WOW. this is the craziets- most realistic theory on 9/11 yet..

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
I'm surprised ChaseSwayze ain't post this...pretty entertaining what people post on. some cat named GaTechPimp posted this on the nas board

"Now before I show you guys this, I would like to note that I'm not a Liberal, I'm not a Conservative, I do not favor Kerry's ideals over Bush's (they both serve the same people, doesn't matter who won that staged election because they'd both send the country down the ****ter, they're both Skull & Bones members etc.). Now I will probably step on a lot of toes with this post. I respect you all, but there is something that needs to get out. You guys will ferociously deny what I post here, but if you do the research, you'll find out that what I am about to tell you is true. I've devoted the last six months of my life to the 9/11 Truth movement and I've spent countless days analyzing the events of 9/11 along with photos and footage, etc. I'm really good with physics, and I am a very smart person. Most of all, I always keep an open mind. Now, after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11, I did not cheer. Michael Moore is a fat Liberal piece of **** out to try to get money from the Liberals by taking small territory from the truth movement. F911 was liberal propaganda that white-washes 9/11 and helps Bush out, nothing more, and I know that as well as you know that, and it probably did more to hurt the movement than help it. The truth goes far beyond Fahrenheit 9/11's anti-Bush propaganda about Bush and Bin Laden being friends. That's not a lie that they were friends, and about the oil pipeline and all that, but F911 was bull**** propaganda because it focused more on bashing Bush and white-washing 9/11 than the truth of the day. When asked why he didn't discuss the hardcore issues of 9/11 like the NORAD stand-down, Mr. Moore replied, "that would be un-American." Please, keep an open mind when reading this, your first reaction will be undoubtedly that I'm a conspiracy nutjob who believes whatever the media tells me. I do not. I do not hear this from the mainstream media. The mainstream media is controlled, and I do not believe a word of it, whether it's what you guys call Liberal or Conservative, I take no part in it. Now, I present to you, the truth of 9/11.

One more note, please look up anything and everything I say. Don't believe it from my mouth, look it up urself. Research everything I say so that you know it's fact and that I'm not just making it up.

Before I present the truth, I'd like to try to open ur minds a little bit with some historical examples of governments attacking their people for political gain. On february 27th, 1933, Hitler burned down his own Reichstag building and blamed the communists. He was able to obtain full dictatorial powers, and just like from 9/11, the people were more than willing to give up their rights for security from the internal threat of the communists, which were eliminated shortly after the Reichstag fire. After this, the people were enslaved. You all know how the rest of WW II played out.

A good piece of historical evidence is a document called Operation Northwoods. It was thought up in 1962 and it detailed hijacking/blowing up American aircraft, killing Marines at Guantanamo Bay, even a "Remember the Maine" incident on American ships, all as a pretext to go to war with Cuba. If you do not believe this document exists, you can look it up in the government archives by the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on the yellow "Search" button torwards the upper left side
3. Search for "Northwoods" and hit go
4. Click on the first hit, "Northwoods, U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba"
5. Click on all images
6. Jump to page 23
7. Read pages 138-142 of the document

One more thing: in the few months prior to 9/11, Bush signed FBI Directive W199i telling the FBI to "back off" the Bin Ladens. I wonder why. The man who blew the whistle on this, John O'neil resigned from the CIA after going public. Unfortunately, he was hired a few weeks after that to work in the twin towers, and he died on his first day on the job, september 11th, 2001. Look this one up because this sounds like something to strange to be true, but it's not.

Now, on to 9/11.

