World Wide Hiphop


Equality 7-2521

nobody is telling you should like it.

we are just saying that your reasons for not liking it are somewhat void.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Originally posted by BeatOff
I dont understand why some of you are preacing to us why we should like foriegn hiphop. Its not like i'm talking out my ass, i've heard it hella times. From going to hiphop in the park in berkley and hearing Japanese rappers and swedish ones come on stage. From them playing some of that on the wake up show. Its wack to . period.

Beatoff I feel ya ......... I can't understand it either ........

I been on for a while now ...... and It seems that whenever someone disagrees or has a different opinion than someone else on THIS SITE, they call you a hater, narrow-minded, etc. or they try and force you to agree with them on there opinion. WHY???????? Its like they want everyone around here to agree and be sheep that just follow everyone's opinions. I have my own thoughts on what I like .... but because its different, I get ridiculed or told I'm "narrow-minded" ..... But really its there own narrow minds that allow them not to realize there doing the same thing they speak of. If I don't like Nas, Wu-tang or Premo's beats ..... accept it! .... (I'm not saying I don't like it) ... but if I didn't .... I already know that half of you on here would get your panties in a bunch and try to force me to like it .... I'm not feeling that shit ...... If I can't express myself on this site without people trying to force my hand then its useless to be on here and Fade should save his money and shut down shop.

Mr. Messenger and everyone else that doesn't respect my thoughts and opinions - Your reasons for your comments are void and one-sided. You don't respect the fact that someone doesn't like what you like. (Different doesn't mean good ..... it just means different)


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Mad, I hear ya. Everyone's got their opinions and that's it. There shouldn't be a debate about it. If someone thinks you're narrow minded for having a different opinion, that makes no sense to me whatsoever. But you'll find that kind of attitude all over the internet, not just here. Ignore them.


Well, MadScientist, I didn't end up calling you narrowminded, as it seemed my impression was wrong. I always respect people and their opinion, but I will always like to hear their arguements and voice my own if I don't agree.
I guess I also feel very strongly about this since my general impression is that americans are narrowminded and only into US stuff, whatever that may be (apart from perhaps European cars). Especially, when I see americans killing the music I love so much, I probably take on the mission of tryng to open their eyes...this is not aimed at any one here in particular, I'm mostly trying to explain why I came off as I did... ;)

peace everybody


Why is my opinion "VOID" wtf. Its void becuase? I bet you hate chingy. Its the same shit. From now on whenever you think a different way than me i'm just going to brush it off as VOID. Americans killing the music you love so much? The shit started here. I look at it like a Irish Man singing salsa, it aint the same.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
Originally posted by BeatOff
Why is my opinion "VOID" wtf. Its void becuase? I bet you hate chingy. Its the same shit. From now on whenever you think a different way than me i'm just going to brush it off as VOID. Americans killing the music you love so much? The shit started here. I look at it like a Irish Man singing salsa, it aint the same.

LOL ..... Thats a great comparision .....


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Equality 7-2521


We might disagree and shit but yo its all in good fun. Im absolutely not here to start any beef. I am always keen for a good debate cos i think thats how you get as close to the bottom of things as possible. I also think there is a difference between a debate and an argument. Dont take comments so personally....all comments are related to each others particular opinions....not the person themselves.

I dont care if somone calls me narrow Mad long as they give reasons. I dont feel like i have been unfair.

BeatOff i called your argumement void and gave my reasons for this lable. I felt my reasons were valid and made did others earlier on. Instead of replying to my label of "void", reply to my reasoning for calling it void.

peace brothers

(still no feedback from my links in original post...y?)


Good point, Messenger.

Regarding my statement, "Americans killing the music I love so much", I was simply referring to a lot of the bullshit Hip-Hop out there, which many of you point out yourselves, and the money hungry labels who don't seem to care about Hip-Hop, the Clear Channel radio stations who play a lot of the shit etc etc. Perhaps it was a bit harsh, I guess I'm just pissed off with the fact that the best European stuff get no recognition in the US, for whatever reason, but we're still flooded with a lot of crap US Hip-Hop.
No offense to anybody here, nothing personally, I changed my impression about MadScientist etc etc...this is just how I feel, I needed to understand your reasons and therefore tried to debate the subject...I'll leave it for now.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Hey look I don't blame the other countries either I blame the labels and the people that somehow started labeling all music with somewhat of a hip beat or rhythm hip hop.....billboard??? the record labels????? who started this that's what the problem is but I think that other countries have got the basic concept of making the original sounding "hip hop" music....hip hop in the eyes of the pioneers was supposed to be worldwide but I don't know if the vision that they had was for the hip hop that they were producing and making to go worldwide......or was it looking far enuff to see that people in countries all over the world would be making their own flavors of hip hop music after being influenced by what they heard make it across the Atlantic and everywhere else rocking the clubs.....that's the question to ask because i tend to think that in their minds they were talking about hip hop spreading all over which it did.....then something unpredictable happened........the internet and hi quality home production and availability of samples.....this coupled with sites like illmuzik has enabled universal communication and the ability of producers to be on par to make hot beats that are competitive....but as far as MC'ng and the credibility needed I don't know if that is there yet where you have say a rapper in Tel aviv or Madrid making it as Big as anyone from say ATLanta, New York or can happen but I don't know when only because a huge chunk of dollars going to buy a lot of the above ground production comes from the US.....