What's the worst wound you ever received?


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
That was fucked up, Bastard. Funny though.

Here are the pictures of my war wounds... enjoy.

Below is my Toe... after it exploded.


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needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Here is my hand, after I stabbed myself. It's actually healed ALOT faster than I thought...


  • hand2.gif
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tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
aight, i've broken my jaw and wrist when i was really young while sledding. i couldn't stop and i fuckin hit a tree.

then i fell OUT of a tree a few years later and broke my elbow. fell from about 10-15 feet up and my elbow landed on a root that was stickin out of the ground.

later, i fell out of my TREE HOUSE. it was raining, and i slipped coming down, and fell about 10 feet i think, i kinda slipped and caught myself and then fell some more. so i wasn't going too fast luckily when i hit the bottom otherwise it coulda been some major damage. but there was this old rusty fence post that was bent over stickin outa the ground and it cut my ankle up. it's a pretty good sized scar.

i nailed myself in my face with a stick one time. you can read about this in this thread.

recently i just fucked up my ankle, nothin too bad, just a high sprain, but it fuckin sucks


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
Damn tricky what did you do to trees to make them hurt so damn bad shit hit a tree, fell out of a tree, sliped of of a tree house, then got hin the the face with a stick, damn wood must hate you, i wonder what metal does to yo ass


ill o.g.
i was run over by a truck (yeh a truck) a few years ago. i lost about 12 litres of blood, my heart stopped (was on life support for a bit) now i walk with a 'real' limp. after that i looked like a skeleton (went from about 80 kg to about 40 kg). hey kanye what are you complaining about !. think is altho i am classed as having a disability (physical) i still get more done than most dudes even with the pain and pain killers


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
damn a truck shit dude, what kind of truck was that, did they stop to help you or did they just ran ya ass over and kept going, shit man you blessed

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
damn dude you win hands down with the truck thing.

although i have been hit in by a car, but still managed to *limp* away

and i have had a brick thrown at my head (yes it did hit)...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
One time, i was skateboarding with my crew after a long session and i had a snapple bottle in my hand for refreshment afterwards.....We were jus rollin down the block at this point and all tired out. I decided to olli over a cardboard box and i made it and landed but right after i hit a snag on the other side of the box, (probably a little bitch ass rock)....So i end up pullin a superman full-fledge in the air and for some reason my hand wouldnt let go of the dam snapple bottle (reflexes i guess?)........So i ended up smashin into the concrete at full force with this glass bottle in my hand that literally popped into pieces when i hit the assfault.....So i get up and dust my self off and look down at my hand. I had a huge shard of the glass bottle stuck in my palm and blood was gushing out like a muthafuckin river!....I pulled tha fuckin glass out and more blood started gushin out, so i used my other hand and put pressure on it till i got home. There was so much blood that by the time i got home the blood had coagulated and my hands were stuck togther - it was sick. In the end it was a good day of skateboardin with one minor setback - about 6 stiches on my dam right hand!


ill o.g.

PFFFT! bunch of wussies, i got the ultimate injury..........................................................
.........................................Papercut with a parking ticket. Now THATS adding insult to injury ;o)


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
i died in may of 94


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
my worst pain ever was dislocated knee it fucking hurts and that have happend to me twice first back in greece while playing basketball for my high school and the second time was when i was tackled by accident really low while i was playing football for los angeles pierce college....

but i had one more really bad injury i was anoying my brother and he got pissed off and he stab me by accident with a screwdriver in my eyebrow and it was serious for my eye but i was only 8 or 9 and don't remember the pain :p


ill o.g.
4 plates in the face. 2 on the corners of both eyebrows, (the bone underneath is still jagged here) 1 under the left eye and 1 by my right nostril. Dislocated upper mandible which resulted in the wiring shut of my jaw. Head-on collision that was no fault of my own.
ill o.g.
I just got the end of my little finger cut off on friday night. My house i live in is bout 100 yeasrs old, so all the doors are crooked and sit, and the part that makes the door knob lock is ,mad sharp in every room.
Anyway thougfh, i was on my way out the room and my sister shut the door behiund me, but my finger werent out the door the whole way. I could feel the pain really travel up my arm and up to my head. Blood splatered across the room and shit, i had blooid drippin out like water. I look at my finger and its barely even still on. I could sit there and watch it, if that happened to somebody else, but it really makers you feel sick when its your owen hand. I was gettin mad woozy, and i opened my eyes and i couldnt see anything. I had to feel my way the phone barely bein able to see. I called up my boy to give m,e ride to the hospital. I said i was bout to pass out and he tells me not to cuz he wont be able to drag me to the car. So im siitin here, bout to pass out or throw up or go into shock or sonethin. He finally shows up and we get to the er and we go inside and they make me sit there for 15 minutes while my boy fillin out paper work and shit. I got a paperr towel gushin with blood.
So all they did mostly was give me some nice pills and wrapped up my hand and gave me some stitches. Im gonna be wearin this huge-ass bandage over half my hand for a couple weeks and they say i might never have the end of my little finger or a nail there if it doesnt healk proprly.

It doesnt hurt real bad until i sdtop takin my pills, so it aint that bad. But the shit fucked up my weeekrnd.

No lie. If i had a digital camera id show you some pics, but i dont.

BTW, im typoin with one hand and its my bad hand. thats why i keep fuckin up on my typing.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Loose Cannon said:
I just got the end of my little finger cut off on friday night. My house i live in is bout 100 yeasrs old, so all the doors are crooked and sit, and the part that makes the door knob lock is ,mad sharp in every room.
Anyway thougfh, i was on my way out the room and my sister shut the door behiund me, but my finger werent out the door the whole way. I could feel the pain really travel up my arm and up to my head. Blood splatered across the room and shit, i had blooid drippin out like water. I look at my finger and its barely even still on. I could sit there and watch it, if that happened to somebody else, but it really makers you feel sick when its your owen hand. I was gettin mad woozy, and i opened my eyes and i couldnt see anything. I had to feel my way the phone barely bein able to see. I called up my boy to give m,e ride to the hospital. I said i was bout to pass out and he tells me not to cuz he wont be able to drag me to the car. So im siitin here, bout to pass out or throw up or go into shock or sonethin. He finally shows up and we get to the er and we go inside and they make me sit there for 15 minutes while my boy fillin out paper work and shit. I got a paperr towel gushin with blood.
So all they did mostly was give me some nice pills and wrapped up my hand and gave me some stitches. Im gonna be wearin this huge-ass bandage over half my hand for a couple weeks and they say i might never have the end of my little finger or a nail there if it doesnt healk proprly.

It doesnt hurt real bad until i sdtop takin my pills, so it aint that bad. But the shit fucked up my weeekrnd.

No lie. If i had a digital camera id show you some pics, but i dont.

BTW, im typoin with one hand and its my bad hand. thats why i keep fuckin up on my typing.

that sucks man,,,sorry to hear that!


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
I just accidentally circumsized myself trying to remove a condom that was 2 sizes too small... it was a size L. Now, I'm down to 8 inches.... dammit!!!!!