When a crime is committed, any TRUE investigator will look at who has the motive. For 9/11, we were TOLD the criminals who committed the crime were Arab terrorists. When you search Arab/Muslim terrorists, you find no real motive. You find the bs motive that the media fed us of "they're jealous of our freedom... they dont like America...". well let's not forget that al-CIAeda was funded and trained by our government. Why the hell would they attack people that funded and trained them? Answer: they wouldn't. Bin Laden was a CIA asset. He's not going to attack his long time business partner and friend (George Bush). That notion is absurd. Let's look at possible motives for the government: to get more profits from war, to further the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and Wolfowitz Doctrine (you can look them both up online) policies that clearly state we need a war in Iraq and Afghanistan and this would be sped up by a "Pearl Harbor" event, to get MORE control over us (PATRIOT ACT!), to further the police state, bring us one step closer to a dictatorship... the motives for an attack by the government are endless.

Now let's focus on the actual events of that day. To be successful without the government's help, the terrorists would have to find some way to get into the country unnoticed, train to be master pilots unnoticed, and find some way to defeat NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense). NORAD is a system of radars throughout the country whose headquarters is in Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. They track EVERY plane in the sky on radar. They KNOW if a plane goes off course, in which case they would send fighters within minutes to investigate. What we have here on 9/11 is three planes simultaneously wandering off course, and yet, no fighters. The first plane was off course (COMPLETELY) for 40 minutes, the next one was off course for 70 minutes, then the Pentagon plane (flight 77) was off course for about 40 mins as well. No fighters sent for these three planes. Now we have examples such as Payne Stewart (remember, the golfer guy whose plane got off course a few years ago?) whose plane was off course for only about 15-20 mins when fighters arrived. That's a small Cessna plane, and these are huge boeing 757/767 jet passenger liners off course for 40-70 minutes with no fighters. NORAD also reported 60 intercepts just in the year prior to 9/11. Those terrorists must've been something to defeat the American airspace, eh?

Next we have the planes hit the towers. After only 56 (I think) minutes, the south tower magically collapses. We're told that the fire was so hot that it weakened the steel enough to cause the building to collapse. Now, again, to this lie, I will turn to historical (and scientific) evidence. In 1970, there was a fire in the south tower that consumed floors 9-19 and burned for approximately 19 hours. That was at the bottom of the tower. No collapse. Last month, a 32 story steel and concrete skyscraper in Madrid, Spain was fully ENGULFED in flames for 24 hours. No collapse. Look this one up to see how major that fire was. The pictures say a thousand words. No steel-framed building has EVER collapsed due to fire in history, yet we have three on September 11th. Coincidence? I think not. what we have here is the clear LIE stating that fire burning for only 56 minutes at 3/4 the way up the tower was able to weaken the steel enough for a collapse. Jet fuel only burns at about 1000 degrees fahrenheit, yet steel has a melting point of 2800 degrees fahrenheit. The jet fuel(most of it) burned up in that giant fireball you saw. The jet fuel didn't burn much inside, and by the end there were only a few smoldering oxygen-starved fires. The steel was freezing compared to what it would need to melt! In other words, those towers would not have collapsed had they not had the help of something: DEMOLITION CHARGES. If you look at the videos of the toers collapsing again, there are many different angles where you can clearly see demolition squibs shooting out the sides of the buildings.

Your first reaction is "How the hell can they put demolition charges into the tower without anyone noticing?" Answer: easily. On the weekend of september 8-9, there was a powerdown in the WTC and engineers were seen walking in and out of the towers all weekend long. What better time to put demolition charges in? There is none. If you watch different videos of the towers collapsing, you can SEE the demolition charges. You can see, just watch the towers collapse it looks like they explode outward, and you can see in certain places the buildings popping out floor by floor, along with testimony from firefighters saying that they saw the towers start poppinh out floor by floor.

