Windows Vista= Peice of Shit

I cant beleive that a program can be allowed to scan your computer for files at all, let alone snitch on you.
With the backdoors microsoft always put into their software it wouldnt surprise me if they aint collecting other pesonal information too. Thats some crazy mad shit right there, Im shocked. They really do have to do something about piracy that is understandable, but underhanded spy tactics aint the way forward.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
I cant beleive that a program can be allowed to scan your computer for files at all, let alone snitch on you.
With the backdoors microsoft always put into their software it wouldnt surprise me if they aint collecting other pesonal information too. Thats some crazy mad shit right there, Im shocked. They really do have to do something about piracy that is understandable, but underhanded spy tactics aint the way forward.

Amen. Piracy is a problem but not as serious that my freedom should be compromised.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
vista has been very good to me. fl worked since i first installed it. audition 2 is still flawless. and now i have reason 4 and that runs so smooth. even when something hiccups vista recovers so quick


ill o.g.
i couldnt get ableton, acid and a grip of other programs to run in vista. i didnt want to waste my time, finding or fixing shit just cuz the os looks cool. i think they just came out with another os because apple introduced leapord. you will always need to update vista, and it will be bullshit until they come out with another piece of shit. then vista will probably work right.


WOW VISTA IS THE WORST PIECE OF SHIT EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR!!!!!! It came preloaded on my centrino laptop. It's slow, it doesnt run some programs (AVAST! antivirus works but the virus signature updates don't , something about incompatible drivers. AAAAAARGHHH!!!0


ill o.g.
yeah your just figuriing that out.. i downgraded to xp and shit still doesnt run 100% if you just bought it,, you can go to the store and tell them you want a full xp os in it instead. i wish i would have done that.


ill o.g.
saying 'vista sucks' is akin to saying 'the sky is blue'.

That M$ has a backdoor in it that it can use to arbitrarily delete your stuff makes it suck.
That it sucks up resources like a third world hooker makes it suck.
That it's hardware/software incompatibility rate is sky high makes it suck.

Seriously, going from 2000 to XP wasn't this bad. At least most drivers in 2000 also worked in XP and the vast majority of software made for 2000 also worked in XP.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
I am going to have Windows XP Pro installed when I buy a new laptop. I am not even going to play around with Vista. I am going to insist that they substitute XP instead or they will lose a sale. LOL!

See........I am using a laptop with Vista installed and this happens. LOL! Point, game and match. HA!

Poetik Eklipse

Ain't nothin wrong with vista. Just make sure your software is supported by it first and come on man, you can't get fruity loops to install on vista? It's basically the same exact thing you do in XP. It doesn't get any easier than that unless you expect the software to automatically install itself without you clickin the damn mouse.


If you think about what you have and know you're comfiguration is compatible with vista then it isn't anything wrong with it. Vista is good for me and my mobile solution.


Vista is a nono. Its like with xp in the beginning too many bugs and problems. xp came in 2001 but it wasnt untill 2004 when i started using it, when xp got stable. Same thing her with Vista, ill be using XP as long as its supported

Samething with Office 2007. Still using Office 2003 its much faster and shit

Bottomline: Fuck VISTA


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
I will never own vista... If you read the fine print they reserve the right to delete anything from your hard drive they don't think you should have... So basically if you got a lot of software or music you don't own vista will rat you out and your files could be deleted. Not to mention all the spyware and bullshit that comes with the initial install.

P the emcee I work with had his computer locked down and his shit deleted... it's right in the license agreement that they can scan your hard drive for illegal files or files they deem illegal and remove them. They won't usually sue you so I hear but that could change if the pressure is applied to clamp down harder on piracy.

I read this and am curious where it says it in the terms and agreement. This is what I found:


If turned on, Windows Defender will search your computer for “spyware,” “adware” and other potentially unwanted software.
If it finds potentially unwanted software, the software will ask you if you want to ignore, disable (quarantine) or remove it.

Any potentially unwanted software rated “high” or “severe,” will automatically be removed after scanning unless you change the default setting. Removing or disabling potentially unwanted software may result in

· other software on your computer ceasing to work, or
· your breaching a license to use other software on your computer.

By using this software, it is possible that you will also remove or disable software that is not
potentially unwanted software.

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