Wings Of An Angel & Mercury Waters - haloDim

  • beat this! (mar 19-20) signup begins in...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Relic said:
Which one of you is postin over there?

No one, that's the beauty of it! I found this post completely out of the blue. Never heard of this specific forum before! ;)

One Love,
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Andreas' haloDim Review

Howdy Fellas,

Andreas was very kind by writing his personal impressions of the haloDim experience:

This is very much so an audio journey through the mind of Wings Of An Angel and Mercury Waters. It is full with epic and smooth vibes that seem to strike a nerve in your subconscious; it's mood altering and suggestive.
Wings Of An Angel has an amazing ability to create full texture in his music and yet it feels airy and stripped to the essence. And the flow that Mercury Waters brings is just like a non stopping motion towards something you can't quite escape.
I can't help to be swept away by what I hear. And what I hear is superbly formulated. It's made up of crisp and clear sounds that makes me feel like I'm seeing the music rather then hearing it. Ambient sounds and suggestive melodies accompanied with Mercury Waters' fluid poems.
This is just a full, spot on creation. It has so unusual and unexpected sound that you just have to tip your hat at the creation that just seems to have pored out of Wings Of An Angel and Mercury Waters. It adds another dimension to Hip-Hop that I'm really glad and relieved to hear.
My grade: A solid 5 out of 5
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3

Hiya Comrades,

I've uploaded haloDim once more, so don't hesitate & get the free mp3 release NOW!

We believe in spreading our music out there, at any cost. Even if it potentially damages sales. "Try before you buy" ;)

I'd like to invite you to download the mp3 rip RIGHT NOW:

(Note, the file will be available for 7 days!)

Spread the word! :thumb:

"The chaos on this planet is due to the music that musicians are
playing, that they are forced to play by some who just think of money
and don't realize that music is a spiritual language and it represents
the people of earth. When musicians are compelled to play anything, it
goes straight to the throne of the Creator of the Universe, and that is
how He sees you, according to your music. Because, see, music is a
universal language and what you cause musicians to play, that's what
goes straight to the Creator as your personal ambassador and personal
nemesis" (Sun Ra).

All The Best - One Love!!!