The next event on 9/11 was the attack on the pentagon, which is a completely ridiculous claim. First of all, the official story states that the plane flew inches above the cars on I-395 to slam into the Pentagon, leaving barely any wreckage at all, because most of the ALUMINUM wreckage "burnt up". Give me a freakin break. Burnt up? Metal doesn't "burn up". Metal melts (not to mention that jet fuel doesn't even reach a temperature high enough to melt aluminum) but it doesn't burn up. Yet if u look at pictures of the pentagon, you see barely any wreckage. Now to disect the lie about flying inches above the cars: if you flew a boeing 757 inches above a highway, it would rip all the cars off the highway and throw them like a leaves in wind, and even with all of that, the "plane" still managed to puch neatly through nine feet of steel-reinforced concrete and three rings of the pentagon going in a complete straight line, without the wings being found anywhere (there was only a 12x14 foot hole made by the plane that struck the pentagon, where are the wings?). The only thing that can punch that neatly throught that much steel reinforced concrete is depleted uranium, or in English, a missile.

The next event was the plane crashing in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Remember that Todd Beamer story about "Let's roll!" and how they heroically wrestled the terrorists and brought the plane down? Well, quoth Donald Rumsfeld while talking to the soldiers in Iraq on December 25th, 2004: "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, -> SHOT DOWN THE PLANE OVER PENNSYLVANIA <- and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten – indeed the word 'terrorized' is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be." Mis-spoke/slipped my ass. He wouldn't have said that if it didnt happen. Now why the cover up? Who knows, but that's a clear lie.

The last event on 9/11 occured at 5:20 PM, and that was the collapse of the WTC building 7, a 47 story building about 200 yards from from the towers. Question: how does a building with only a few minor scattered fires collapse at the rate of a free-falling body in a vacum? Answer: demolition charges. We KNOW this for a fact. The main reason is because of Larry Silverstein's (landlord of the WTC) admission that the firefighters said they couldn't contain the fires so they had to "pull it", controlled demolition terms for "pulling" the thing that starts the demolition. Silverstein said this on the PBS documentary "America Rebuilds." Demolition charges need to be put in place ahead of time, days ahead of time. Controlled demolitions take WEEKS of planning, so those charges had to be in place prior to that day. Also, the building falls as if there's no resistance at all. It falls only .4 of a second slower than a FREE-FALLING OBJECT IN A VACUM, that is, without air resistance. Now think, when this thing comes down it has a lot of resistance: all of those steel beams, air resistance, etc. .4 slower. You can not have a collapse of that speed without demolition charges.

There's plenty of evidence right there. Here are some
sites: <-- best archival source (go to the bottom and get ur free 4
hour DVD about 9/11)

Don't forget guys, PLEASE LOOK THIS STUFF UP. I hope you are all open-minded people, and I hope you will all look this up before telling me it's completely ridiculous and that I'm just a conspiracy nut. The truth is out there, look it up. I don't want to here anyone saying it is completely ridiculous if they haven't looked up everything I've said with the sources I've given. Thanks for being open-minded!"

3 videos for you guys which are equally crazy..I mean come on...people believe this? Jones - Martial Law - Part 1.wmv Jones - Martial Law - Part 2.wmv Jones - Martial Law - Part 3.wmv

