Whats up

ill o.g.
Whats up everybody. My name is Jack, and I just want to say Illmuzik is the best website on the internet. From my 1st day up until now, this site has provided me with all the info I have ever need to produce. I have been making trackz since 1996. I hope to one day compete in the Beat This! Comp. Hey, may the best man or women win. Holla at ya dude.
ill o.g.
wassup part 2

Sorry for the limited posting. My internet connection kinda sucks.


Studiophile1234 said:
Whats up everybody. My name is Jack, and I just want to say Illmuzik is the best website on the internet. From my 1st day up until now, this site has provided me with all the info I have ever need to produce. I have been making trackz since 1996. I hope to one day compete in the Beat This! Comp. Hey, may the best man or women win. Holla at ya dude.
I'm in the same boat, I hope to one day compete, and yes may the best man or woman win, Best of luck