who is registered to vote??

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
ummm what does that mean?

youre saying exactly what i was saying; regardless of who we have in office, there will be something half the country/world/etc doesnt like. it doesnt really matter to me.

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i feel ya truth

I have allways felt the same way as truth... voting for the lesser of two evils is not really voting in my mind... i am 30 and have never voted... and i dont believe that shit about "if you dont vote you dont have a right to complain.... that is some straight bullshit... in fact it may give you more of a right cuz you aint playin the bullshit game... how about the fact no one can even run for president unless you have like 20 million dollars and then elected by on of two equally corrupt parties (democrats and republicans)... i could go on for hours... and the shit about the electoral college you said truth was correct... the electoral college peeps are not required to vote for the winner of the popular vote... and as we saw last year the popular vote doesnt mean shit.... HOWEVER... with all of that said though THIS YEAR I AM SERIOUSLY THINKING OF VOTING... only because the state im living in allways goes republican .... obviously i dont like bush, and the lesser of two evils this time actually seems like lesser enough to make a small difference.... i do think if you live in a state that traditionally goes democrat that your vote doesnt mean shit due to electoral college (as far as getting bush out)... the problem with the electoral college is that it doesnt matter if someone wins by 10,000 votes or 1 .... those extra votes dont help the candidate because they are gettin the same electoral votes....

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
basically, i just hope kerry (if he wins) doesnt go arnold on us and go back and do everything he promised he WOULDNT do. (education cuts, anyone? wasnt that one of his primary promises, more money for schools? funny how that was the first to get cut, and that was part of why we gave davis the axe in the first place. good job.)

and thats m ypoint. politics are called politics for a reason..... its all posturing and posing. i am sure kerry wants to make changes- he's spent his whole life railing for and against various causes and so that leads me to believe that he's fairly legit- but i'm willing to bet he will bring his own agendas and baggage to the presidency and 4 years from now a lot of disgruntled people will want him out too.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
gram green said:
I have allways felt the same way as truth... voting for the lesser of two evils is not really voting in my mind... i am 30 and have never voted... and i dont believe that shit about "if you dont vote you dont have a right to complain.... that is some straight bullshit... in fact it may give you more of a right cuz you aint playin the bullshit game... how about the fact no one can even run for president unless you have like 20 million dollars and then elected by on of two equally corrupt parties (democrats and republicans)... i could go on for hours... and the shit about the electoral college you said truth was correct... the electoral college peeps are not required to vote for the winner of the popular vote... and as we saw last year the popular vote doesnt mean shit.... HOWEVER... with all of that said though THIS YEAR I AM SERIOUSLY THINKING OF VOTING... only because the state im living in allways goes republican .... obviously i dont like bush, and the lesser of two evils this time actually seems like lesser enough to make a small difference.... i do think if you live in a state that traditionally goes democrat that your vote doesnt mean shit due to electoral college (as far as getting bush out)... the problem with the electoral college is that it doesnt matter if someone wins by 10,000 votes or 1 .... those extra votes dont help the candidate because they are gettin the same electoral votes....

All this my be true

But u still gotta vote man. Just think , If 1200 people like u would have gone out and voted in my state, we would be talkin shit about gore instead of bush(i much prefer gore). Im sorry man but IMO the fact the u feel that way isent an excuse for u not to vote. To much shit has went down for u to throw away that oppertinuty.

If you really dont care who wins when u got to vote right your own name on the ballot.(my cousin has done that the past 2 elections). The point is u gotta do something man.

