He told us what we were doing was good, we were protesting something we believe is wrong, and he had nothing but support for our cause. He said this bar has been nothing but problems, and he likes seeing our activism.

Anyways, we have not stopped our "Boycott the Stovepiper" campaign, and we don't have plans on doing so.

I am still waiting to see what happens with this dude and his threats, but hopefully it doesn't reach a physical level, because we are attacking the business, but he is getting at me personally.

Crazy, huh?
ill o.g.
Thats dope.

You think there gonna give you a chance to do your show there or you think no chance of another show there? Either way though, thats crazy. You know you got a following if you can get 50 people to email the place.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

you want i should wack 'em?

i know a guy..........

hey i would tell them to repay your flyer fees. otherwise i would threaten to sue for lost pay...


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Yo, i hate when club owners do that shit man for real. Shit, ask Holmz. He got dicked over the same way in december.

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
Cannon :: We are DEFINITELY never going back to this spot again, our new campaign is to let everyone know this spot is sheisty and to NEVER go back there.

Cold :: They actually paid half the flyer fees, and we made that money the first show, but we're not sweating that. We dont want anything from them, we just want to make people aware of their bullshit.

Clev :: Seriously, business can get real salty.

I just hope this dude isn't nutty, cause he was straight coming at me all crazy on the phone, like he wants to kill me or some shit. I was like "bring it bro, whatever"


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
The best thing is to keep doing what you're doing Hoppa, which is the legal way. If you stoop to his level and start with threats then if anything ever happens (physical) then you would look bad as well. Let this idiot do all the shit talking and threats, that way you have more ammo against him if it ever goes up a level like a lawsuit (that would suck btw).


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
that sucks Hopps. I used do promotions back in the day and bars suck. BUT, if you got a contract in ink,,,threaten to take it to court or they can fork over the money for the flyers. Thats what contracts are for man. They are a business and you are running one. Once contracts are involved, you have the upper hand. My wife's a Law Major (no drug charge jokes please) and she can help ya out. PM me if ya want her to go over anything for ya. She lives for this shit.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
OMG! thats the same shit we went through man.. except our show got cancelled the day of! its bullshit... we actually went back there and threatened the manager (actaully tried to extort him if you want to get literal about it)... we didnt get any money out of it but he was mad shook cuz we caught him on an off-day where he had no security .... I learned a BIG lesson... MAKE A CONTRACT FOR EVERY DEAL YOU NEGOTIATE... make the manager of the club sign it and the rep from your company sign it... and have a cancellation clause in there too... Club owners get real funny sometimes... They say they want big numbers in there an shit but when you start really delivering all of a sudden they aint tryin to pay you everything or they come up with excuses and all other types of bullshit.. make that contract next time... My roomate has a template contract where you can fill in all the blanks yourself.. ill email it to you when i find it!

I went through the same bullshit

FUCK Shady club managers

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
Well, when we told everyone to email this spot, we made sure to tell them::


We are a business, and we wish to remain professional, we don't condone threats or any type of harmful behaviour.

This thing is, in the contract, it states that either party can pull out of the deal at any time, so we kind of fucked up there. But there was still a verbal agreement stating we would get the 3 dates.

We dont care about the money for the flyers, because we did fuck up on that contract thing.

But we felt it was a sheisty move, because they pulled out 6 days in advance after 2 months of promoting the event.

Basically, we just wanted to piss them off. We did just that, so now I gotta just wait..


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
YEa man i have ALOT of experince with this also, back in florida my fraterniity would thorw parties all the time. Motherfucker club owners would bitch up when we would bring 700 people to the club. We told them that they were gonna pull numbers before, but when it actually happens their tune changes.

But yea , again contract man, alteast u got ur name out their with the first show



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
DJ Hoppa said:
Well, when we told everyone to email this spot, we made sure to tell them::


We are a business, and we wish to remain professional, we don't condone threats or any type of harmful behaviour.

This thing is, in the contract, it states that either party can pull out of the deal at any time, so we kind of fucked up there. But there was still a verbal agreement stating we would get the 3 dates.

We dont care about the money for the flyers, because we did fuck up on that contract thing.

But we felt it was a sheisty move, because they pulled out 6 days in advance after 2 months of promoting the event.

Basically, we just wanted to piss them off. We did just that, so now I gotta just wait..

aight, well, keep it movin man.

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
word up, just gotta keep it moving.

yo Holmz! As soon as you find that shit email me that it is definitely a necessary thing to have!

Thanks for speaking on this everyone.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
you should do a driveby shooting, keep it real!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Chris Rock: yeah, real ignorant.


The Konductor

ill o.g.
Yo Hoppa thats dope that your crew is taking a proactive approach. Just think, if we all raised hell when some company or our own gov. jacks us, then we would be alot better off. I think people are just too lazy to stick up for themselves.

The Bastard

DJ Hoppa said:
My label, Broken Complex Records, had inked a contract with a bar/lounge, called the Stovepiper Lounge, to do 3 shows, the last Thursday of March, April, & May.

We printed 5000 flyers with these dates on them, and have been promoting the shit out of them.

We did good our first night, and made the bar over 1400$ (which is good for them on a Thursday)

6 Days before the April event (which would have been tomorrow, my b-day), they call us and tell us the entire event has been cancelled, to be replaced with a COVER BAND.

No doubt we're pissed.

We hit em up, like "Yo, let us do this one event for April, and you can cancel the May date, no harm no foul"

They were real dick about it and were like "Sorry, It's cancelled."

So my crew decided to protest. We posted about the incident on our website & I urged all the heads on myspace to email this bar and express their discontent and how they will never go to the bar again.

The Stovepiper lounge received over 50 emails yesterday, ranging from "Your bar fucking SUCKS", to people stating how they are going to write bad reviews in their college newspapers, etc. It was amazing the support we got from our local heads that were looking forward to this event.

Then, while I'm working, I get a phone call from one of the dudes that works @ this spot, straight THREATENING to find my ass, come to my work, and "Take Care of me" He called me 3 times yesterday.

Straight bullshit.

So, feeling slightly nervous, even though this dude don't know much about me besides my phone number, me and my partner go down to police station and talk to this cool ass cop. He told us what we were doing was good, we were protesting something we believe is wrong, and he had nothing but support for our cause. He said this bar has been nothing but problems, and he likes seeing our activism.

Anyways, we have not stopped our "Boycott the Stovepiper" campaign, and we don't have plans on doing so.

I am still waiting to see what happens with this dude and his threats, but hopefully it doesn't reach a physical level, because we are attacking the business, but he is getting at me personally.

Crazy, huh?
i got free long distance on my cell id be glad to call up at all hours of the night jus to cuss em out. and if u really wanna ''handle'' the situation. youll get yurself a fly paintball gun and a 2pac cd, the rest im sure u know

The Bastard

but word is bond if sum1 ever did that to me they would def get a brick thrown thru the window . i wouldnt even be able to sleep over that shit

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