Which DAW do you use?

  • beat this! results coming in...


Battle Points: 206
All this week I've been diving into Ableton and from what I've learned it's really powerful! For those that have used it for a while, what's your process like?

Dont know how to explain it since I have not delve into any other DAW's like Ableton.
But Ableton looks simpler compared to other DAW's.
As far as my workflow, I sample sounds using Sampler"\ then use a Drum Rack to chop Samples up and use another for drums.

Simplicity is what drove me to it.
ill o.g.
I use Reason 9.5 to make beats and what not..Lately I'll import my stems into Studio One 3 Pro and get a nice mix. Both are great DAW's for different reasons :)


i use Maschine software ,Ableton live suite with the push 2 , studio one to mix and master and reaper
Battle Points: 9
I started off using FL 8 and up but this year I've been using Mashine. The software works ... it is missing some things i would like to see but overall I cant complain it does have a great sound engine.


Legitness Productions
I'm using reaper right now, it's the only daw I've really tried besides garageband on iPhone. Been making Beats for about 3 years now. Slowly learning and teaching myself. I like making old school type beats and also make edm electronic stuff but I like the classic old school stuff, I want to learn how to sample better and chop my samples better like legit boom bap style.


used reason and fl, never got comfortable with them. Started with ableton lite (came with a couple controllers i bought). After a few months i got very comfortable very quickly, upgraded to standard. I'm now using the suite alongside an original push, extremely happy with it.
The push in its own right completely streamlined my workflow, from drums to automation and beyond.
Im still using reason 5. I know right? Do mixing in cubase and still use acid pro to get a remix started quickly with reason. Used pro tools and a few others, always feel most comfortable with reason as I know it like the back of my hand and my workflow is super fast. Never did get my head around fruity loops, but had to use it recently to get some old beats from another producer tracked out and mixed properly. I think I could use any daw really, they all do the same things, I just dont like to spend months learning a new daw. But when you have to, you have to.


I started off using Reason Propellerhead and still uses it.
I tried FL Studio but I can't really dig it.
I heard Albeton is really good and user friendly.
I tried Pro Tools and like it.

Which Daw do you guys/gals use? No Particular reason, I just want to know what everyone like to use. :cool:
started with a asr x sampler , from there acid pro with Frutiy , then reason 5 and now i use ableton suite , with push 2 , studio one for mixing and mastering , and Maschine now and then


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Don't laugh... but GarageBand '11. Had my eye on Logic for a while, and hear Ableton is good... Ableton Lite came with my audio interface, but never tried it out...

If GarageBand works for you, then by all means. Why would anyone laugh at you making music with something you're comfortable with?

FL Studio for me, since version 2.5....when it was still called Fruityloops. I do have Maschine, and I dabble in that on occasion, but FL is my go-to for everything, these days.


Started doing all my work in Maschine when I first started making beats.. Then as my needs grew for automation, arrangement, audio manipulation I took on Ableton Live.

Anybody use trackers back in the day..? ;)


Im using FL Studio as my DAW and also Maschine with it , exporting from Maschine into FL, i also have used Ableton and Reason but came back to FL because i know the workflow better and im faster with it.


Battle Points: 42
I've been a Propellerhead user since Reason4 first came out. ProTools7 and I've been upgrading both to current. I've tried many others and understood the pro's n con's but not enough to switch. But truthfully when I started producing, I used a double deck karaoke and a Casio. recorded drums, then added a tape for additional track for a guitar then switch tapes and dub melodies, repeated process till I had a song...was very hissy but I loved it. That was 22yrs ago, and I'm still waiting for my white hairs.