word up to all illmuzikerz



Hi guys, just wanted to introduce myself.. I`m from Slovakia and I`m trying to learn Cubase right now and I`m interested in music education and found a lot of useful information on this ill site ;) Ohm..and excuse my english as I`m not a native speaker (and writer), but believe me...I`m doing my best... :)

PS: I really like afriqedeluxe simple r`n`b song...that video got me here... :)



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
Hi guys, just wanted to introduce myself.. I`m from Slovakia and I`m trying to learn Cubase right now and I`m interested in music education and found a lot of useful information on this ill site ;) Ohm..and excuse my english as I`m not a native speaker (and writer), but believe me...I`m doing my best... :)

PS: I really like afriqedeluxe simple r`n`b song...that video got me here... :)


Welcome man,

lol glad you liked that video, but i find it embarassing these days, especially with the quirky keyboard playing and what not. But anyway welcome to illmuzik, you'll like it here.


Hmm...I`m quite new to this forum (and also to production :) ) and I wanted you to give me feedback to my first track but the showcase forum is locked... :( anyway, my first track could be found on www.myspace.com/smurfoo and I would be glad if you experienced guys could tell me what I`m doing wrong and which part needs improvement...


PS: the track is called Boom and it is my first track made in Cubase (and the first one I tried to mix ;) ) the bass line is live played by BRHLO...

there are two other tracks, one is called every breath - where I just tried to mix the vocals (the instrumental part is not mine) and is sing by one of my friends. the other one is RedHat riddim and it is made in Fruity Loops (and sounds like that :D )


ill o.g.
ai wuts up evrybody my name is nate barnes aka nynelyvez i live in akwesasne im 18 yrs old i'll b graduating high skool this year im hopin to get into the college in nyc the institute of audio research i became a producer wen i heard some shit from swizz beatz jus the way his shit sounded got me thinkin wut i want to do in life
Hmm...I`m quite new to this forum (and also to production :) ) and I wanted you to give me feedback to my first track but the showcase forum is locked... :( anyway, my first track could be found on www.myspace.com/smurfoo and I would be glad if you experienced guys could tell me what I`m doing wrong and which part needs improvement...


PS: the track is called Boom and it is my first track made in Cubase (and the first one I tried to mix ;) ) the bass line is live played by BRHLO...

there are two other tracks, one is called every breath - where I just tried to mix the vocals (the instrumental part is not mine) and is sing by one of my friends. the other one is RedHat riddim and it is made in Fruity Loops (and sounds like that :D )

You just have to wait for the next Showcase, after a Showcase has closed its a couple of days and the the next one opens. Just keep checking back

And Nyne Lives, you need to start your own introduction thread.

But welcome to Ill.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Welcome! Make sure you turn the lights off when you leave the room and don't forget to close the refrigerator.

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