Would you come back here if ya became famous

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gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I would come back and start crazy arguments about meaningless bullshit... constantly drop names and shit...

and be a bigger dick than i am now.... than I'd start a rival site called illmuzak

i got a come back project im working with tone loc right now so look out suckas


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
classic said:
but u gotta be realistic, i how long it would last before cats start buggin the hell out of me, dissing my beats, saying that they are way better producers then me. U know their would be alot of envey

i would have to stay on the low


i didnt thought about that... i guess you're right.. and next thing you know, they dont only diss your Beats, but your face etc, your clothes, your attitude, until they killed you of jealousy... hum


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I would easily still support the site in any way i can, besides the occasional visit.....And Hoppas right, getting a hold a cats that are names in the industry now is a little easier than u think, u jus gotta be cool and approach them in a professional manner.....I talk to NASA(engineer and producer for a lot of DEFJUX shit u have heard) off and on and hes hella cool.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 6
I'll come back, or keep doin wut I'm doin now is comin on and off here, u can tell by my post #'s I don't have internet @ my current apt. now cause of retarded hook ups, and I've been just making beats to enter in beat this, then finsish them and then don't have req'ments to get in casue of low posts, but imma get on it yoll I be listenin to yoll beats but don't get a chance to critiqe, but there is some hot shyt up heah, this sight has grown since I first stumbled upon it, but anyway, we all famous and goin to continue da famous love we bring heah