Will this ever stop?


ill o.g.
Dude I hope ur not making the mistake of assuming that I dont deal with racism...Its just that hispanics, and actually brothers from the islands have a different perspective than brothers who were born in america...Speaking to your original point of "oppressed people", chicos deal with american racism differently cause we think its funny how white people here dont consider us white when a large chunk our our ancestors climbed down from the same mountains they did...The whole oppression thing is also funny to us cause yeah the cops are pricks and they'll fuck with you...seen it, been there, trust me I know...but it really aint shit compared to say oh I dunno Cuba where you dont just get fucked with but spit on and thrown in jail cause you have a different IDEA than everyone else, where folks built sucessful businesses only to have it nationalized and be labeled enemies of the state...there you have no rights, no money, no resources to fight back...

Over here you can grab all your boys and stand outside with shotguns and change the entire system, they cant do that in venezuela, or boliva, or columbia...I think that sometimes americans overstate the "oppression" factor...Its not equal, thats for sure, but its alot more equal than everywhere else...when you put it into perspective its alot easier to appriecate how we have it over here...cause in other places our doors would be getiing kicked down right now for talking about this...

Thats why I think its time to lighten up...Perry is a white boy from texas, am I surprised he says nigger? Hell no.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Nahhh, no assuming here...lol. Everybody is black to me! hahaha

I feel you though, I wish that I was strong enough not to let racism bother me but it does. My compassion for life and its struggles throughout won't let me forget those who gave their life so EVERYBODY could be equal and when somebody crosses that, it pisses me off.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Why cant you laugh at the ignorance of others?

Cmon Bez, I expected better from you.

Im gonna try to explain this in a nutshell...racism is like the ultimate verbal assault on a persons feelings

Its worse when you're tortured and lynched because of racism.

Stuff like when a comedian of race A makes a joke about well known stereotype of race b...the stereotype might not apply to ALL people of race b, but race b knows damn well they got more than a few cousins who fit the role...the audience is mixed between race A and B and the comic follows up his joke with a comic observation about how uncomfortable race A is laughing at the joke in the presence of race B...its pretty common in stand up and it ALWAYS makes me laugh.

Thats exactly how racists justify their racism. Not the best form of humor earth has created to say the least.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I respect that perspective dac.

Dox I am sorry to dissapoint...

I mean Ive laughed for years, but in light of racism america seems to be flaunting these days, I cant laugh at someone else stereotyping you know? It doesnt make sense to me. Its what ruined us and countless lives. I cant continue to adopt that way of thought, the same one that we suffer from, from racists.


ill o.g.
We're just different dude...I think its halairous...especially when someone like lanky ass daniel tosh does it cause thats just ballsy man...but im not at all a sensitive person to begin with, it takes ALOT to piss me off, short of disrespecting my wife theres pretty much nothing somebody can do to me thats gonna make me feel any kinda way...its bad, my wife acuses me of being a sociopath and im not surw shes entirely wrong lol.

The one thing I think thats a twisted positive outta the "comedy" aspect of it is that white people are less affraid of black folks in 2012, and thats a good thing cause ya'll know wht master yoda says about fear..


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
We're just different dude...I think its halairous...especially when someone like lanky ass daniel tosh does it cause thats just ballsy man...but im not at all a sensitive person to begin with, it takes ALOT to piss me off, short of disrespecting my wife theres pretty much nothing somebody can do to me thats gonna make me feel any kinda way...its bad, my wife acuses me of being a sociopath and im not surw shes entirely wrong lol.

The one thing I think thats a twisted positive outta the "comedy" aspect of it is that white people are less affraid of black folks in 2012, and thats a good thing cause ya'll know wht master yoda says about fear..

Comedy has helped race relations definitely. From prior to Chris Rock, to Chappelle. They've all eased the tension like you said, Im just saying it may have lived its usefulness as a tool of progress. Not being sensitive just looking at its effect, outside of the entertainment. Theres gotta be a better way


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
We're just different dude...I think its halairous...especially when someone like lanky ass daniel tosh does it cause thats just ballsy man...but im not at all a sensitive person to begin with, it takes ALOT to piss me off, short of disrespecting my wife theres pretty much nothing somebody can do to me thats gonna make me feel any kinda way...its bad, my wife acuses me of being a sociopath and im not surw shes entirely wrong lol.

The one thing I think thats a twisted positive outta the "comedy" aspect of it is that white people are less affraid of black folks in 2012, and thats a good thing cause ya'll know wht master yoda says about fear..

Wait dude.. haha ypou seriously about to get some ire and I like you .. Now who gives a FUCK if white people are AFRAID of black people??? Thats how that BS was put into place in the first palce..
FEAR?? REALLY?? Like Black folk arent afraid of white people INHERENTLY!! (sp)

No sir,,, I dont think you have actually studied this issue, but I thnk that you DO need to , and I think your mind will be opened in ways that will make you forever a MORE knowledgable person..

Look , white people OUGHT to be afraid of their OWN actions against black people , because seriously , the whole THING of retributon by the "slaves" STILL hasnt happened, this is GOT to be THE most forgiving group of people ever..
Look before I actually flip, not on you but in general , you MUST read " There is a river" by Vincent Harding..
Ill wait and you can whatever , hell everyone vcan , in the meantime, but you dont really know much until you have read that and hte Autobiography of Malcolm X, which I admit the latter took me prolly 20 years from the time I actually bought the book to be able to realte to the second half of the book.

But look man , my god bro .. His Story aint actually history.

But on the real comedy DOES help quite a bit, comedy is a neccessary force.. If you cant laugh at a subject when presented well in a comedic light , then you prolly gonna kill somebody , lots of comedians have helped improve relations..
Im lovin the middle eastern comedians right now.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Yeah see that stuff is peoples actions...and your right, that shit aint funny.

Yes, see .... Its the ACTIONS for all these centuries that equal Racism , which make sit real and not jokes.. And fuckin fosho NOT funny.

Wanna go deep ? Hutu and Tutsis... Look the same.. Germans.. Jews look the same to the latter but hey they seem to all know that its right to eliminate one another from the planet..
Mmmm Japanese and Chinese , Taiwanese.. To those who aint into it all these people look the same but they will go to the ends of the earth to kill that race..


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Stuff like when a comedian of race A makes a joke about well known stereotype of race b...the stereotype might not apply to ALL people of race b, but race b knows damn well they got more than a few cousins who fit the role...the audience is mixed between race A and B and the comic follows up his joke with a comic observation about how uncomfortable race A is laughing at the joke in the presence of race B...its pretty common in stand up and it ALWAYS makes me laugh.

I DO think comedy gets a pass, Richard Pryor did wonders for race relations by making fun of white people and pointing out differences.
When you use comedy to get people laughing about serious shit its good because it provides a release , thats why even though I get shocked by some McFarlane stuff I laugh all the louder.
I just figured the guy WAS jewish it gets so antisemetic, I mean the only people who rag jews like that are other jews, you mean he or someone in there ISNT?