What this Birther BS Really Means


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I wanna see his real SAT scores....

Leave the fucking president alone, already... What would they do after he serves his terms that he was born in another country? Would they find ANOTHER thing to blame the failing economy on?

At this point I would hire someone overseas... might as well....big corporations found huge success in doing that...lmao.
I dont give a fuck about Obamas birth certificate, well I shouldnt Im english, but what about GW's drunk driving arrest, the paperwork of which mysteriously disappeared, or his grandad that was found guilty of funding the nazis during WW2. Now thats a fucking issue. Or the war crimes commited by GW and Tony Blair, leading our countries into a illegal war against a sovereign state, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, in the name democracy that we dont even have ourselves.
The real shame is that there are so many ignorant fucks still in our so called civilised world, that these things can pass without a second glance.
Then theres the whole scandal of male prostitutes being allowed into the white house during GW's watch. Something Gannon, I forget the first name. Or the coverup of the homosexual sex parties involving members of both sides of the political spectrum.
I think there is so much more to worry about than the fucking birth certificate of a president that actually has more than two brain cells to rub together, and is more qualified to run a country than GW EVER was. And I would bet that most of these birthers would back GW to the hilt.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I don't wish any bad on anybody but I do want to see D. Trumps retribution for his mockery. Sometimes I wonder if victory is worth looking like an @$$ in the long run?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I wanna see Obama's Footlocker and Champs discount card goddammit! Lol

hahaha, skid ur a funny dude. lol.

@7th - Amen man! As a side note, I find it amazing how easy it is for a bullshit conspiracy theory like this thats rooted in hate to actually stay this elevated, for this long, simply because there's enough ignorant people to help it thrive. Kinda depressing IMO.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
hahaha, skid ur a funny dude. lol.

@7th - Amen man! As a side note, I find it amazing how easy it is for a bullshit conspiracy theory like this thats rooted in hate to actually stay this elevated, for this long, simply because there's enough ignorant people to help it thrive. Kinda depressing IMO.

I'd rather know part of our nation feels strongly enough about this to stand up and keep it entertained rather than to think ignorance has truly left. The proof of hate is all over the internet now. Theses people have no shame.

The worse part is, Trump said last week he has no desire to run for Pres., he just wanted some promo, and yet people still ran with him wholeheartedly.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Says alot about the mentality of our own people.

Exactly. Thats scares me. There will be another Civil Rights Era soon. And Martin nor Malcom are here


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I'd rather know part of our nation feels strongly enough about this to stand up and keep it entertained rather than to think ignorance has truly left. The proof of hate is all over the internet now. Theses people have no shame.

The worse part is, Trump said last week he has no desire to run for Pres., he just wanted some promo, and yet people still ran with him wholeheartedly.

I agree tho man, Im not speaking against that at all, Im simply saying its astounding that this issue has carried weight so easily for as long as it has.... As far as Trump goes, I guarantee that was all part of his strategy to maximize interest and keep people paying attention to his bullshit.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
The thing that kills me is people tend to fall for the okydoke everytime, even my own people. Dont forget the Clintons were the ones who originally started this BS during the campaign, and got the nerve to call Bill Clinton the first Black president GTFOH, and these racist backwash drinking inbread idiots eats this shit up. Lets just call it what it is, people even some blacks are still uncomfortable with having a Black man in the White House who has done more than ANY president to reside in office. It is what it is.

Also Donald Chump needs do something with that cotton candy on his head.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
The thing that kills me is people tend to fall for the okydoke everytime, even my own people. Dont forget the Clintons were the ones who originally started this BS during the campaign, and got the nerve to call Bill Clinton the first Black president GTFOH, and these racist backwash drinking inbread idiots eats this shit up. Lets just call it what it is, people even some blacks are still uncomfortable with having a Black man in the White House who has done more than ANY president to reside in office. It is what it is.

Also Donald Chump needs do something with that cotton candy on his head.

That's the thing, as soon as you lay it out in all honesty shit hits the fan and no one wants cop to it, but I totally agree...this is some straight racist bullshit.

Oh, and I like to call that cotton candy thing on his head an "onion-loaf"...lol.