"First and foremost, thanks gatech for the post... i dont know where to start...everything you typed imo is correct and well resourced....i am here to debunk the people who think there wasnt a conspiracy on 9/11... first things first...the steel and collaspe issues... you were right Irairish when u said the fire proofing on the steel wore off but the fire was not hot enough to melt the steel (agreed?) and even if it wasnt hot enough to melt the steel, lets assume that it was hot enough to BEND the steel which would cause enough structural damage for the towers to warp and lose their structural integrity. I can accept that but the only problem is..if that was in fact the case, the towers would have never fallen so perfectly. There uniform collaspe in a straight line is nonsense, they would have can 2 towers be hit in 2 very different spots but go down the same way? I wish bill gates or some other rich fuck would build exact replicas of the towers somewher and crash planes into them...i promise they would have fallen like they did, if at all... want more proof... how about the temparature readings of 2000-3000*F found stories below the WTCs WEEKS after 9/ could steel stay that hot for such a long period of time...sounds like thermite charges were definitely used to me... thermite charges, missiles, etc etc are all used by teh military, they can punch melting holes into sides of tanks, bunkers, buildings, all steel/iron structures.. they create a chemical reaction with steel which causes steel to melt...want some more interesting facts... the company that cleaned up the Oklahama city bombing (still unsolved by the way) is the same company who cleaned up teh world trade centers....dont forgot the OKL buiding was still a free standing buidling after the attack. This company, i dont remember the name off hand set up the DEMOLITION and then CLEANED it up...what a coincidence....Moving on, in FEMAS report on the steel integrity issue, they ADMITTED that no forensic or chemical analysis was performed on the steel. say what!?!?!? furthermore, they also ADMITTED they did not know the reason why WTC 7 could that be? even after the stupid jew silverstein confessed or slipped on PBS saying that the firefighters pull it...firefighters dont pull buildings, its not their job...not to mention it does take alot of prep could the biggest terrorist attack or whatever the fuck u wanna call it in history occur and no thorough investigation takes place...just mind boggling. yet another interesting observation regarding the steel of the towers or what was left of it was SHIPPED OUT OF THE COUNTRY to china and other asian companies or buried in landfills... why? Another weird discrepancy is the debris or i should say lack of debris from the towers that was found...dont get me wrong, there was alot of debris but the important thing is - the steel was PULVERISED...think about it guys, assume that the towers fell without help from any thermite/demolition charges etc... and they collasped so neatly...steel is heavy and strong, it does not turn to DUST from free falling... plain horseshit... moving onto the pentagon, its interesting to note that the pentagon has anti-aircraft missiles and dozens and dozens of cameras stationed around the perimeter of the building..why didnt they just shoot down the plane? because it was not a plane... teh lack of debris, the mysterious blue tarp, the neatly punched hole, the confiscation of the videos not only from the pentagon but from neighboring hotels and gas station by the FBI...why has no VIDEO ever been released showing the attack on the pentagon when it was captured...its not because they dont want ot show the horror of the tragic event but because it SHOWS something probably very different from a plane... the norad issue speaks for itself, their incompetence is very questionable. FLight 93 was definitely shot down over PA as teh wreckage was fround miles away...thus, an in air explosion probably by a fighter pilot. Another debate is the cell phone calls...i dont know about u guys but my cell phone doesnt work on planes about 7000-8000 feet...just try it...yet all these people called their loved ones to tell them what was going on - impossible.... 2 examples really put that issue to bed...1. The guy who called his mom or wife or whatever and said we are storming the cockpit identifies himself 2x in teh conversation... "hey mom, its JOHN DOE (dont remember name)....why would u tell ur mom ur full name once, let alone twice like she wouldnt know who the fuck u were.. 2. a recent announcement by American Airlines and Qualcomm last may/june says that by the year 2006 (yes 2006) technology will be in place tht will ALLOW people to use CELL PHONES above 8000 ft... so i guess those cell phones the people had onboard were ahead of their time or something because no way those calls could have been made if the TECHNOLOGY didnt exist. Lots of victims families, mostly widows of firefighters had to SWEAR under OATH and sign Legal Papers saying they would not discuss what they heard on TAPE from firefighters in the buildings saying shit like "there was an explosion" "I hear explosions going off" etc... why would they have to do that? why be sworn into silence? 9/11 was definitely a conspiracy, i dont know what hte role of the US was exactly but they (govt) are complicit to some degree. How could so many things go wrong? How could so many procedures/guidelines be ignored? the scrambling of the fighter jets to me is the smoking gun. Especially after watching rumsfeld on some show after the attacks answering the question..."why werent the planes intercepted?" he said something like - fighter planes are not allowed to intercept commercial aircraft without the consent of the president, this part is true but what he didnt tell you was that fighter jets are supposed to Scramble minutes after a plane goes off course...they didnt have to intercept (shoot down) the planes but should have been sent up for visual confirmation of hte pilot and analysis of the situation as outlined in FEMAS guidelines...he conveniently just left that part out. But look what happened since that event, teh US passed patriot acts which is the stepping stone of right stripping, the people who owned the land (silverstein and others) have made MORE MONEY From the towers going down, the US got to start a war in Afghanistan to boost the economy (like we always do), gave us an excuse to invade IRAQ whichis hte funniest thing i ever heard... let me put bush amd the iraq issue to bed right u honestly think that after the gulf war that the US wasnt watching every lil move Saddam made?... they knew from the beginning he had no WMDs... why u ask? Because they have satelites that can ZOOM so clearly and perfect, it can see the apple u hold in ur hand... so ur telling me with this technology they couldnt have seen saddam stockpiling...all they showed was pictures from space from like 1970 that showed warehouses in iraq with "we think they are in there" type dialogue... haha give me a fucking break, so now the US also has their stronghold in the Middle east, among a lot of other political advances and foundations.... The bottom line is - Bush is having wine and cheese with bin laden as we speak...i just cant wait for the revolution, never give up your guns...patriot Bob..."

