What's Everyones Age????????


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
ok so now i dont feel so old...man 28...waz that feel like...haha kiddin.....i'll b 30 and run the industry, fuk it...i dont care how old i am....i will run shyt 1 day
ill o.g.
damn, afrique, you mad young . . .

im 15, 16 in november, glad to see someone is younger than me (helix), nice to see someone my age . . .


I'm 25...but feel 30-35, especially when I go out to a club, I feel like a pervert with all these young broads, who's live evolve around their cell phone and all their friends are "just, like, TOTALLY awesome"...and a lot of these young Hip-Hip dudes think they rule the world and know everything, but really don't know jack shit...(no reference to anybody here, I'm talking about most of the cats I run into here in some connection). I remember when I was like that, when elder Hip-Hoppers were just senile, and I thought I knew everything...today I almost get emberassed when i think back and wish I had taken a listen...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Word Cope...I feel yer last comment....I aint like somebodies grandaddy, but theres a lot of younger cats makin hot beats on here and as far as how u feel about tha younger hiphop following that u run into out in tha club i totally relate...I used to feel tha same way too, but now its like things have jus changed....I feel like ive graduated a level...But yeah, i remember being like that too....embarassing it is....

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 285
Copenhagen said:
I'm 25...but feel 30-35, especially when I go out to a club, I feel like a pervert with all these young broads, who's live evolve around their cell phone and all their friends are "just, like, TOTALLY awesome"...and a lot of these young Hip-Hip dudes think they rule the world and know everything, but really don't know jack shit...(no reference to anybody here, I'm talking about most of the cats I run into here in some connection). I remember when I was like that, when elder Hip-Hoppers were just senile, and I thought I knew everything...today I almost get emberassed when i think back and wish I had taken a listen...

I'm 23 , and I feel exactly the same ahahahah


Haha, I let the joke go on a little too long, I'm actually turning 22 in April. I was gona say I was 38! Hehe.