Work out / Health tip thread


ill o.g.
Who works out?

I do

Id like to have this thread be about work out tips, routine, health, eating habits etc.

I myself am lifting heavy right now.6-8 reps.

Chest-tricep, back- biceps, legs shoulders about 4 times a week.

As far as food I do protein shakes but i probably should eat a little less porc, cold cuts italian style and chocolate.!!!

I do eat tons of fruits and veggies.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Good thread! The only good tip I can think of is for losing weight. Your metabolism and losing weight works best when you stop eating 3 meals and chop it down to 5 small meals a day. Only think I can think of at the moment


ill o.g.


ill o.g. is a great site as well some of you might want to check.

If you want to chop it down working out is almost a science.

Personally and with a little bit of luck I dont have to worry too too much.

Granted I try to eat healthy but I was always a skinny guy.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I was 246lbs in May....I'm 213 today and I didn't workout once to lose it. There are things that take the weight off and can keep it off that require zero exercise. It also resets your metabolism back to what it was when you were a teenager. By the way..I lost that weight in 23 days....

Be careful with that "heavy lifting" you'll pay for it when u get older and have less muscle. Those joints remember the stress you put on them an will ache like a bitch for no reason....

Light and more reps is much better than heavy and less.


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
Push ups and core work. Im not talking about situps or crunches either. You get your core together everything else will more then likely fall in place. Do Core exercises first get those muscles warmed up and you'll feel stronger for the rest of your workout routine.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Good info!


Back to Work
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 56
My philosophy on working out:

There are many ways to working out, but first and foremost you need to know what your working with(your body), and what you are trying to accomplish as the outcome for your body. The most important part is you gotta follow through and as nike coined, Just DO IT! you do things and you get them done..

It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your body. you can be extremely strict with your food & diet while having an extreme hi rep cardio routine , or eat a lot and gain as much mass as you can while working your way to heavy low rep lifting. Or somewhere in the middle which a lot of people such as myself practice.

Cardio is essential to burning fat
if u don't like running i suggest jump roping. By far my favorite exercise, once you get good u can go faster switching each leg after 5 reps while concentrating your core muscles more and isolating the ones you're using while jump roping and lifting each leg.

if u have any kind of resistance bands,pull up bar, free weights, medicine ball,etc..... throw those in the mix along with these free options... push ups, lunges, hindu push ups & squats, hundreds of AB workouts u can google that don't cost anything but physical energy.

you are going to get out of your body what you put in. If u aren't giving your body the right fuel you aren't going to perform at the best of your ability. Vitamins and essential oils along with non processed foods are the premium fuel for your body. It helps improve the cognitive function of the brain which overall is what you want.

There are unlimited possibilities to working out, but none of them work if u don't do them. you just gotta do!

Too much lemon D tonight, back to the mpc!


ill o.g.
My philosophy on working out:

There are many ways to working out, but first and foremost you need to know what your working with(your body), and what you are trying to accomplish as the outcome for your body. The most important part is you gotta follow through and as nike coined, Just DO IT! you do things and you get them done..

It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your body. you can be extremely strict with your food & diet while having an extreme hi rep cardio routine , or eat a lot and gain as much mass as you can while working your way to heavy low rep lifting. Or somewhere in the middle which a lot of people such as myself practice.

Cardio is essential to burning fat
if u don't like running i suggest jump roping. By far my favorite exercise, once you get good u can go faster switching each leg after 5 reps while concentrating your core muscles more and isolating the ones you're using while jump roping and lifting each leg.

if u have any kind of resistance bands,pull up bar, free weights, medicine ball,etc..... throw those in the mix along with these free options... push ups, lunges, hindu push ups & squats, hundreds of AB workouts u can google that don't cost anything but physical energy.

you are going to get out of your body what you put in. If u aren't giving your body the right fuel you aren't going to perform at the best of your ability. Vitamins and essential oils along with non processed foods are the premium fuel for your body. It helps improve the cognitive function of the brain which overall is what you want.

There are unlimited possibilities to working out, but none of them work if u don't do them. you just gotta do!

Too much lemon D tonight, back to the mpc!



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
Also with that, I suggest everyone to get your thyroid checked. Even if your working out and eating right but not getting results at all you may have a hyper or hypo thyroid. Just found out that I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto's disease (overactive thyroid) which they say leads to Graves Disease but it stems from stress and environmental issues and also could be hereditary. We live in a society that's so fast paced that a lot of us don't even get regular physicals like we should. Great thread!!!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Krazy....I hear you on that... wifey was just diagnosed with a hypoactive she's been having a hard time losing weight.....I am definitely looking into getting a full physical next month...

I'm a pretty avid cyclist.. I ride my bike about 5 times a week, weather permitting. I love it. During the week I do between 11-15 miles, on the weekend I do from 20-40 miles. It's a great cardio workout, that doesn't even seem like you're working part is, it's low impact and chicks dig the cycling tights out here. It's really expensive to get started, due to the fact that if you get a decent road bike you're paying at least $1,000-$2,000 USD. I just bought a 2012 Trek Madone 3.1. Mine was $2100 with the 5year protection on all components and a flat fix program for the life of the bike. The bike frame is all carbon, and I'm looking to replace the handlebars with a carbon version as well as try to get carbon wheels. The lighter the better.

I think the best way to exercise is to find something you truly love to do, because it's fun, and an awesome stress reliever. 99% of my ride, I have a clear head and I'm just enjoying my ride.

DJ Excellence has a cool blog about bodyweight exercises...It's very informative for those who don't have the weights at home.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Good cardio and plyo video to watch is Insanity.

I think that was my favorite over P90X, because it didn't require weights/bands to work. It's an awesome program for those who want to lose inches as well as weight.....

And definitely eat well. I tend to eat as much organic food as I could afford, and it shows in how I feel every day....It's crazy how shitty processed foods are for you.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Also with that, I suggest everyone to get your thyroid checked. Even if your working out and eating right but not getting results at all you may have a hyper or hypo thyroid. Just found out that I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto's disease (overactive thyroid) which they say leads to Graves Disease but it stems from stress and environmental issues and also could be hereditary. We live in a society that's so fast paced that a lot of us don't even get regular physicals like we should. Great thread!!!

Dope post! and a great point/warning, Im anti medicine/doctors but I could prob do good w/ more physicals, especially with all the stuff in food these days.

Good cardio and plyo video to watch is Insanity.

I think that was my favorite over P90X, because it didn't require weights/bands to work. It's an awesome program for those who want to lose inches as well as weight.....

And definitely eat well. I tend to eat as much organic food as I could afford, and it shows in how I feel every day....It's crazy how shitty processed foods are for you.

Dope, I couldnt take advantage of the full P90x cause I didnt have all the accessories and what not. Gonna check out Insanity

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