<---50 and game = no homo?

"Stop putting hats on my penis" (c)theMantheMyth warning PlanetInfinite

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
nice post dunny... i just got into this huge ass debate with this right wing bush fanatic at my work cause of this... i dont think Moore's shit is so bad... i mean it would be better if he wouldnt affiliate himself with any punkass political partisan shit but, theres some decent shit in his movies that aint gettin no coverage by other media...


ill o.g.
That was a real interesting read - certainly got me thinking anyway. Yeah Micheal Moor is a bit of a fat bastard, but by making movies of what he's doing he's showing people loads of things which they wouldn't otherwise get to hear about; which can only be a good thing.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
see, i can rock with this

i cant get down with all the bush hate, cause its usually mindless and generally based on propaganda- and little real information.

michael moore, im not messin with that dude
he is a lot of propaganda as well. his motives were obvious from the start.

but this guy.... breaks it down to fundamentals, gives real information IMPARTIALLY, gives sources, encourages you to do the research yourself and form your own opinion... but most important, he just gives facts that his theory is based on

i wish more of these theories had this type of foundation of common sense.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yea. that's some crazy shit. i wonder if we really will ever know what happened. i bet not. i mean, there are always gonna be theories like this which seem well backed which will always offer alternatives to what the government says happened. and unless bush, or some other high ranking official comes forward and admits it, i don't think this thing will ever be solved.


ill o.g.
Imo this is accurate. Another investigation about this event is "Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Centre Disaster" by David Icke.

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order"
David Rockefeller

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to persue its own ideas of the national interests, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
Senator Daniel K. Inouye

The Konductor

ill o.g.
REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck yeah! You're the man Cold Truth. And I thoughT your music was what made you the shit. But you're far beyond that. REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ill o.g.
i'm really feelin this post. this is some real shit you pushin here homie. I try to go off my gut and I was ticked about how many people died and all but I didn't believe a word of it since day one. The first thing I always said was how could the planes go off course and no one communicates with the pilot or the plane and then we don't hear about it until the fuckin plane hits the building?

Someone or group is lying and they know if some body was flying a plane on some pearl harbor sneak tip kamikaze shit that them fighter planes wouldv'e been up in that air so quick shootin them suckas down.

And I'm sorry if I step on somebodies toes saying this but I never believed the "leaked" tapes about the beheadings and all that either. Masked Arabs killing people on video tape? Not that it is far fetched because anything is possible but with people over here trying to protest the war and chanting bring the troops home, seeing images like that just shuts all that down and further justifies their presence. Think about how powerful media is, people will believe anything they see on TV. Also why did they try to label anyone who spoke against it and questioned the motives, etc. Why did they not want the media to present opposing views on the whole thing?

