Wings Of An Angel - Lament [Now w/ tribute trk.]

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
yo merc, thats messed up man! warn somebody about what you are linking up! that came on my work pc!

wings, man, PEACE... you aint goin nowhere, we'll see you on the weekends (i feel like i'm talking to my kid after a divorce here...).... one


ill o.g.
I didn't know you was all the way over there, and all this time I thought you were in some unknown corner of the states like deuce - any way your speed to reply and help others will surely be missed in the times your not around.
Stay strong fam....

*Edit* and oh yeah merc nice one........

dj ShorTbuS

Cold Get Retarded
ill o.g.
yo stay up man. you'll be back in the lab cookin up more shit before you know it.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Yo Wings,,,ya helped me so much over the passed few months,,,I can say you are truly a GREAT person and you will be missed here! I will definitly check ya out on the weekends man! Keep bein you man,,,Be safe yo, and i'll talk to ya soon!!!!! One love kid!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yeah Wings has been a freakin production/hiphop encyclopdia..hehe...
A lot of good help and information came out of you Wings and im sure you helped more than just me out once or twice...

Hey and lets not forget that wings is tha KING OF ATMOSPHERES...LOL...You got skills wings! Keep making good music when tha time premits.



IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17

Equality 7-2521

that track is the most beautiful gesture ive ever seen a mile.


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
Freakwncy said:

I didnt know about this song until this morning. I think it resumed very well what i think about Wings of an Angel.

I had the chance to listen to this track " Wings of Honor"... .man, tears dropped.
The music is DEEP, the lyrics, the flow.... GUITAR/PIANO/DRUMS, perfect combination.

this sentence hit me hard : "how they gonna make a man out of the man you already are"

Merc, you are an impressive MC.

This is a deep nice track that i didnt heard for a while. This song is definately one of my top 10 songs of the week.

Its not fair about this army thing. Wings, what you do for illmuzik is not comparable to what you do for your country.

Man, im so honnor to be part of this community. I didnt know about this song, it is a precious gift. Wings, keep it, this song fit you so well.



Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
damn wings... that sucks major donkey dick... make the most of it tho... i hope errything is cool with you... get back at the bert man... good luck... and we gonna miss ya!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
haha guys, i've been in the army for 10+ months already :)
look on the first post, the date is: 02-06-04, 02:35 AM
I'm basically home everyday, so there's nothing to worry about...
there's a plan to transfer me to another place, but i'm going to fight in order to stay where i am \ somehwere close to where i live (and keep coming home everyday - OF COURSE...).
thank you for the support FAM. it means a lot; I know that i have WONDERFUL (!) friends by my side and that i have made a difference and helped. This song is an outstanding gesture, thank you freak & merc. Thanks again ya'll!

One Love,


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yo wings man i am goin to miss ya with all of your articals and stuff you have feed me and so many others with so much information man i hope you do fine in the army and let us know how it is goin