What's Happening, Ill?


The Artisan
Poking around on the net looking for places to discover & share music info brought me here. The name of the site is very familiar, so I may have been a member some years ago. Any way...

I write & produce Hip Hop, R&B, Reggae & Rock music, but I'm coming off a 3 year hiatus. I'm taking this time to update my work flow, scaling down on hardware, doing more "in the box". So, despite having some experience, I have some learning to do as well.

Looking forward to exchanges!


Big Clit Energy


The Artisan
Welcome! You came to the right spot. I don't know if you were on years ago, do you have an idea of when?
I started recording in '04, and got serious around '07, so any time after that. My tag would've been the same, or maybe BezowinZ.