Ur lucky you even have the choice man. We americans are spoiled as hell.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
yo i am sick of all this my vote won't count bullshit... the world just sucks and that is what we have to deal with... aint gonna make a difference no matter what i do... WHAT THE FUCKIS ALL OF THAT???? Will you listen to what you guys sound like... I mean... classic has a good point... i know a bunch of people that didn't vote down in florida... i would say that the majority of them now wish that they would have voted against President George Dubya Fuckface... the only people that are actually likin this guy are the wealthy greedy people in this country with a close following of the way crazy jesus crowd, and then the people that don't know shit... I have heard people say that he is such a nice guy... they tell me to look at all the good he has done... tell me how cute he looks in all the photo ops that he has with the old people, sick people, kids, celebs... THATS JUST IT!!!! They are just photo ops... he isn't really helping any of them... unless they got money he really doesnt care about you...

i say most of this because i am pissed off at myself... i used to think that my vote wouldnt really matter.. i used to say that it is gonna suck no matter who is president so why should i care... but you know what... i feel like a part of me is responsible for that prick... i have not been registered to vote until just this year... but this time i am all ready to go... i have realized that it still is gonna suck either way... but we can start now by at least keeping it from sucking to the extreme... think of it as only sucking halfway... but i really started to notice that it is allot of the people that are actually educated on what is going on and why things are wrong in the country that do not vote... lets all get in there and vote... who cares about if it totally works out... at least you tried... and usually people give their employees short days or extended lunches to go vote... take advantage of it... do some research online... hell, if you want, respond and let me know whats up.. i will attending a couple of antirepublicatan parties in the NYC area coming up as well as the protest for the RNC coming here...
it is amazing how easy it is to register... i filled out the paper and stuck it in the mailbox (free of charge... no postage nessacary) and then in like a week i got my papers back... all done... that easy...

and by the way
Equality 7-2521 said:
fuck a vote. id prefer to just watch farinheight 911 again.
WHAT IS THAT ABOUT??? if you have even seen that movie once... that is all the more reason to vote... how many times can you sit on your lazy ass and watch that movie and not want to do something... if anybody hasn't seen that movie you should check it out... you got to see the whole thing... it is 2 hours out of your life, and allot of knowledge learned...

woah... what just happened... anyways... please let all that sink in, i hope it made sense... just be glad i wasn't there in person speaking... typing kinda makes me say a bit less...


(had to throw that in there)


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
I am registered and I vote in Texas, home state of Dubya. I did not vote for him in the last election. Yes it is true that the electoral college can choose whether or not to vote in line with the people's choice. I am in a quandary in this election however. Last time I voted green party for three reasons 1. Although i am registered Dem, idealistically i side with the greens.2. i desperately wanted the greens to garner 12 % of the votes in order to become an equal third party for this election. 3. Texans are idiots and will vote texas republican despite the person's character.

This time nader and green have split, but kerry sucks almost as hard as bush.


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
I would like to say, that's i'm happy to see this type of thread started in our forum... it's nice to see everyone is very well rounded....

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
no disrespect to the catz that said "too many people have died" and all that... thats all well and fine... but most of it is an illusion... like i said... joe blow votin democrat in a state that allways votes democrat isnt being counted because of the electoral college... and as far as voting just for the sake of the "privlidge" and writing your name in the ballot or for some no name cat is A WASTE OF TIME... it aint doin nothin... the system is not a real democracy because the democrat and republican candidates are given millions of dollars in tax payer money as well as millions more in donations ... no one will ever be able to compete with that.... again i might even vote this time, but dont believe it is something it aint... and NOT EVERYONES VOTES COUNT


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
helix said:

this is gettin kinda violent.

You gotta be 18 to vote right?

no man not really......not violent.........its just people talking and thats a good thing
and thats one of the reasons michael moore did his movie
to get people talking
im not sayin that was his main reason but def good when people talk and dont stay quiet

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
i voted in 2002 when i turned 18... i voted for governor of new york state... thomas leighton of the marijuana reform party... if he got 50,000 votes his party would have been automatically on the ballot for years to come... promoting discussion about legalizing marijuana... he didnt even come close... i'm sure in new york state there are probably a million people who are of voting age and smoke marijuana regularly... but he couldnt even get 50,000 votes... it was dissapointing...

i dunno if im votin in this one or not... prolly gonna cast a vote for nader if hes runnin... in general im against politics... i hate people who get really involved in it... seriously... these conventions are hilarious... im just gonna buy lots of guns and ammo and hope for the best...