Who is Hip Hop a Way of Life to?

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Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
ok it's not just about the music but it's also not a life style.....A culture was started off of Hip Hop and if you look at it , it really is music...No disrespect to you Barock and million .........But the hip hop culture is barely getting by and the hip hop way of life is deffinently going to pass


ill o.g.
yeah, maybe in NY, but not avery area is so whack, that they forget their roots


ill o.g.
Originally posted by Barock
cause it's not only 'bout "just hte music" it's much more....
like i said before -- explain yourself -- and i really believe you have misunderstood what i originally said


I think Hip Hop is an expression to view life. You look through the eyes of the DJ and make decisions from the rationality of the producer. You ask from the lyrics of the rapper and answer through the cover of the microphone.