All we got is the SHOCK AND AWE show.


ill o.g.
Damn, this is sad that all you nuts are accepting this shit. Come on man, every event of this magnitude has its many theories (just look at the death of every major celebrity, from Elvis to Tupac). I don't like Bush for many reasons, but that's absolutely ridiculous to assume that he set up the death of thousands of American citizens. For one, who would back him in this conspiracy, and
who would he have the balls to ask? Why the hell would he kill thousands of innocent people and risk getting caught up being the most ruthless murderer in American history? To gain what? This is so ridiculous it's not even funny. The guys argument that the arab world doesn't hate America is ignorant. They fuckin' despise America, not because they're "JEALOUS of our freedom," but because they're religious fanatics who hate everything that America represents, like freedom, prosperity and secularity in government. There have been many terrorist acts commited on American embassies and such by these muslims other than just this one attack. The reason why America trained them and gave them weapons is because Reagan (like all presidents of the 20th century) was an idiot, and he made it seem that because they were against the soviets that they were are allies, partially because he, like many other republicans, wanted to push the view that religious fundamentalists are America's moral allies. The post was fairly interesting to read, but come on guys, don't just accept some retarded theories and assume that they're true because some shmuck did some research on the internet (we all know everything on the internet must be true).

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
well, thing is, this guy gave actual, logical reasonings behind his theory, which is MUCH more then i can say for most of what i have heard from people, and that gets high marks from me.
i, for one, dont give a whole lot of credence to conspiracy theorists for the simple fact that we will never know A LOT of these things, one way or the other, and tehre is no point worrying about them from that standpoint- but it is good to consider possibilites, i think.


ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
well, thing is, this guy gave actual, logical reasonings behind his theory, which is MUCH more then i can say for most of what i have heard from people, and that gets high marks from me.
i, for one, dont give a whole lot of credence to conspiracy theorists for the simple fact that we will never know A LOT of these things, one way or the other, and tehre is no point worrying about them from that standpoint- but it is good to consider possibilites, i think.

Nah, it's definately tight that at least this dude gave some reasoning instead of just spouting off.


Ego Sum Vox Manus Deus
ill o.g.
My history books show me that empires have only done one thing throughout history; rise and fall. It happened with Rome, it happened with England, and now it's America's turn. The part I don't like is seeing the government driving the nation towards oblivion with war and weapons and clandestine operations financed with tax dollars paid by my family and friends who live there; yet, they continue to struggle day by day with no relief in sight or no joy of life. I thought life in America was about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That statement itself is the biggest propaganda out there.

Our family lost a good friend Shiv in the WTC attack and my cousin Joey would have lost his wife had she shown up to work that day. We've tried to explain it to ourselves, but no explanation will bring him back. Our faith has kept us strong, not theories or government rhetoric. I have my own personal beliefs as to what lead up to the events on that day but those I keep to myself. As for me and my house, we know where our comfort lies. Read the Word. This tragedy, this injustice is nothing new.

I think that Ecclesiastes 1:9 sums it up the best:

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is nothing new under the sun.


ill o.g.
The-Shadow said:
My history books show me that empires have only done one thing throughout history; rise and fall. It happened with Rome, it happened with England, and now it's America's turn. The part I don't like is seeing the government driving the nation towards oblivion with war and weapons and clandestine operations financed with tax dollars paid by my family and friends who live there; yet, they continue to struggle day by day with no relief in sight or no joy of life. I thought life in America was about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That statement itself is the biggest propaganda out there.

Hopefully America isn't next in that trend. The difference is that America has a solid constitution that has individual rights. It is the first ever such document. What worries me is that we continue to lose freedom after freedom, mainly economic. Capitalism (the poitical-economic corrallary of individual rights) is what made America great, and we continue to drift farther and farther away towards socialism. About that "biggest propaganda" statement--that statement is one of the most important things ever written. Don't diss the statement, if not for that document called the declaration of independence we'd be living in a fucked up world right now. Though I agree that today it has lost much of its truth, we in America are still extremely free compared to most countries.
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